Spring MVC basic usage

Keywords: Java Spring RESTful

Spring MVC overview

Spring MVC is a web framework based on MVC design concept officially provided by spring. (equivalent to Servlet)

Spring MVC is a framework for MVC control based on Servlet encapsulation. Realize the data interaction between the front end and the server.

Comparative advantages of Spring MVC and Servlet

  • Strictly abide by the idea of MVC layering
  • It adopts loose coupling and plug-in structure, which is more flexible and extensible than our encapsulated BaseServlet and other MVC frameworks.
  • Spring MVC is based on spring extensions and provides a complete set of MVC annotations
  • Spring MVC provides a variety of processing methods for data binding and view parsing, which can be configured flexibly
  • Spring MVC provides good support for RESTful and URL design methods

Spring MVC essential work

  • Receive and parse requests
  • Processing requests
  • Data rendering, responding to requests

Spring MVC framework deployment

1. Create Maven web project

2. Add dependency

  • junit
  • spring-context
  • spring-aspect
  • spring-jdbc
  • spring-web
  • spring-webmvc

3. Create Spring MVC configuration file

  • Create a file named spring-servlet.xml in the resources directory

  • Add MVC namespace

  • <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
        <context:component-scan base-package="com.ccl"/>
    <!--    statement MVC Using annotation driven-->

    4. Configure the front controller of spring MVC in web.xml

    Spring MVC provides a class called DispatcherServlet (spring MVC central processor, that is, front-end controller) to intercept user requests and submit them to spring MVC for processing

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee"

Static resource allocation

/*Difference between and / or

/*Intercept all HTTP requests, including. jsp requests, and map all requests to the request path of the controller class for processing

/Intercept all HTTP requests, excluding. jsp requests, but don't rest assured about static resource requests, html,css,js and pictures

Static resource release configuration

html,css,js, pictures, fonts, etc

<!--    Configure static resource release-->
    <mvc:resources mapping="/css/**" location="/css/"/>
    <mvc:resources mapping="/static/**" location="/static/"/>
    <mvc:resources mapping="/imges/**" location="/imges/" />

Spring MVC framework uses

In spring MVC, the class that receives and processes user requests is called a COntroller

Create controller

1. Create controller class
  • Create a package named com.ccl.controllers (the package needs to be within the scope of Spring annotation scanning)

  • Create BookCOntroller (no inheritance and implementation required)

  • Add the @ Controller annotation on the class to declare that this class is the Controller of spring MVC

  • Declare request path: @ RequestMaapping ("/ url") declares the request url of this controller class

  • @Controller
    public class BookController {
2. Define the method to process the request in the controller class
  • Multiple methods can be defined in a controller class to handle different requests

  • Add @ RequestMapping ("url") on each method to declare the url of the current method request

  • Annotations in front of class names can be omitted

  • @RequestMapping("/add")
    public void add(){
    public void list(){
  • http://localhost:8080/Spring/book/add
  • http://localhost:8080/Spring/book/list

The front end submits data to the controller class

Create front-end page jsp
  • The action attribute of the book-add.jsp form sets the combined path of the url of the controller class and the url of the corresponding method

  • <%--
      Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
      User: 13749
      Date: 2021/10/31
      Time: 17:22
      To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
        <h3>Add books</h3>
        <form action="/book/add" method="post">
            <p>Book Name:<input type="text"/></p>
            <p>Author:<input type="text"/></p>
            <p>Book price:<input type="text"/></p>
            <p><input type="submit" value="Submit"/></p>
Front end page submission data
Form submission
  • Form submission: the input box needs to provide the name attribute, and the spring MVC controller takes the value through the name attribute

  • <form action="book/add" method="post">
        <p>Book Name:<input type="text"/></p>
        <p>Author:<input type="text"/></p>
        <p>Book price:<input type="text"/></p>
        <p><input type="submit" value="Submit"/></p>
url submission
  • Hyperlink submission (url submission):

  • <a href="/book/add?bookName=java">URL Submit</a>
Ajax submission
  • Ajax submission: request line, request header and request body can be used to pass values

  • <input type="button" value="Submit" id="btn1"/><script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">    $("#BTN1 "). Click (function() {var obj = {}; obj.bookname =" Java "; obj.bookauthor =" Zhang San "; obj.bookprice = 3.33; $. Ajax ({URL:" book / add ", type:" post ", headers: {}, contenttype:" application / JSON ", data: Obj, success: function (RES) {               console.log(res)           }       })    });</script>

The controller receives the data submitted by the front end

Request line transfer value

  • Form submission
  • URL submission
  • $. ajax() request url value
  • . p o s t ( ) / .post()/ Value transfer of {} in. post()/.get()

@The RequestParam annotation is used to receive the data passed by the request line

  • Front end submission data
<form action="book/add" method="post">    <p>Book Name:<input type="text" name="bookName"/></p>    <p>Author:<input type="text" name="bookAuthor"/></p>    <p>Book price:<input type="text" name="bookPrice"/></p>    <p><input type="submit" value="Submit"/></p></form>
  • The controller receives data
@RequestMapping("/add")public void add(@RequestParam("bookName") String a ,                @RequestParam("bookAuthor") String b ,                @RequestParam("bookPrice") double c){    System.out.println("---BookAdding....");    System.out.println(a);    System.out.println(b);    System.out.println(c);}

If the parameter name of the controller method is the same as the front-end name, you do not need to write the @ RequestParam annotation

Request header value

  • ajax encapsulates request header data

  • $.ajax({	...	headers:{		},	.....})

    @The RequestHeader annotation is used to receive the data received by the request header:
    front end:

<h3>Ajax Submit</h3>    <input type="button" value="Submit" id="btn1"/>    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>    <script type="text/javascript">        $("#BTN1 "). Click (function() {var obj = {}; obj.bookname =" Java "; obj.bookauthor =" Zhang San "; obj.bookprice = 3.33; $. Ajax ({URL:" book / list ", type:" post ", headers: {token:" qwer "}, / / contenttype: "application/json",               // data:obj,               success:function (res){                   console.log(res)               }           })        });    </script>

Back end:

@RequestMapping("list")public void list(@RequestHeader("token") String token){    System.out.println("--BookListing....");    System.out.println(token);}

The request header and the value transmitted by the request line can be received at the same time

Request body value

  • ajax encapsulates request body data

  • $.ajax({               url:"book/update",               type:"post",               contentType:"application/json",               data: s ,               success:function (res){                   console.log(res)               }

@The RequestBody annotation is used to receive the data passed by the request body

@The RequestBody converts the JSON format data submitted by the front-end request into Java objects, relying on the jackson package

  • front end

  • <script type="text/javascript">    $("#BTN1 "). Click (function() {var obj = {}; obj.bookname =" Java "; obj.bookauthor =" Zhang San "; obj.bookprice = 3.33; VAR s = json.stringify (obj); / / convert the object to JSON format console.log (s); $. Ajax ({URL:" book / update ", type:" post ", contentType:" application/JSON“ , data: s, / / if the value of data is JSON format string, contentType must be set to "application/JSON" success: function (RES) {console. Log (RES)}})}); < / script >
  • <dependency>  <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId>  <artifactId>jackson-databind</artifactId>  <version>2.12.1</version></dependency>
  • controller:

  • public void update (@RequestBody Book book){       System.out.println("----book update ");       System.out.println(book);   }

The controller responds to the front end request

The controller responds to the synchronization request

Synchronization request: form, hyperlink

  • The return type of the method processing the synchronization request is defined as String or ModelAndVIew

    • The return type is String:

    • Request forwarding

      @RequestMapping("/add")public String add(@RequestParam("bookName") String a ,                        @RequestParam("bookAuthor") String b ,                        @RequestParam("bookPrice") double c){    System.out.println("---BookAdding....");    System.out.println(a);    System.out.println(b);    System.out.println(c);    return "/tips.jsp";}


      @RequestMapping("/add")public String add(@RequestParam("bookName") String a ,                        @RequestParam("bookAuthor") String b ,                        @RequestParam("bookPrice") double c){    System.out.println("---BookAdding....");    System.out.println(a);    System.out.println(b);    System.out.println(c);    return "redirect:/tips.jsp";}
    • Return type is ModelAndView:

    • Request forwarding

    • @RequestMapping("/add")public ModelAndView add(@RequestParam("bookName") String a ,                        @RequestParam("bookAuthor") String b ,                        @RequestParam("bookPrice") double c){    System.out.println("---BookAdding....");    System.out.println(a);    System.out.println(b);    System.out.println(c);    ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("/tips.jsp");    return modelAndView;}


      @RequestMapping("/add")public ModelAndView add(@RequestParam("bookName") String a ,                        @RequestParam("bookAuthor") String b ,                        @RequestParam("bookPrice") double c){    System.out.println("---BookAdding....");    System.out.println(a);    System.out.println(b);    System.out.println(c);    ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("redirect:/tips.jsp");    return modelAndView;}

The controller responds to asynchronous requests

Asynchronous requests: ajax requests

  • The first method: use the output stream in response to respond (the return type is void)

    • Add the HttpServletResponse parameter to the method

    • In the method, the output stream is obtained through response, and the stream is used for response

       @RequestMapping("/update")    public void update (@RequestBody Book book , HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {        System.out.println("----book update ");        System.out.println(book);        //Use ObjectMapper to convert objects to JSON format strings string s = new ObjectMapper(). Writevalueasstring (Book); response. SetCharacterEncoding ("UTF-8"); printwriter out = response. Getwriter(); out. Flush(); out. Close();}
  • The second way: directly return the response object in the controller method

    • The return type of the controller return method is set to the object type that responds to the ajax request

    • Add the @ ResponseBody annotation in front of the controller method to convert the returned object into a JSON response to the ajax request

    • @RequestMapping("/update")@ResponseBodypublic List<Book> update ()  {    System.out.println("----book update ");    List<Book> books = new ArrayList<Book>();    books.add(new Book(1,"java","Zhang San",2.33));    books.add(new Book(2,"C++","Li Si",56.0));    for (Book book1 : books) {        System.out.println(book1 );    }    return books;}

Data transfer by controller in response to synchronization request

For the forwarding response of synchronization request, we can pass parameters to the forwarded page

  • The return type is String:

  • 1. Define a parameter of type Model in the controller method

  • 2. Before the return page, if you want to add a key value pair to the model, the added key value pair will be passed to the forwarding page

    @RequestMapping("/add2")public String add(String bookName,String 				bookAuthor,String bookPrice , Model model){        System.out.println("---BookAdding2....");        //It is equivalent to the request object model. AddAttribute ("key1", "value1"); Model. AddAttribute ("key2", new book (1, "Java", "Zhang San", 9.93)); return "/tips.jsp";}
  • In addition to passing values using the Model, you can also use the HttpServletRequest object

  • @RequestMapping("/add3")public String add3(String bookName,String bookAuthor,String bookPrice ,HttpServletRequest request){    System.out.println("---BookAdding2....");    //It is equivalent to the request object request.setattribute ("key1", "value1"); Request. SetAttribute ("key2", new book (1, "Java", "Zhang San", 9.93)); return "/tips.jsp";}
  • Return type ModelAndView

  • @RequestMapping("/add4")public ModelAndView add3(String bookName,String bookAuthor,String bookPrice ){    System.out.println("---BookAdding2....");    ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("/tips.jsp");    modelAndView.addObject("key","modelling1");    modelAndView.addObject("book",new Book(1,"C++","Mr.Cao",99.0));    return modelAndView;}

Solve the problem of Chinese garbled code

Front page

  • jsp page

    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" pageEncoding="UTF-8" %>
  • html page

<meta charset="UTF-8">

Set server code

  • tomcat/conf/server.xml

  • <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
    		   redirectPort="8443" URIEncoding="UTF-8" />

Set the encoding method of SpingMVC

Coding filter

  • Configure spring MVC encoding filter in web.xml

  • <!--  Coding filter-->
          <!--Set the encoding format to utf-8-->
    <!--    Mandatory encoding is utf-8-->

Posted by ericcampbell30 on Mon, 01 Nov 2021 03:54:30 -0700