This paper uses Spring cloud as 2.1.8 RELEASE, version=Greenwich.SR3
This paper is based on the implementation of the first two articles, eureka-server, eureka-client, eureka-ribbon and spring-gateway. Reference resources
Spring Cloud Stream is a framework for building message-driven microservices.It connects message proxy middleware and implements message event-driven microservice applications by using Spring Integration.Spring Cloud Stream provides personalized automated configuration implementations for some vendor's messaging middleware products, and introduces three core concepts: publish-subscribe, consumer group, and message partitioning.Simply put, Spring Cloud Stream is essentially a combination of Spring Boot and Spring Integration, which implements a lightweight message-driven micro-service framework.
1. Create a Spring Cloud Stream application: spring-cloud-stream
1.1 Increase pom dependency
<dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka</artifactId> </dependency>
1.2 Configure application.yml file
spring: application: name: spring-cloud-stream cloud: stream: kafaka: binder: brokers: #kafaka service address zk-noeds: #zk service address auto-create-topics: true bindings: output: #output provided by stream default destination: stream-kafaka #Destination to which messages are sent content-type: text/plain #Message sending format. Receiver does not specify a format, but sender does. server: port: 1000
1.3 Create Message Sending Service: KafakaSendService
package; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import; import; @EnableBinding(Source.class) public class KafakaSendService { @Autowired private Source source; public void sendMsg(String msg) { source.output().send(MessageBuilder.withPayload(msg).build()); } }
1.4 Create call message Controller:KafakaProducerController
This KafakaProducerController is for easy demonstration
package; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; @RestController public class KafakaProducerController { @Autowired private KafakaSendService kafakaSendService; @RequestMapping("/send/{msg}") public void send(@PathVariable String msg) { kafakaSendService.sendMsg(msg); } }
1.5 Modify eureka-ribbon application
1.5.1 Increases pom dependence
<dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka</artifactId> </dependency>
1.5.2 application.yml Add Configuration
spring: cloud: stream: kafka: binder: brokers: auto-create-topics: true bindings: input: destination: stream-kafaka
1.5.3 New message processing class: RecieceService
package; import; import; import; @EnableBinding(Sink.class) public class RecieceService { @StreamListener(Sink.INPUT) public void recieve(Object payload) { System.out.println(payload); } }
1.6 Start Services
Start the services of the eureka-server, eureka-client, eureka-ribbon, spring-cloud-stream application in sequence, then visit http://localhost:1000/send/maomao, and look at the console of eureka-ribbon to see as follows:
Prove that eureka-ribbon has received the message.
1.7 Summary
So far, a simple kafaka application for Spring Cloud Stream has been built using Stream's default Source and Ink methods.
Spring Cloud Stream involves a lot of content, here is a simple implementation, so the "spring cloud 2.x version of the Small White Series Tutorial" has ended. The purpose of this small white series of tutorials is to give you a preliminary understanding and understanding of Spring cloud. In the future, I will update the advanced Spring cloud tutorial here. Please look forward to it and thank your friends.Support, thank you!!!
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<center><font color=red> Srping Cloud 2.X Small White Tutorial directory</font></center>
- Spring cloud version 2.x Eureka Server service registry tutorial
- Spring cloud version 2.x Eureka Client service provider tutorial
- Spring cloud version 2.x Ribbon service discovery tutorial (with integrated Hystrix fusing mechanism)
- Spring cloud version 2.x Feign service discovery tutorial (with integrated Hystrix fusing mechanism)
- Spring cloud version 2.x Zuul Routing Gateway tutorial
- Spring cloud version 2.x config distributed configuration center tutorial
- Spring cloud version 2.x Hystrix Dashboard circuit breaker tutorial
- Spring cloud version 2.x Gateway routing gateway tutorial
- spring cloud 2.x Gateway Custom Filters Tutorial
- spring cloud 2.x Gateway Fusing, Current Limiting Tutorial
- spring cloud 2.x Gateway Dynamic Routing Tutorial
- spring cloud 2.x Sleuth+Zipkin Distributed Link Tracking
- Spring cloud version 2.x Sleuth+Zipkin Distributed Link Tracking Supplement (rabbitmq log collection)
- Spring Cloud Stream Message Driven Components Basic Tutorial (kafaka)
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