Spring Cloud Spring Boot mybatis Cloud Architecture RESTful API unit testing

Keywords: Spring Java

The following test cases are written for the Controller to verify the correctness, as follows. Of course, Request Submission validation can also be done through browser plug-ins and so on.

@SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = MockServletContext.class) 
public class ApplicationTests { 
	private MockMvc mvc; 
	public void setUp() throws Exception { 
		mvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(new UserController()).build(); 
	public void testUserController() throws Exception { 
        // Test UserController 
		RequestBuilder request = null; 
		// 1. get checks the list of user s, which should be empty 
		request = get("/users/"); 
		// 2. post submits a user 
		request = post("/users/") 
				.param("id", "1") 
				.param("name", "Test master") 
				.param("age", "20"); 
		// 3. get the list of user s, which should have the data just inserted 
		request = get("/users/"); 
				.andExpect(content().string(equalTo("[{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Test master\",\"age\":20}]"))); 
		// 4. user whose put is modified to id 1 
		request = put("/users/1") 
				.param("name", "Testing Ultimate Master") 
				.param("age", "30"); 
		// 5. get a user with id 1 
		request = get("/users/1"); 
				.andExpect(content().string(equalTo("{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Testing Ultimate Master\",\"age\":30}"))); 
		// 6. Delete user with id 1 
		request = delete("/users/1"); 
		// 7. get checks the user list, which should be empty 
		request = get("/users/"); 

So far, by introducing the web module (without any other configuration), we can easily take advantage of Spring MVC's function and complete the creation of RESTful API for User objects and the writing of unit tests with very simple code. At the same time, some of the most commonly used core annotations in Spring MVC are introduced. @Controller RestController,RequestMapping, and annotations for parameter binding: @PathVariable,@ModelAttribute,@RequestParam, etc. Source Source Technology Support for Complete Project 1791743380

Posted by x1nick on Sun, 03 Feb 2019 22:03:17 -0800