Spring cloud gateway routing, assertion, filtering

Keywords: Spring WebFlux Netty Java

Gateway introduction

What is it?

There is a very important component in the Spring Cloud family bucket: gateway. In the 1.x version, Zuul gateway is used, but in the 2.x version, Spring Cloud has developed a set of gateway components: Spring Cloud Gateway because Zuul's upgrade keeps skipping tickets.

Based on Spring Boot 2.x, Spring WebFlux and Project Reactor, Spring Cloud Gateway uses the reactor Netty responsive programming component in Webflux, and the underlying layer uses the Netty communication framework.

See: Official website

What can I do?

Reverse proxy


flow control


Log monitoring


The location of gateway in microservice architecture

Three concepts of Gateway

Route: route is the basic module of building gateway. It consists of ID, target URI, a series of assertions and filters. If the assertion is true, the route will be matched

Predicate: refer to java.util.function.Predicate in Java 8. Developers can match everything in an HTTP request (such as a request header or a request parameter) and route if the request matches an assertion

Filter: refers to the instance of GatewayFilter in the Spring framework. Using the filter, you can modify the request before or after it is routed


Clients make requests to Spring Cloud Gateway. If the Gateway Handler Mapping determines that a request matches a route, it is sent to the Gateway Web Handler. This handler runs the request through a filter chain that is specific to the request. The reason the filters are divided by the dotted line is that filters can run logic both before and after the proxy request is sent. All "pre" filter logic is executed. Then the proxy request is made. After the proxy request is made, the "post" filter logic is run.

The client sends a request to the Spring Cloud Gateway. If the gateway handler mapping determines that the request matches the route, it is sent to the gateway Web handler. The handler runs the request through a request specific filter chain. The reason filters are separated by dashed lines is that they can run logic before and after sending proxy requests. All "pre" filter logic is executed, and then a proxy request is issued. After the proxy request is issued, the "post" filter logic will run.

Summary: route forwarding + execution filter chain

Two configurations

Profile mode

Take Baidu news for example, add the following configuration

  port: 9527
    name: cloud-gateway9527
        - id: news						# Routing id
          uri: http://news.baidu.com ා real call address
            - Path=/guonei				# Assertion, routing according to rules

Although the browser enters localhost: 9527 / GUI, it will forward it to the specified address

Coding method

New profile

public class GatewayConfig {
    public RouteLocator routes(RouteLocatorBuilder builder) {
        return builder.routes()
                .route("news2", r -> r.path("/guoji").uri("http://news.baidu.com"))


Dynamic routing

When enabled, by default, the Gateway will create a dynamic route based on the service list registered by the registry and the path of the microservice name on the registry, so as to realize the function of dynamic route

          enabled: true #Enable the function of dynamically creating routes from the registry, and use the microservice name to route
        - id: payment_routh1
          #uri: http://localhost:8001 ා static, address is written dead, only one service can be called
          uri: lb://Group-payment-service ා dynamic, lb: / / microservice name
            - Path=/payment/get/**
        - id: payment_routh2
          #uri: http://localhost:8001
          uri: lb://CLOUD-PAYMENT-SERVICE
            - Path=/payment/lb/**

Use of Predicate

Time related configuration

After: route after the specified time

Before: route before the specified time

Between: route between specified times

    - Path=/payment/lb/**
    #- After=2020-04-25T16:30:58.215+08:00[Asia/Shanghai]
    #- Before=2020-04-25T16:40:58.215+08:00[Asia/Shanghai]
    - Between=2020-04-25T16:35:58.215+08:00[Asia/Shanghai],2020-04-25T16:40:58.215+08:00[Asia/Shanghai]

The time format of the above configuration can be obtained through the following code

public void test(){
    ZonedDateTime now = ZonedDateTime.now();

Request related configuration


Configuration Description: [Cookie=cookie name, regular expression rule of cookie value]

  - Path=/payment/lb/**
  - Cookie=id, [0-9]

Using curl tool to simulate sending requests with cookie s


Configuration Description: [Header=header name, regular expression rule of header value]

  - Path=/payment/lb/**
  - Header=h, [a-h]


Configuration Description: [Host = Host name (multiple can be configured or wildcard can be used)]

  - Path=/payment/lb/**
  - Host=**.a.com,**.b.cn


Configuration Description: [Method = request type]

  - Path=/payment/lb/**
  - Method=GET


Configuration Description: [Path = request Path]

  - Path=/payment/lb/**


Configuration Description: [Query = parameter name, parameter value]

  - Path=/payment/lb/**
  - Query=name, zhangsan

See: Official website

Use of Filter

  • Life cycle: pre, post
  • Category: GatewayFilter, GlobalFilter

GatewayFilter has dozens of official documents! For detailed configuration, please refer to Official website , which mainly introduces the custom global filter.

public class MyGlobalFilter implements GlobalFilter, Ordered {
    public Mono<Void> filter(ServerWebExchange exchange, GatewayFilterChain chain) {
        String username = exchange.getRequest().getQueryParams().getFirst("username");
        //Error response when user name is empty
        if (username == null) {
            log.info("User name is empty, illegal login");
            return exchange.getResponse().setComplete();
        return chain.filter(exchange);

    public int getOrder() {
        return 0;

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Posted by mk_silence on Sat, 25 Apr 2020 21:19:31 -0700