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(1) Demand
There are three roles: student and teacher, super administrator. Teachers can edit student information, competition results and so on. Ordinary students can only query scores and modify their own information when they log in. Super administrators can operate everything when they log in, and there is only one, which can not be deleted.
Note that the database design of this system does not consider the index, strictly speaking, the query field needs to be indexed.
Five tables need to be created first.
- The student list contains some basic information about the students.
- The score sheet contains the results of every student's every sport.
- The teacher's table contains some information about the teacher.
- The basic data table contains some data types, such as what sports events, which user types, which states, and so on.
- Log table, record system operation log, log-in and log-out, registration audit, information editing, score editing and so on.
The registration of students requires the approval of teachers before they can log in.
Teachers can manage student information, edit student scores, basic data sheets, while students can only view results and information.
(2) Database Modeling
Student list
drop table if exists student; /*==============================================================*/ /* Table: student */ /*==============================================================*/ create table student ( id bigint(40) not null auto_increment comment 'id', name varchar(40) default NULL comment 'Full name', password varchar(40) default NULL comment 'Password md5 encryption', code varchar(40) default NULL comment 'Student ID', birthday date default NULL comment 'Date of birth', sex tinyint(2) default 1 comment 'Gender (1: male; 2: female)', nation varchar(40) default NULL comment 'Nation', college varchar(40) default NULL comment 'college', major varchar(40) default NULL comment 'major', nationality varchar(40) default NULL comment 'nationality', entrance_date date default NULL comment 'Date of enrollment', student_type tinyint(2) default 2 comment 'Student type (corresponding to basic data table) type=2)', identity varchar(18) default NULL comment 'ID', phone varchar(20) default NULL comment 'Telephone', native_place varchar(40) default NULL comment 'Native place', status tinyint(4) default 1 comment 'Status (corresponding to the underlying data table) type=3)', primary key (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
Score sheet
drop table if exists score; /*==============================================================*/ /* Table: score */ /*==============================================================*/ create table score ( id bigint(40) not null auto_increment comment 'id', student_id bigint(40) not null comment 'Student id', project tinyint(4) default NULL comment 'Competition events (corresponding basic data sheet) type=1)', score decimal(5) default NULL comment 'Fraction', ranking smallint(5) default NULL comment 'ranking', unit varchar(40) default NULL comment 'Company', teacher_id bigint(40) not null comment 'Teacher id', update_time datetime default NULL comment 'Update time', remark varchar(40) default NULL comment 'Remarks', primary key (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
Teacher list
drop table if exists teacher; /*==============================================================*/ /* Table: teacher */ /*==============================================================*/ create table teacher ( id bigint(40) not null auto_increment comment 'id', name varchar(40) default NULL comment 'Full name', password varchar(40) default NULL comment 'Password md5 encryption', code varchar(20) default NULL comment 'Teacher number', birthday date default NULL comment 'Date of birth', sex tinyint(4) default 1 comment 'Gender (1: male; 2: female)', phone varchar(20) default NULL comment 'Telephone', identity varchar(17) default NULL comment 'ID', nation varchar(20) default NULL comment 'Nation', nationality varchar(20) default NULL comment 'nationality', native_place varchar(20) default NULL comment 'Native place', major varchar(20) default NULL comment 'Teacher subject', entrance_date date default NULL comment 'Arrival time', remark varchar(40) default NULL comment 'Remarks', primary key (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
Basic Data Table
drop table if exists basic_data; /*==============================================================*/ /* Table: basic_data */ /*==============================================================*/ create table basic_data ( type smallint(10) not null comment 'Basic data types', name varchar(50) default NULL comment 'Base type name', basic_code varchar(50) not null comment 'Basic data No.', basic_name varchar(50) default NULL comment 'Basic Number Name', primary key (type, basic_code) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
Initialization dataLog table
drop table if exists log; /*==============================================================*/ /* Table: log */ /*==============================================================*/ create table log ( id bigint(40) not null auto_increment comment 'id', content varchar(40) default NULL comment 'Log content', type tinyint(2) default NULL comment 'Log type (corresponding to underlying data table) type=4)', person_id bigint(40) comment 'Corresponding personnel ID', person_name varchar(40) default NULL comment 'Corresponding Personnel Name', log_time datetime default NULL comment 'Log time', remark varchar(40) default NULL comment 'Remarks', primary key (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
Finally, export sql script and import it into Navicat. The sql script will be submitted to the git backend db directory.
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