spring boot requests rest Service

Keywords: Spring REST

The spring boot environment is not built much, and the code is direct

To configure

Add the following configuration to the startup class

    private RestTemplateBuilder builder;

	// Use RestTemplateBuilder to instantiate the RestTemplate object. spring has injected RestTemplateBuilder by default
	public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
		return builder.build();

Next, RestTemplate is injected into the controller class

  private RestTemplate restTemplate;

Code testing

Let's take a look at the entity classes used for testing

public class Device {

    private Integer id;

    private String type;

    private String manufactor;  //Manufacturer

    @JsonFormat(shape=JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss+0800",timezone = "GMT+8:00")
    private Date registerTime;


The following is a detailed call for adding, deleting, modifying and querying. The previous path variable is that I set a rest path, which is modified by myself

        Query a device information
    public String getDevice(@PathVariable int id){
        String forObject = restTemplate.getForObject(path+"/device/"+ id +"?at=asILk9y2JB4bxh311DIKMr2Oaif1L6pn", String.class);
        return forObject;
        Add device post request
    public String addDevice(@Valid Device device){
        Device body = restTemplate.postForEntity(path+"/device?at=asILk9y2JB4bxh311DIKMr2Oaif1L6pn",
                device, Device.class).getBody();
        return body.toString();

    public String updateDevice(@Valid Device device){
        restTemplate.put(path+"/cxf/device/"+ device.getId() +"?at=asILk9y2JB4bxh311DIKMr2Oaif1L6pn",device);
        return "Modified success";

    public String delDevice(@PathVariable int id){
       restTemplate.delete(path+"/device/"+ id +"?at=asILk9y2JB4bxh311DIKMr2Oaif1L6pn");
        return "Delete successful";

Configuration of postman request parameters

LZ uses the postman test. By the way, paste the parameter settings of post request and put request. There are many forms. I just chose one randomly

put request

post request

The headers settings are the same for LZ2 requests

Posted by Apenvolkje on Sun, 09 Feb 2020 07:19:40 -0800