Calling the Dialog component of van t is very cool, so I want to implement one myself~
Because of project compatibility, ES6 is not used
(1) The renderings are as follows:
(2) Configurable parameters: icon, content, whether to disappear automatically, whether to display the bottom button area, and button callback function
(3) Component code
var pconfirm = Vue.extend({ template: '\ <transition name="fade">\ <div v-show="isShowFlag">\ <div class="com-comfirm">\ <div class="com-comfirm-content">\ <div class="com-comfirm-icon-wrap">\ <img :src="icon" alt="">\ </div>\ <div class="com-comfirm-desc">\ {{desc}}\ </div>\ </div>\ <div class="com-comfirm-foot" v-show="!autoDisappear">\ <div class="com-comfirm-cancel" v-show="cancelShow" @click="handleCancel">cancel</div>\ <div @click="handleSure">Determine</div>\ </div>\ </div>\ <div class="my-mask"></div>\ </div>\ </transition>', data: function () { return { isShowFlag: false, //Show dialog box or not icon: '', //Icon desc: '', //Explanatory text cancelShow: false, //Show cancel button or not autoDisappear: true //Whether to disappear automatically } }, methods: { initData: function (_data, _methods) { var that = this; this.isShowFlag = false; this.icon = ''; this.desc = ''; this.cancelShow = false; this.autoDisappear = true; Object.assign(this.$data, _data); Object.assign(this, _methods); if (this.autoDisappear) { setTimeout(function () { that.hide(); }, 2000); } }, handleSure: function () { this.sure && this.sure(); this.hide(); }, handleCancel: function () { this.cancel && this.cancel(); this.hide(); }, show: function () { this.isShowFlag = true; }, hide: function () { this.isShowFlag = false; } } });
(IV) plug in code
var Pconfirm = {}; Pconfirm.install = function (Vue, options) { var confirmObj; var initInstance = function () { confirmObj = new pconfirm(); var component = confirmObj.$mount(); document.getElementById('app').appendChild(component.$el); }; = function (_option) { if (!confirmObj) { initInstance(); } var data = {}, methods = {}; for (var key in _option) { if (typeof _option[key] === 'function') { methods[key] = _option[key]; } else { data[key] = _option[key]; } } confirmObj.initData(data, methods);; }; };
(V) use code
Vue.use(Pconfirm);{ icon: "./img/qt6.png", desc: "OK" });{ icon: "./img/qt5.png", desc: "Error, Try Again", cancelShow: true, autoDisappear: false, sure: function() { console.log("You clicked ok"); }, cancel: function() { console.log("You clicked Error"); } });
(VI) for the complete code, see: