Show you Optional

Keywords: Java java8 optional


  • 1. The biggest highlight of JDK8 is the introduction of Optional class to solve NPE (NullPointerException)
  • 2. The Alibaba development manual also recommends the use of the Optional class to prevent NPE
  • 3. To sum up, solving NPE is the function of the Optional class and a highlight of JDK8

Optional Preview

  • 1. Declaration of the Optional class
    • 1) It is declared final, that is, it cannot be inherited
    • 2) Use generic T, which specifies the type of object contained in option
    public final class Optional<T>
  • 2. Important properties of the Optional class
    • 1) The value of the final type is the Optional containing object, where T is the type specified through the generic type when creating the Optional
    • 2) The global static constant EMPTY calls the parameterless construction of the Optional class, where the representative value is set to null
    private final T value;

	private static final Optional<?> EMPTY = new Optional<>();
  • 3. Construction method of Optional class
    • It can be seen that the two construction methods of Optional are declared as private, which means that the external world cannot create Optional objects through new, that is, they are generally used internally
    private Optional() {
        this.value = null;

    private Optional(T value) {
        this.value = Objects.requireNonNull(value);

Optional - API

empty()nothingOptional<T>Set the value of Optional to nullForcibly convert the global static constant EMPTY to the corresponding T type Optional, and then return itoccasional
of()T type variableOptional<T>Create an Optional object containing valueCall the Optional parameterized constructor to assign the passed variable to valueoften
ofNullable()T type variableOptional<T>Create an Optional object containing valueFirst judge whether value is empty
If value is empty, directly call the empty method to return an empty Optional object
If value is not empty, call the of method to return a non empty Optional object containing value
get()nothingT type variableGet value in Optional
Note: generally, you need to call isPresent to judge that value is not empty
If the current value is empty, NoSuchElementException will be thrown
Otherwise, return value directly
isPresentnothingBoolean variableJudge whether the value in Optional is not emptyDirectly judge whether value is not emptyoccasional
ifPresentConsumer consumer interfacenothingSpecify action for value in OptionalWhen value is not empty, specify action for valueusual
filterPredicate assertion interfaceOptional<T>Specify test for value in OptionalCall the Objects tool class to perform non null verification on the incoming assertion interface
Call isPresent method. When value is empty, the current Optional object will be returned directly
When value is not empty, specify test on value. If the assertion succeeds, the current Optional object will be returned. If the assertion fails, the empty object will be returned by calling the empty method
mapFunction function interfaceOptional<U>Specify apply for value in OptionalCall the Objects tool class to perform non null verification on the incoming functional interface
Call the isPresent method. When value is empty, directly call the empty method to return an empty Optional object
When value is not empty, specify apply for value, then call ofNullable method to encapsulate the result into new Optional.
flatMapFunction function interfaceOptional<U>Specify apply for value in Optional
Similar to map, but it does not optionally repackage the results
Call the Objects tool class to judge that the incoming functional interface is not empty
Call the isPresent method. When value is empty, directly call the empty method to return an empty Optional object
When value is not empty, specify apply for value, then call Objects tool class to perform non null verification of results.
orElseT type variableT type variableReturns the value in Optional. If value is empty, the passed variable is returnedJudge whether value in Optional is empty
If value is not empty, value is returned
If value is empty, the passed T-type variable is returned
Supply type interface
T type variableReturn the value in Optional. If value is empty, return the T-type variable produced by the SupplierJudge whether value in Optional is not empty
If value is not empty, value is returned
If value is empty, a T-type variable produced through the Supplier's get method is returned
Supply type interface
T type variableReturn the value in Optional. If value is empty, an exception message produced by the Supplier will be thrownJudge whether value in Optional is not empty
If value is not empty, value is returned
If value is empty, an exception message will be generated through the Supplier's get method

Optional delve - Demo

Note: only the frequently used methods are studied here, and other methods are not difficult to understand.

  • Generally, the ofNullable method is used to create an Optional, because it can receive both non Null and Null
  • Generally, the map method is used to replace the getter operation after non empty judgment
  • Generally, the last value is obtained through the orElse method, in which null is generally passed in
package com.gezq.optionaldemos;

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;

import java.util.Optional;

 * Desc: Simple test Optional
 * @author gezq0714
 * @version MyDemo:1.0.0
 * @email
 * @date 2021/10/1 - 20:49
 * @since MyDemo:1.0.0
public class Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Suppose User is an object queried in the database, and what we want to get is skillName
        User user = new User("gezq", "123456", new Skill("sing", Optional.of("you like sing")));
        // General operation
        String skillName1 = null;
        // 1. Judge user is not empty
        if (user != null) {
            // 2. Get skill
            final Skill skill = user.getSkill();
            // 3. Judge skill is not empty
            if (skill != null) {
                // 4. Get skillName
                skillName1 = skill.getSkillName();

        // Use Optional -- use map to get the value of common attributes
        final String skillName2 = Optional.ofNullable(user).map(User::getSkill).map(Skill::getSkillName).orElse(null);
        // Use Optional -- use flatMap to get the value of the attribute wrapped by Optional
        final String skillIntroduction = Optional.ofNullable(user).map(User::getSkill).flatMap(Skill::getIntroduction).orElse(null);

        System.out.println("General operation acquisition skillName: " + skillName1);
        System.out.println("use Optional obtain skillName: " + skillName2);
        System.out.println("use Optional obtain skillIntroduction: " + skillIntroduction);
            The output results are as follows:
            General operation: get skillName: sing
            Use Optional to get skillName: sing
            Use Optional to get skillIntroduction: you like sing


class User {
    private String username;
    private String password;
    private Skill skill;

class Skill {
    private String skillName;
    private Optional<String> introduction;

Posted by satheshf12000 on Fri, 01 Oct 2021 11:39:23 -0700