Write on the premise that you can use it
1. Determine the type of all files in / var / directory
[root@linux1 scripts]# cat filetype.sh #!/bin/bash for i in $(find /var);do if [ -b $i ];then echo "$i It's a block device." elif [ -c $i ];then echo "$i It's a character device." elif [ -f $i ];then echo "$i It's an ordinary document." elif [ -d $i ];then echo "$i Is a catalog file" elif [ -S $i ];then echo "$i yes socket file" elif [ -L $i ];then echo "$i Is a soft link file" else echo "file does not exist" fi done
2. Nine-nine multiplication tables
[root@linux1 scripts]# cat 9x9.sh RED="\033[0;31m" GREEN="\033[0;32m" NO_COLOR="\033[0m" for i in {1..9};do RANDOM_NUMBER=$[${RANDOM}%7+31] for j in `seq $i`;do echo -e "\033[0;${RANDOM_NUMBER}m${j}x${i}=$[$i*$j]\t\c" done echo -e "\033[0m" done
3. Judging Host State in Network
[root@linux1 scripts]# cat online.sh #!/bin/bash read -p "Please enter your network address(" NETID net=`echo ${NETID} | cut -d. -f1-2` for i in {1..254};do for j in {1..254};do { ping -c2 -W1 ${net}.${i}.${j} &>/dev/null [ "$?" = "0" ] && echo "${net}.${i}.${j} is up" >>/tmp/online.txt } & done done
Consuming CPU
4. Chess Board
Background color is used
[root@linux1 ~]# cat chess.sh #!/bin/bash for i in {1..8};do if [ $[${i}%2] -eq 1 ];then { for j in {1..4};do echo -en "\033[0;43m \033[0m" echo -en "\033[0;42m \033[0m" done } else { for j in {1..4};do echo -en "\033[0;42m \033[0m" echo -en "\033[0;43m \033[0m" done } fi echo done
5. The following six strings: efbaf275cd, 4be9c40b8b, 44b2395c46, f8c8873ce0, b902c16c8b, ad865d2f63 are the results of random execution of commands on random number variable RANDOM: echo $RANDOM|md5sum|cut-c1-10. Please decipher the corresponding RANDOM values of these strings.
#!/bin/bash passwd='efbaf275cd 4be9c40b8b 44b2395c46 f8c8873ce0 b902c16c8b ad865d2f63' for j in $(seq 32767);do { random_passwd=$(echo $j|md5sum|cut -c1-10) echo $passwd | grep -q $random_passwd if [ "$?" = "0" ];then echo `echo $passwd | grep -o $random_passwd`:$j fi }& done
6. Print green OK and red Failed
[root@linux1 ~]# cat rgb.sh #!/bin/bash . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions action OK true action Failed false
7. Determine what operation system is currently in operation.
if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then release="centos" elif cat /etc/issue | grep -Eqi "debian"; then release="debian" elif cat /etc/issue | grep -Eqi "ubuntu"; then release="ubuntu" elif cat /etc/issue | grep -Eqi "centos|red hat|redhat"; then release="centos" elif cat /proc/version | grep -Eqi "debian"; then release="debian" elif cat /proc/version | grep -Eqi "ubuntu"; then release="ubuntu" elif cat /proc/version | grep -Eqi "centos|red hat|redhat"; then release="centos" fi