1, if statement
Single branch if statement
Syntax (spaces at the beginning and end of brackets cannot be omitted):
if [conditional judgment]; then program fi #Or if [conditional judgment] then program fi
#!/bin/bash #If the usage rate of the root partition reaches 80, a warning will be issued and a prompt message will be output to the screen. rate=$(df -h | grep /dev/sda5 | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d "%" -f 1) if [ $rate -ge 80 ] then echo "/dev/sda5 is full!!!" fi
Two branch if statement
if [conditional judgment] then Procedure 1 else Procedure 2 fi
Example 1: backing up data
#!/bin/bash #Get the current system time and display it in the format of MM DD YY date=$(date +%y%m%d) #Get directory/etc Size of size=$(du -sh /etc) #If directory exists if [ -d /tmp/dbback ] then echo "Date is: $date" > tmp/dbback/db.txt echo "Size is: $size" >> /tmp/dbback/db.txt #You can also use commands like cd in scripts cd /tmp/dbback #Pack compressed files for backup, and discard the information after command execution tar -zcf etc_$date.tar.gz /etc db.txt &>/dev/null rm -rf /tmp/dbback/db.txt else mkdir /tmp/dbback echo "Date is: $date" > tmp/dbback/db.txt echo "Size is: $size" >> /tmp/dbback/db.txt cd /tmp/dbback tar -zcf etc_$date.tar.gz /etc db.txt &>/dev/null rm -rf /tmp/dbback/db.txt fi
Example 2: check if a service is running properly
#!/bin/bash port=$(nmap -sT | grep tcp | grep http | awk '{print $2}') #Use the nmap command to scan the server and intercept the status of the Apache service if [ "$port"=="open" ] then echo "$(date) httpd is ok!" >> /tmp/autostart-acc.log else #Restart Apache service /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start $>/dev/null echo "$(date) restart httpd!!" >> /tmp/autostart-err.log fi
Multi branch if statement
if [conditional judgment 1] then Procedure 1 elif [conditional judgment 2] then Procedure 2 ... else Procedure n fi
#!/bin/bash # Read the value from the keyboard and assign the variable file read -p "Please input a filename: " file #Judge whether the variable file is empty if [ -z "$file" ] then echo "Error, ase input a filename!" #Exit and set return code exit 1 #Judge whether the file exists elif [ ! -e "$file" ] then echo "Error, your input is not a file!" exit 2 #Determine whether the value of file is a normal file elif [ -f "$file" ] then echo "$file is a regulare file!" #Determine whether the value of file is a directory file elif [ -d "$file" ] then echo "$file is a directory!" else echo "$file is an other file!" fi
2, case statement
case $variable name in "Value 1") Procedure 1 ;; "Value 2") Procedure 2 ;; ... *) Procedure n ;; esac
#!/bin/bash read -p "Please choose yes/no: " -t 30 cho case $cho in "yes") echo "Your choose is yes!" ;; "no") echo "Your choose is no!" ;; *) echo "Your choose is error!" ;; esac