From: FreeBuf.COM
Author: secist
Sampler is a tool for shell command execution, visualization, and alerts. It is configured using a simple YAML file.
1. Why do I need it?
You can sample any dynamic process directly from the terminal - watch for changes in the database, monitor MQ dynamic messages, trigger deployment scripts, and get notifications when finished.
If there is a way to get metric s using shell commands, you can use Sampler to visualize them immediately.
2. Installation
brew cask install sampler
sudo curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/sampler sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/sampler
sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/sampler sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/sampler
Note: The libasound2-dev system library needs to be installed for Sampler to play trigger sounds. Usually the library is installed in the appropriate location, but if it is not - you can use your customary package manager for installation, such as apt install libasound2-dev
Windows (Experimental)
Recommended for use with advanced console emulators, such as Cmder
Download .exe
3. Use
Specify shell commands that Sampler will execute at the appropriate rate. Output is used for visualization.
Using Sampler is essentially a three-step process:
Define shell commands in the YAML configuration file
Run sampler-c config.yml
Adjust component size and position on UI
There are already many monitoring systems in the market
Sampler is by no means a replacement for monitoring systems, but an easy-to-set development tool.
If spinning up and configuring Prometheus with Grafana are completely redundant tasks, then Sampler may be the correct solution. No server, no database, no deployment required - you specify the shell command and it will work.
Do I need to install it on each server I monitor?
No, you can run Sampler locally, but you can still collect telemetry data from multiple remote computers. Any visualization may have init commands in which you can ssh to the remote server. See SSH example
4. Components
The following is a list of configuration examples for each component type, including macOS-compatible sampling scripts.
runcharts: - title: Search engine response time rate-ms: 500 # sampling rate, default = 1000 scale: 2 # number of digits after sample decimal point, default = 1 legend: enabled: true # enables item labels, default = true details: false # enables item statistics: cur/min/max/dlt values, default = true items: - label: GOOGLE sample: curl -o /dev/null -s -w '%{time_total}' color: 178 # 8-bit color number, default one is chosen from a pre-defined palette - label: YAHOO sample: curl -o /dev/null -s -w '%{time_total}' - label: BING sample: curl -o /dev/null -s -w '%{time_total}'
sparklines: - title: CPU usage rate-ms: 200 scale: 0 sample: ps -A -o %cpu | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}' - title: Free memory pages rate-ms: 200 scale: 0 sample: memory_pressure | grep 'Pages free' | awk '{print $3}'
barcharts: - title: Local network activity rate-ms: 500 # sampling rate, default = 1000 scale: 0 # number of digits after sample decimal point, default = 1 items: - label: UDP bytes in sample: nettop -J bytes_in -l 1 -m udp | awk '{sum += $4} END {print sum}' - label: UDP bytes out sample: nettop -J bytes_out -l 1 -m udp | awk '{sum += $4} END {print sum}' - label: TCP bytes in sample: nettop -J bytes_in -l 1 -m tcp | awk '{sum += $4} END {print sum}' - label: TCP bytes out sample: nettop -J bytes_out -l 1 -m tcp | awk '{sum += $4} END {print sum}'
gauges: - title: Minute progress rate-ms: 500 # sampling rate, default = 1000 scale: 2 # number of digits after sample decimal point, default = 1 percent-only: false # toggle display of the current value, default = false color: 178 # 8-bit color number, default one is chosen from a pre-defined palette cur: sample: date +%S # sample script for current value max: sample: echo 60 # sample script for max value min: sample: echo 0 # sample script for min value - title: Year progress cur: sample: date +%j max: sample: echo 365 min: sample: echo 0
textboxes: - title: Local weather rate-ms: 10000 # sampling rate, default = 1000 sample: curl border: false # border around the item, default = true color: 178 # 8-bit color number, default is white - title: Docker containers stats rate-ms: 500 sample: docker stats --no-stream --format "table {{.Name}}\t{{.CPUPerc}}\t{{.MemUsage}}\t{{.PIDs}}"
asciiboxes: - title: UTC time rate-ms: 500 # sampling rate, default = 1000 font: 3d # font type, default = 2d border: false # border around the item, default = true color: 43 # 8-bit color number, default is white sample: env TZ=UTC date +%r
5. Additional functions
Triggers allow conditional operations, such as visual/sound alerts or any shell command. The following examples illustrate this concept.
Clock gauge, showing time progress and current time per minute from start
gauges: - title: MINUTE PROGRESS position: [[0, 18], [80, 0]] cur: sample: date +%S max: sample: echo 60 min: sample: echo 0 triggers: - title: CLOCK BELL EVERY MINUTE condition: '[ $label == "cur" ] && [ $cur -eq 0 ] && echo 1 || echo 0' # expects "1" as TRUE indicator actions: terminal-bell: true # standard terminal bell, default = false sound: true # NASA quindar tone, default = false visual: false # notification with current value on top of the component area, default = false script: say -v samantha `date +%I:%M%p` # an arbitrary script, which can use $cur, $prev and $label variables
Search engine delay chart to alert users when delay exceeds threshold
runcharts: - title: SEARCH ENGINE RESPONSE TIME (sec) rate-ms: 200 items: - label: GOOGLE sample: curl -o /dev/null -s -w '%{time_total}' - label: YAHOO sample: curl -o /dev/null -s -w '%{time_total}' triggers: - title: Latency threshold exceeded condition: echo "$prev < 0.3 && $cur > 0.3" |bc -l # expects "1" as TRUE indicator actions: terminal-bell: true # standard terminal bell, default = false sound: true # NASA quindar tone, default = false visual: true # visual notification on top of the component area, default = false script: 'say alert: ${label} latency exceeded ${cur} second' # an arbitrary script, which can use $cur, $prev and $label variables
Interactive shell support
In addition to the sample command, you can specify the init command (which executes only once before sampling) and the transform command (which postprocesses the output of the sampling command). This includes interactive shell use cases, such as establishing a connection to the database only once, and then polling in an interactive shell session.
Basic mode
textboxes: - title: MongoDB polling rate-ms: 500 init: mongo --quiet --host=localhost test # executes only once to start the interactive session sample:; # executes with a required rate, in scope of the interactive session transform: echo result = $sample # executes in scope of local session, $sample variable is available for transformation
PTY mode
In some cases, the interactive shell will not work because its stdin is not a terminal. In this case, we can use PTY mode:
textboxes: - title: Neo4j polling pty: true # enables pseudo-terminal mode, default = false init: cypher-shell -u neo4j -p pwd --format plain sample: RETURN rand(); transform: echo "$sample" | tail -n 1 - title: Top on a remote server pty: true # enables pseudo-terminal mode, default = false init: ssh -i ~/user.pem ec2-user@ sample: top
The init command executes step by step
Multiple init commands can also be executed individually before starting sampling.
textboxes: - title: Java application uptime multistep-init: - java -jar jmxterm-1.0.0-uber.jar - open host:port # or local PID - bean java.lang:type=Runtime sample: get Uptime
If the configuration file contains duplicate patterns, they can be extracted into the variable section. In addition, variables can be specified at startup using the -v/- variable flag, and any system environment variable can also be used in scripting.
variables: mongoconnection: mongo --quiet --host=localhost test barcharts: - title: MongoDB documents by status items: - label: IN_PROGRESS init: $mongoconnection sample: db.getCollection('events').find({status:'IN_PROGRESS'}).count() - label: SUCCESS init: $mongoconnection sample: db.getCollection('events').find({status:'SUCCESS'}).count() - label: FAIL init: $mongoconnection sample: db.getCollection('events').find({status:'FAIL'}).count()
Color theme
theme: light # default = dark sparklines: - title: CPU usage sample: ps -A -o %cpu | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}'
6. Real Scene
data base
The following are examples of different database connections. It is recommended that you use an interactive shell (init script) to make only one connection and reuse it during sampling.
# prerequisite: installed mysql shell variables: mysql_connection: mysql -u root -s --database mysql --skip-column-names sparklines: - title: MySQL (random number example) pty: true init: $mysql_connection sample: select rand();
# prerequisite: installed psql shell variables: PGPASSWORD: pwd postgres_connection: psql -h localhost -U postgres --no-align --tuples-only sparklines: - title: PostgreSQL (random number example) init: $postgres_connection sample: select random();
# prerequisite: installed mongo shell variables: mongo_connection: mongo --quiet --host=localhost test sparklines: - title: MongoDB (random number example) init: $mongo_connection sample: Math.random();
# prerequisite: installed cypher shell variables: neo4j_connection: cypher-shell -u neo4j -p pwd --format plain sparklines: - title: Neo4j (random number example) pty: true init: $neo4j_connection sample: RETURN rand(); transform: echo "$sample" | tail -n 1
Check the kafka lag value, calculate the sum of each queue lag value, alert above threshold, consumergroup, topic.
variables: kafka_connection: $KAFKA_HOME/bin/kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 runcharts: - title: Kafka lag per consumer group rate-ms: 5000 scale: 0 items: - label: A->B sample: $kafka_connection --group group_a --describe | awk 'NR>1 {sum += $5} END {print sum}' - label: B->C sample: $kafka_connection --group group_b --describe | awk 'NR>1 {sum += $5} END {print sum}' - label: C->D sample: $kafka_connection --group group_c --describe | awk 'NR>1 {sum += $5} END {print sum}'
Docker Container Statistics (CPU, MEM, O/I)
textboxes: - title: Docker containers stats sample: docker stats --no-stream --format "table {{.Name}}\t{{.CPUPerc}}\t{{.MemPerc}}\t{{.MemUsage}}\t{{.NetIO}}\t{{.BlockIO}}\t{{.PIDs}}"
TOP commands on remote servers
variables: sshconnection: ssh -i ~/my-key-pair.pem ec2-user@ textboxes: - title: SSH pty: true init: $sshconnection sample: top
Example of how Java applications work
# prerequisite: download [jmxterm jar file]( textboxes: - title: Java application uptime multistep-init: - java -jar jmxterm-1.0.0-uber.jar - open host:port # or local PID - bean java.lang:type=Runtime sample: get Uptime transform: echo $sample | tr -dc '0-9' | awk '{printf "%.1f min", $1/1000/60}'