Share a clumsy way to read JS code once

Keywords: Javascript Session Vue JSON Webpack

Has been writing server-side, recently using Netty-NIO to write chats. The web side uses JS to realize the chat interface... JS was not used very much, so I set up a JS Demo which imitated Wechat. It uses the vue.js library.


Cruel source code:

About 600 lines, but it's too much for a rookie like me.

There are no comments in the code, and the names are written in a messy way (single letters are the main ones, it's terrible...). I haven't touched Vue.js yet. I just read some official documents of vue in recent days. I don't have time to chew them all at once.


My question is:

I don't know the execution order of the code in main.js and how it runs inside.


The structure of Demo is as follows:


The interface effect is as follows:



Vue.js is the library, and the most important thing in the index.html file is only one line of code:

<div id="chat"></div>

Then the most important thing is the main.js code. I don't know which God wrote it. I can't figure out where JS started after reading it for a long time.

Attach the main.js source code:

  1 ! function(e) {//e=18 All functions after rows. Why?
  2     console.log("e");
  3     function t(r) {
  4     console.log("e-00");
  5         if(s[r]) return s[r].exports;
  6         var i = s[r] = {
  7             exports: {},//output HTML content
  8             id: r,
  9             loaded: !1
 10         };
 11         console.log("function  e-00  Executed");
 12         return e[r].call(i.exports, i, i.exports, t), i.loaded = !0, i.exports
 13     }
 14     var s = {};
 15     console.log("function e Executed");
 16     return t.m = e, t.c = s, t.p = "/dist/", t(0)
 17 }
 25 ([
 27 function(e, t, s) {
 28     console.log("[2-1]");
 29     "use strict";
 31     function r(e) {
 32     console.log("[2-1-00]");
 33         return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
 34             "default": e
 35         }
 36     }
 37     var i = s(32),
 38         o = r(i);
 39     Vue.config.debug = !0, new Vue(o["default"])
 40     console.log("function[2-1]Executed");
 41 }
 44 , function(e, t) {
 45     console.log("[2-2]");
 46     e.exports = function() {
 47     console.log("[2-2-01]");
 48         var e = [];
 49         return e.toString = function() {
 50             console.log("[2-2-02]");
 51             for(var e = [], t = 0; t < this.length; t++) {
 52                 var s = this[t];
 53                 s[2] ? e.push("@media " + s[2] + "{" + s[1] + "}") : e.push(s[1])
 54             }
 55             return e.join("")
 56         }, e.i = function(t, s) {
 57             "string" == typeof t && (t = [
 58                 [null, t, ""]
 59             ]);
 60             for(var r = {}, i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
 61                 var o = this[i][0];
 62                 "number" == typeof o && (r[o] = !0)
 63             }
 64             for(i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
 65                 var n = t[i];
 66                 "number" == typeof n[0] && r[n[0]] || (s && !n[2] ? n[2] = s : s && (n[2] = "(" + n[2] + ") and (" + s + ")"), e.push(n))
 67             }
 68         }, e
 69     }
 70 }
 73 , function(e, t, s) {
 74     console.log("[2-3]");
 75     function r(e, t) {
 76     console.log("[2-3-1]");
 77         for(var s = 0; s < e.length; s++) {
 78             var r = e[s],
 79                 i = d[];
 80             if(i) {
 81                 i.refs++;
 82                 for(var o = 0; o <; o++)[o]([o]);
 83                 for(; o <; o++)[o], t))
 84             } else {
 85                 for(var n = [], o = 0; o <; o++) n.push(a([o], t));
 86                 d[] = {
 87                     id:,
 88                     refs: 1,
 89                     parts: n
 90                 }
 91             }
 92         }
 93     }
 95     function i(e) {        
 96     console.log("[2-3-2]");
 97         for(var t = [], s = {}, r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
 98             var i = e[r],
 99                 o = i[0],
100                 n = i[1],
101                 a = i[2],
102                 l = i[3],
103                 c = {
104                     css: n,
105                     media: a,
106                     sourceMap: l
107                 };
108             s[o] ? s[o].parts.push(c) : t.push(s[o] = {
109                 id: o,
110                 parts: [c]
111             })
112         }
113         return t
114     }
116     function o() {        
117         console.log("[2-3-3]");
118         var e = document.createElement("style"),
119             t = m();
120         return e.type = "text/css", t.appendChild(e), e
121     }
123     function n() {
124         console.log("[2-3-4]");
125         var e = document.createElement("link"),
126             t = m();
127         return e.rel = "stylesheet", t.appendChild(e), e
128     }
130     function a(e, t) {
131         console.log("[2-3-5]");
132         var s, r, i;
133         if(t.singleton) {
134             var a = x++;
135             s = h || (h = o()), r = l.bind(null, s, a, !1), i = l.bind(null, s, a, !0)
136         } else e.sourceMap && "function" == typeof URL && "function" == typeof URL.createObjectURL && "function" == typeof URL.revokeObjectURL && "function" == typeof Blob && "function" == typeof btoa ? (s = n(), r = u.bind(null, s), i = function() {
137             s.parentNode.removeChild(s), s.href && URL.revokeObjectURL(s.href)
138         }) : (s = o(), r = c.bind(null, s), i = function() {
139             s.parentNode.removeChild(s)
140         });
141         return r(e),
142             function(t) {
143                 if(t) {
144                     if(t.css === e.css && === && t.sourceMap === e.sourceMap) return;
145                     r(e = t)
146                 } else i()
147             }
148     }
150     function l(e, t, s, r) {
151         console.log("[2-3-6]");
152         var i = s ? "" : r.css;
153         if(e.styleSheet) e.styleSheet.cssText = g(t, i);
154         else {
155             var o = document.createTextNode(i),
156                 n = e.childNodes;
157             n[t] && e.removeChild(n[t]), n.length ? e.insertBefore(o, n[t]) : e.appendChild(o)
158         }
159     }
161     function c(e, t) {
162         console.log("[2-3-7]");
163         var s = t.css,
164             r =;
165         t.sourceMap;
166         if(r && e.setAttribute("media", r), e.styleSheet) e.styleSheet.cssText = s;
167         else {
168             for(; e.firstChild;) e.removeChild(e.firstChild);
169             e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(s))
170         }
171     }
173     function u(e, t) {
174         console.log("[2-3-8]");
175         var s = t.css,
176             r = (, t.sourceMap);
177         r && (s += "\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64," + btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(r)))) + " */");
178         var i = new Blob([s], {
179                 type: "text/css"
180             }),
181             o = e.href;
182         e.href = URL.createObjectURL(i), o && URL.revokeObjectURL(o)
183     }
184     var d = {},
185         p = function(e) {
186             var t;
187             return function() {
188                 return "undefined" == typeof t && (t = e.apply(this, arguments)), t
189             }
190         },
191         f = p(function() {
192             return /msie [6-9]\b/.test(window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())
193         }),
194         m = p(function() {
195             return document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]
196         }),
197         h = null,
198         x = 0;
199     e.exports = function(e, t) {
200         t = t || {}, "undefined" == typeof t.singleton && (t.singleton = f());
201         var s = i(e);
202         return r(s, t),
203             function(e) {
204                 for(var o = [], n = 0; n < s.length; n++) {
205                     var a = s[n],
206                         l = d[];
207                     l.refs--, o.push(l)
208                 }
209                 if(e) {
210                     var c = i(e);
211                     r(c, t)
212                 }
213                 for(var n = 0; n < o.length; n++) {
214                     var l = o[n];
215                     if(0 === l.refs) {
216                         for(var u = 0; u <; u++)[u]();
217                         delete d[]
218                     }
219                 }
220             }
221     };
222     var g = function() {
223         var e = [];
224         return function(t, s) {
225             return e[t] = s, e.filter(Boolean).join("\n")
226         }
227     }()
228 }, , , , , , function(e, t, s) {
229     "use strict";
231     function r(e) {
232         console.log("[2-3-9]");
233         return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
234             "default": e
235         }
236     }
237     Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
238         value: !0
239     });
240     var i = s(13),
241         o = r(i),
242         n = s(33),
243         a = r(n),
244         l = s(34),
245         c = r(l),
246         u = s(36),
247         d = r(u),
248         p = s(35),
249         f = r(p);
250     t["default"] = {
251         el: "#chat",
252         data: function() {
253             var e = o["default"].fetch();
254             return {
255                 user: e.user,
256                 userList: e.userList,
257                 sessionList: e.sessionList,
258                 search: "",
259                 sessionIndex: 0
260             }
261         },
262         computed: {
263             session: function() {
264                 return this.sessionList[this.sessionIndex]
265             }
266         },
267         watch: {
268             sessionList: {
269                 deep: !0,
270                 handler: function() {
271                     o["default"].save({
272                         user: this.user,
273                         userList: this.userList,
274                         sessionList: this.sessionList
275                     })
276                 }
277             }
278         },
279         components: {
280             card: a["default"],
281             list: c["default"],
282             text: d["default"],
283             message: f["default"]
284         }
285     }
286 }
288 , function(e, t) {
289         console.log("[2-3-10]");
290     "use strict";
291     Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
292         value: !0
293     }), t["default"] = {
294         props: ["user", "search"]
295     }
296 }
298 , function(e, t) {
299         console.log("[2-3-11]");
300     "use strict";
301     Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
302         value: !0
303     }), t["default"] = {
304         props: ["userList", "sessionIndex", "session", "search"],
305         methods: {
306             select: function(e) {
307                 this.sessionIndex = this.userList.indexOf(e)
308             }
309         },
310         filters: {
311             search: function(e) {
312                 var t = this;
313                 return e.filter(function(e) {
314                     return > -1
315                 })
316             }
317         }
318     }
319 }
321 , function(e, t) {
322         console.log("[2-3-12]");
323     "use strict";
324     Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {//Define attributes
325         value: !0
326     }), t["default"] = {
327         props: ["session", "user", "userList"],
328         computed: {//The instance is called after it is created
329             sessionUser: function() {
330                 var e = this,
331                     t = this.userList.filter(function(t) {
332                         return === e.session.userId
333                     });
334                 return t[0]
335             }
336         },
337         filters: {
338             avatar: function(e) {
339                 var t = e.self ? this.user : this.sessionUser;
340                 return t && t.img
341             },
342             time: function(e) {
343                 return "string" == typeof e && (e = new Date(e)), e.getHours() + ":" + e.getMinutes()
344             }
345         },
346         directives: {//Custom directives: scroll to the bottom of the message waterfall
347             "scroll-bottom": function() {
348                 var e = this;
349                 Vue.nextTick(function() {
350                     e.el.scrollTop = e.el.scrollHeight - e.el.clientHeight
351                 })
352             }
353         }
354     }
355 }
357 , function(e, t) {
358         console.log("[2-3-13]");
359     "use strict";
360     Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
361         value: !0
362     }), t["default"] = {
363         props: ["session"],
364         data: function() {
365             return {
366                 text: "",
367                 //Test picture
368                 image:""
369             }
370         },
371         methods: {
372             inputing: function(e) {
373                 13 === e.keyCode && this.text.length && (this.session.messages.push({//e.ctrlKey &&  Get rid of it ctrlKey key
374                     text: this.text,//Message content
375                     image:this.image, //Test picture
376                     date: new Date,//Message Delivery Date
377                     self: !0//Ensure that information is displayed in your chat window near your Avatar
378                 }), this.text = "")
379             }
380         }
381     }
382 }
384 , function(e, t, s) {
385         console.log("[2-3-14]");
386     "use strict";
388     function r(e) {
389         return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
390             "default": e
391         }
392     }
393     Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
394         value: !0
395     });
396     var i = s(14),
397         o = r(i),
398         n = "VUE-CHAT-v3";
399     if(!localStorage.getItem(n)) {
400         var a = new Date,
401             l = {
402                 user: {//Represent oneself
403                     id: 1,
404                     name: "Coffee",
405                     img: "dist/images/1.jpg"
406                 },
407                 userList: [{//Similar to Friends List
408                     id: 2,
409                     name: "Introduction to the Great God",
410                     img: "dist/images/2.png"
411                 }, {
412                     id: 3,
413                     name: "webpack",
414                     img: "dist/images/3.jpg"
415                 }],
416                 sessionList: [{//Chat Session List
417                     userId: 2,
418                     messages: [{
419                         text: "I'm the Great God. It's based on Vue + Webpack Simple Construction chat For example, the chat record is saved in localStorge. Simple demonstration Vue Basic characteristics and webpack To configure.",
420                         date: a
421                     }, {
422                         text: "Project Download Address 1:",
423                         date: a
424                     }, {
425                         text: "Project Download Address 2:",
426                         date: a
427                     }]
428                 },{//Chat Session List
429                     userId: 3,
430                     messages: [{
431                         text: "I am wepack,This is based on Vue + Webpack Simple Construction chat For example, the chat record is saved in localStorge. Simple demonstration Vue Basic characteristics and webpack To configure.",
432                         date: a
433                     }, {
434                         text: "Project Download Address 1:",
435                         date: a
436                     }, {
437                         text: "Project Download Address 2:",
438                         date: a
439                     }]
440                 }]
441             };
442         localStorage.setItem(n, (0, o["default"])(l))
443     }
444     t["default"] = {
445         fetch: function() {
446             return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(n))
447         },
448         save: function(e) {
449             localStorage.setItem(n, (0, o["default"])(e))
450         }
451     }
452 }
454 , function(e, t, s) {
455         console.log("[2-3-15]");
456     e.exports = {
457         "default": s(15),
458         __esModule: !0
459     }
460 }
462 , function(e, t, s) {
463         console.log("[2-3-16]");
464     var r = s(16);
465     e.exports = function(e) {
466         return(r.JSON && r.JSON.stringify || JSON.stringify).apply(JSON, arguments)
467     }
468 }
470 , function(e, t) {
471         console.log("[2-3-17]");
472     var s = e.exports = {
473         version: "1.2.6"
474     };
475     "number" == typeof __e && (__e = s)
476 }
478 , function(e, t, s) {//Message sending box
479         console.log("Message Sender Box Style");
480     t = e.exports = s(1)(), t.push([, ".m-text{height:10pc;border-top:1px solid #ddd}.m-text textarea{padding:10px;height:100%;width:100%;border:none;outline:0;font-family:Micrsofot Yahei;resize:none}", ""])
481 }
483 , function(e, t, s) {//Left user status information box
484         console.log("Left user status information box style");
485     t = e.exports = s(1)(), t.push([, "#chat{overflow:hidden;border-radius:3px}#chat .main,#chat .sidebar{height:100%}#chat .sidebar{float:left;width:200px;color:#f4f4f4;background-color:#2e3238}#chat .main{position:relative;overflow:hidden;background-color:#eee}#chat .m-text{position:absolute;width:100%;bottom:0;left:0}#chat .m-message{height:calc(100% - 10pc)}", ""])
486 }
488 , function(e, t, s) {//Find User Window
489         console.log("Find User Window Styles");
490     t = e.exports = s(1)(), t.push([, ".m-card{padding:9pt;border-bottom:1px solid #24272c}.m-card footer{margin-top:10px}.m-card .avatar,.m-card .name{vertical-align:middle}.m-card .avatar{border-radius:2px}.m-card .name{display:inline-block;margin:0 0 0 15px;font-size:1pc}.m-card .search{padding:0 10px;width:100%;font-size:9pt;color:#fff;height:30px;line-height:30px;border:1px solid #3a3a3a;border-radius:4px;outline:0;background-color:#26292e}", ""])
491 }
493 , function(e, t, s) {//Dialogue User List
494         console.log("Dialogue User List Style");
495     t = e.exports = s(1)(), t.push([, ".m-list li{padding:9pt 15px;border-bottom:1px solid #292c33;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:background-color .1s;transition:background-color .1s}.m-list li:hover{background-color:hsla(0,0%,100%,.03)}.m-list{background-color:hsla(0,0%,100%,.1)}.m-list .avatar,.m-list .name{vertical-align:middle}.m-list .avatar{border-radius:2px}.m-list .name{display:inline-block;margin:0 0 0 15px}", ""])
496 }
498 , function(e, t, s) {//MsgBox
499         console.log("Message dialog style");
500     t = e.exports = s(1)(), t.push([, '.m-message{padding:10px 15px;overflow-y:scroll}.m-message li{margin-bottom:20px}.m-message .time{margin:7px 0;text-align:center}.m-message .time>span{display:inline-block;padding:0 18px;font-size:9pt;color:black;border-radius:2px;background-color:#dcdcdc}.m-message .avatar{float:left;margin:0 10px 0 0;border-radius:3px}.m-message .text{display:inline-block;position:relative;padding:0px 10px;max-width:calc(100% - 240px);min-height:30px;line-height:2;font-size:10pt;text-align:left;word-break:break-all;background-color:white;border-radius:4px}.m-message .text:before{content:" ";position:absolute;top:9px;right:100%;border:1px solid transparent;border-right-color:#fafafa}.m-message .self{text-align:right}.m-message .self .avatar{float:right;margin:0 0 0 10px}.m-message .self .text{background-color:#b2e281}.m-message .self .text:before{right:inherit;left:100%;border-right-color:transparent;border-left-color:#b2e281}', ""])
501 }
503 , function(e, t, s) {
504         console.log("[2-3-23]");
505     var r = s(17);
506     "string" == typeof r && (r = [
507         [, r, ""]
508     ]);
509     s(2)(r, {});
510     r.locals && (e.exports = r.locals)
511 }
513 , function(e, t, s) {
514         console.log("[2-3-24]");
515     var r = s(18);
516     "string" == typeof r && (r = [
517         [, r, ""]
518     ]);
519     s(2)(r, {});
520     r.locals && (e.exports = r.locals)
521 }
523 , function(e, t, s) {
524         console.log("[2-3-25]");
525     var r = s(19);
526     "string" == typeof r && (r = [
527         [, r, ""]
528     ]);
529     s(2)(r, {});
530     r.locals && (e.exports = r.locals)
531 }
533 , function(e, t, s) {
534         console.log("[2-3-26]");
535     var r = s(20);
536     "string" == typeof r && (r = [
537         [, r, ""]
538     ]);
539     s(2)(r, {});
540     r.locals && (e.exports = r.locals)
541 }
543 , function(e, t, s) {
544         console.log("[2-3-27]");
545     var r = s(21);
546     "string" == typeof r && (r = [
547         [, r, ""]
548     ]);
549     s(2)(r, {});
550     r.locals && (e.exports = r.locals)
551 }
553 , function(e, t) {
554     console.log("This is user session content");
555     e.exports = "<div><div class=sidebar><card :user=user :search.sync=search></card><list :user-list=userList :session=session :session-index.sync=sessionIndex :search=search></list></div><div class=main><message :session=session :user=user :user-list=userList></message><text :session=session></text></div></div>"
556 }
558 , function(e, t) {
559     console.log("User List Search Box");
560     e.exports = '<div class=m-card><header><img class=avatar width=40 height=40 :src=user.img><p class=name>{{}}</p></header><footer><input class=search placeholder="Find Users..." v-model=search></footer></div>';
561 }
563 , function(e, t) {//User List
564         console.log("User List");
565     e.exports = '<div class=m-list><ul><li v-for="item in userList | search" :class="{ active: session.userId === }" @click=select(item)><img class=avatar width=30 height=30 :src=item.img><p class=name>{{}}</p></li></ul></div>'
566 }
568 , function(e, t) {//Message scrolling dialog box
569     console.log("Message scrolling dialog box");
570     e.exports = '<div class=m-message v-scroll-bottom=session.messages><ul><li v-for="item in session.messages"><p class=time><span>{{ | time}}</span></p><div class=main :class="{ self: item.self }"><img class=avatar width=30 height=30 :src="item | avatar"><div class=text>{{item.text}}</div></div></li></ul></div>'
571 }
573 , function(e, t) {
574     console.log("Send message box");
575     e.exports = '<div class=m-text><textarea placeholder="Press Enter Key Send Message" v-model=text @keyup=inputing></textarea></div>'
576 }
578 , function(e, t, s) {
579         console.log("[2-3-33]");
580     s(23), e.exports = s(8), e.exports.__esModule && (e.exports = e.exports["default"]), ("function" == typeof e.exports ? e.exports.options : e.exports).template = s(27)
581 }
583 , function(e, t, s) {
584         console.log("[2-3-34]");
585     s(24), e.exports = s(9), e.exports.__esModule && (e.exports = e.exports["default"]), ("function" == typeof e.exports ? e.exports.options : e.exports).template = s(28)
586 }
588 , function(e, t, s) {
589         console.log("[2-3-35]");
590     s(25), e.exports = s(10), e.exports.__esModule && (e.exports = e.exports["default"]), ("function" == typeof e.exports ? e.exports.options : e.exports).template = s(29)
591 }
593 , function(e, t, s) {
594         console.log("[2-3-36]");
595     s(26), e.exports = s(11), e.exports.__esModule && (e.exports = e.exports["default"]), ("function" == typeof e.exports ? e.exports.options : e.exports).template = s(30)
596 }
598 , function(e, t, s) {
599         console.log("[2-3-37]");
600     s(22), e.exports = s(12), e.exports.__esModule && (e.exports = e.exports["default"]), ("function" == typeof e.exports ? e.exports.options : e.exports).template = s(31)
601 }]);
602 //#
Imitate the Wechat Interface

As you can see from the source code above, I insert console.log("function name") at the beginning of each function, give each function a name, and then enter the browser F12, running the code to achieve this effect:


Without God to lead the way, there's only the dumbest way to do it. (Fortunately, there's only 600 lines, and there's 4,000 lines of code to make it work.... )

From the output of the browser console, we can see the running cycle of the code. And I console() some of the parameters.

Two functions of the outermost function: the first one is executed first, the second part is executed before it is executed, and then the first outermost function is executed. In fact, the value of the parameter e of the first function is the whole of the second function, which can be console d as a whole.


Adequate coping with small pieces of code, read more code like this, and learn enough to use it.

The first function in this code is highly reusable, and the code is relatively intricate -- especially if I'm a rudimentary novice in this technology.


To learn technology, individuals admire several abilities: information retrieval ability (whether or not to use the Internet); learning and absorbing ability; error-correcting ability to accumulate experience.

Posted by Lucidnight on Fri, 07 Jun 2019 19:07:05 -0700