Several Key Functions of set Container

Keywords: C++

set is very useful in OI. Several common functions qwq are summarized.

//set Common usage of containers 
using namespace std;
                                                    //Customized sorting rules can be achieved by using parody functions 
class R
    bool operator()(const int &pre,const int &bac)
        return pre>bac;//Guarantee that the sequence is larger before than after 
set<int/*,R*/> s;                                    //If you remove the comment, you will use a parody function. 
int main()
    for(set<int>::iterator i=s.begin();i!=s.end();i++)
        cout<<*i<<" ";                                //print 1 2 3 4 5 
    cout<<endl<<s.erase(3)<<endl;                    //Delete successfully returns 1, otherwise return 0 
    for(set<int>::iterator i=s.begin();i!=s.end();i++)
        cout<<*i<<" ";                                //print 1 2 4 5
    //uper_bound & lower_bound
    //uper_bound(x):Return s Medium satisfaction is greater than x Iterator of Minimum Element 
    //lower_bound(x):Return s Medium satisfies greater than or equal to x Iterator of Minimum Element 
    cout<<endl<<"uper_bound & lower_bound";
    cout<<endl<<*s.upper_bound(3);                    //print 4
    cout<<endl<<*s.lower_bound(3)<<endl;            //print 4
    cout<<endl<<*s.upper_bound(4);                    //print 5
    cout<<endl<<*s.lower_bound(4)<<endl;            //print 4
    cout<<endl<<(s.lower_bound(6)==s.end())<<endl;    //print 1  When none of the elements is greater than or equal to 6, the tail iterator is returned 
    for(set<int>::iterator i=s.begin();i!=s.end();i++)
        cout<<*i<<" ";                                //print 1 2 4 5 6
    return 0;

It's worth noting that when we change the rules with parody functions to make the sequence from big to small, the meaning of upper_bound and lower_bound is not what the annotations describe. Now the functions of these two functions will be very strange. Let me illustrate the functions of these two functions with a simple non-professional description for any situation.

lower_bound(x) :

  1. When there is an element equal to x in the container, return the element iterator
  2. Otherwise, assuming that x is inserted into the appropriate location of the container according to the arrangement rules of the container elements, the iterator of the next (right) element of X after the insertion is returned, and the tail iterator is returned if there are no elements.


  • 653 221 x = 4, assuming that after insertion: 654 321, the iterator returns element 3
  • %^ &* (, suppose inserting (suppose this is an ordered sequence),%^ &* (return iterator of element% at this time)

upper_bound(x) :

There are no rules for lower_bound(x). Same as others

Posted by gilmourt on Wed, 30 Jan 2019 13:24:14 -0800