In the process of database design, we usually set the ID field in the database table to increase by itself. Following is an example of a commonly used data dictionary table to illustrate how to set up self-increasing fields in each database.
The MySQL database only needs to add AUTO_INCREMENT to the target field and set AUTO_INCREMENT=x for the table.
x: Number from the beginning of the increase.
Reference examples:
CREATE TABLE `dictionary` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID', `parent_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'father ID', `type` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Metadata Type', `item_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Display name of metadata item', `item_value` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Metadata Item Storage Value', `comment` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Remarks', `deleted` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Delete tag', `create_time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT 'Creation time', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='data dictionary';
PostgreSQL database has many ways to realize the setting of self-increasing fields, commonly used are:
- SERIAL, the simplest
- IDENTITY, a new feature of PostgreSQL 10
- Create SEQUENCE, more flexible
Reference example: SERIAL
create table dictionary ( id SERIAL not null, parent_id INT4 not null, type VARCHAR(50) not null, item_name VARCHAR(100) not null, item_value VARCHAR(100) null, comment VARCHAR(200) null, deleted INT2 not null default 0, create_time DATE not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, constraint PK_dictionary primary key (id) );
Two commonly used methods for setting self-increasing fields in Oracle databases are as follows:
- IDENTITY, requires Oracle database version 12c or more
12c version example:
create table "dictionary" ( "id" INTEGER generated as identity ( start with 1 nocycle noorder) not null, "parent_id" INTEGER not null, "type" VARCHAR2(50) not null, "item_name" VARCHAR2(100) not null, "item_value" VARCHAR2(100), "comment" VARCHAR2(200), "deleted" SMALLINT default 0 not null, "create_time" TIMESTAMP default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, constraint "PK_dictionary" primary key ("id") );
11g version example:
-- Building tables create table "dictionary" ( "id" INTEGER not null, "parent_id" INTEGER not null, "type" VARCHAR2(50) not null, "item_name" VARCHAR2(100) not null, "item_value" VARCHAR2(100), "comment" VARCHAR2(200), "deleted" SMALLINT default 0 not null, "create_time" TIMESTAMP default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null, constraint "PK_dictionary" primary key ("id") ); -- Create sequence CREATE SEQUENCE DICTIONARY_ID_SEQ INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1; -- Create triggers, not required CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER DICTIONARY_ID_SEQ_TRG BEFORE INSERT ON "dictionary" FOR EACH ROW WHEN (NEW."id" IS NULL) BEGIN SELECT DICTIONARY_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL INTO :NEW."id" FROM DUAL; END;
MsSQL is the SQL Server database, using IDENTITY can be.
Reference examples:
create table dictionary ( id int identity, parent_id int not null, type varchar(50) not null, item_name varchar(100) not null, item_value varchar(100) null, comment varchar(200) null, deleted smallint not null default 0, create_time datetime not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, constraint PK_dictionary primary key (id) );
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