Semiuniversal RecylerView.Adapter

Keywords: Android

In line with what is written in this article Android RecylerView multi layout optimization Extract the MyAdapter and write a jacenrecylerview Adapter. It can basically realize some simple pages without writing so many adapters.

Don't say much, post code directly.

 * For the time being, I'd like to integrate multiple layouts into one adapter one day
 * @version 1.0
 * @email
 * Created by Jacen on 2017/12/31 0:51.

public class JacenRecylerViewAdapter<T> extends RecyclerView.Adapter {
    protected Context context;
    protected OnItemClickListener l;
    protected List<T> mList;

    private SparseArray<IViewItem> sparseArray;

     * If it is a single layout, sparseArray.put(0,IViewItemImpl);
     * Otherwise, copy the key corresponding to the layout corresponding to getItemViewType(int position) method
     * @param context
     * @param l
     * @param mList
     * @param sparseArray
    public JacenRecylerViewAdapter(Context context, OnItemClickListener l, List<T> mList, SparseArray<IViewItem> sparseArray) {
        this.context = context;
        this.l = l;
        this.mList = mList;
        this.sparseArray = sparseArray;

    public void updateList(List<T> mList) {
        this.mList = mList;

    public void addData(T data,int position){
        if(mList == null){
            mList = new ArrayList<T>();


    public void updateData(T data, int position){
        if(mList == null) return;

    public T getData(int position){
        return mList != null ? mList.get(position) : null ;

    public void removeData(int position){


    public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
        return sparseArray.get(viewType).onCreateViewHolder(context,parent,l);

    public void onBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, int position) {

    public int getItemCount() {
        return mList == null ? 0 : mList.size();

It's OK to write in Activity

SparseArray<IViewItem> sparseArray = new SparseArray();
        sparseArray.put(ChatType.text.getLeft(),new ChatLeftTextViewItemImpl());
        sparseArray.put(ChatType.text.getRight(),new ChatRightTextViewItemImpl());
        //This is for multiple layouts. If it's a single layout, it's OK
        //sparseArray.put(0,new ChatLeftTextViewItemImpl());
        //Because getItemViewType in the adapter source code returns 0 by default
        mAdapter = new MyAdapter(this, mList,sparseArray, this);

Because it's multi layout inheritance, jacenrecylerview adapter overrides getItemViewType

 * @version 1.0
 * @email
 * Created by Jacen on 2017/12/31 1:55.

public class MyAdapter extends JacenRecylerViewAdapter {
     * If it is a single layout, sparseArray.put(0,IViewItemImpl);
     * Otherwise, copy the key corresponding to the layout corresponding to getItemViewType(int position) method
     * @param context
     * @param l
     * @param mList
     * @param sparseArray
    public MyAdapter(Context context, List mList, SparseArray sparseArray,OnItemClickListener l) {
        super(context, l, mList, sparseArray);

    public int getItemViewType(int position) {
        ChatMessageVo vo = (ChatMessageVo) mList.get(position);
        return vo.isMe() ? vo.getChatType().getRight() : vo.getChatType().getLeft();

It's done!
If it's not a good place, welcome to reply

Posted by robtbs on Mon, 04 May 2020 00:24:13 -0700