Selenium webDriver handles check box CheckBox and radio button Radio Button

Keywords: Selenium Firefox

This article focuses on how to identify check boxes CheckBox and radio buttons Radio Button

Radio Button

The radio button can also be opened by the Click() method

Use the web page as an exercise, as follows:
Use to switch to Option 1 radio button;
Use to switch to Option 2 radio button and uncheck Option 1.
The code is shown in the following figure:


Use the click() method to switch the status of the check box: on/off.
The following code is to use the account name and password to login Baidu Web site, which can be seen in the next automatic login check box.

WebElement memberPass1; 
memberPass1 = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id='TANGRAM__PSP_10__memberPass']"));;
System.out.println("Whether to select:" + memberPass.isSelected());

The output is: "Select: False"

The isSelected() method is used to determine whether the check box is checked.

Here's another example: Demo homepage

The complete code is as follows:

import org.openqa.selenium.By;		
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;		
import org.openqa.selenium.*;		

public class Form {				
    public static void main(String[] args) {									
    	// Declarations and instantiations of objects/variables
        WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();					

        WebElement radio1 = driver.findElement("vfb-7-1"));							
        WebElement radio2 = driver.findElement("vfb-7-2"));							
        //Select the radio button Option 1;			
        System.out.println("Radio Button Option 1 Selected");					
        //Button 1 was not selected, Button 2 was selected	;			
        System.out.println("Radio Button Option 2 Selected");					
        // Select the check box	
        WebElement option1 = driver.findElement("vfb-6-0"));							

        // This will switch the check box;			

        // Check whether the check box has been selected 		
        if (option1.isSelected()) {					
            System.out.println("Checkbox is Toggled On");					
        } else {			
            System.out.println("Checkbox is Toggled Off");					
        //Select the check box and use the isSelected method
        WebElement chkFBPersist = driver.findElement("persist_box"));							
        for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {											
            System.out.println("Facebook Persists Checkbox Status is -  "+chkFBPersist.isSelected());							

Find element exception summary:

If NoSuchElementException() is encountered when looking for an element, this means that the element is not on the page when WebDriver accesses the page.

  1. Use Firepath in FireFox or InspectElement(F12) in Chrome to check location elements;
  2. Check that the values used in the code are the same as those of elements in Firepath.
  3. The attributes of some elements are dynamic; if the values are different and dynamic, By.xpath() or By.cssSelector() can be considered. These two methods are more reliable, but the grammatical structure is more complex.
  4. In addition, there may be waiting problems, Web Driver executes code even before the page is fully loaded, so no elements can be found, and so on.
  5. Use implicit or explicit waiting before locating elements; see the article for details of waiting: 5-Selenium Web Driver Three Waiting-Implicit Waiting-Explicit Waiting and Fluent Waiting

The following table summarizes the commands for accessing each type of element discussed above:

Element command describe
Check Box, Radio Button click() Is the element selected for switching

Posted by munuindra on Sat, 07 Sep 2019 02:33:01 -0700