Scope and closure
1. 1 execution context
console.log(a) //undefind
var a = 100
fn('zhangsan') //'zhangsan' 20
function fn (name) {
age = 20
console.log(name, age)
var age
- Scope: a < script > or a function
- Global: variable definition and function declaration
- Functions: variable definition, function declaration, this, arguments function
1,2 this
- The value of this can only be confirmed during execution, and cannot be confirmed during definition
var a = {
name: 'A',
fn: function (name) {
a.fn() //this === a{name: 'B'}, 'zhangsan') //this === {name: 'B'}
// The. call function takes the first parameter passed in as this
var fn1 = a.fn
fn1() //this === window
1. 3 Scope
- JS has no block level scope
if (true) {
var name = 'zhangsan'
- Only function scope and global scope
var a = 100
function fn() {
var a = 200
console.log('fn', a) //fn 200
console.log('global', a) //global 100
1. 4 scope chain
var a = 100
function fn() {
var b = 200
// Variables not defined in the current scope, i.e. "free variables"
In which scope is the function defined, and the parent scope of this function is the scope
1, 5 closure
- Function as return value
function F1() {
var a = 100
return function () {
console.log(a) //Free variable, parent scope search
// f1 to get a function
var f1 = F1()
var a = 200
- Functions are passed as arguments
function F1() {
var a = 100
return function () {
console.log(a) //Free variable, parent scope search
var f1 = F1()
fnuction F2(fn) {
var a = 200
1, 6 example
- Let's talk about the understanding of variable promotion
- Variable definition
- Function declaration (note the difference between function expression and function declaration)
Explain several different usage scenarios of this
- Execute as constructor
- Execute as object property
- Execute as a normal function
- call apply bind
function Foo(name) { = name } var f = new Foo('zhangsan') var obj = { name: 'A', printName: function () { console.log( } ] obj.printfNmae() funtion fn() { console.log(this) } fn()
- Create 10 < a > tags and pop up the corresponding serial number when clicking
var i
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
//Set a self executing function
(function (i) {
var a = document.creatElement('a')
a.innerHTML = i + '<br>'
a.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
- How to understand scope
- Free variable
- Scope chain, i.e. searching for free variables
- Two scenarios of closures
- Application of closure in practical development
//Closures are mainly used to encapsulate variables and converge permissions in practical applications
function isFirstLoad() {
var _list = []
return function (id) {
if (_list.indexOf(id) != -1) {
return false
} else {
return true
var firstLoad = isFirstLoad()
firstLoad(10) // true
firstLoad(10) // false
firstLoad(20) // true