Scala for Large Data Learning Notes: Chapter 9 Packages and Introduction

Keywords: Scala Java

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9.1 Pack

Packets, like packages in Java, are designed to organize programs, and packages in Scala do not require associations between directories and packages. The package that defines a class is as follows:

package com {
  package horstmann {
package impatient {
class Employee(id: Int) {
def description = "An employee with id " + id }
} }

It also supports contributing content to multiple packages in the same file:

package com {
  package horstmann {
package impatient {
class Employee(id: Int) {
def description = "An employee with id " + id
package net {
  package bigjava {
class Counter {
private var value = 0
def increment() { value += 1 }
def description = "A counter with value " + value

Serial package statements:

package com.horstmann.impatient { package people {
class Person(val name: String) {
val friends = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Person] // Doesn't pick up collection from com.horstmann.collection def description = name + " with friends " +", ")
} }

Members of COM and com. horstmann are invisible, requiring full paths or import s
Document top marking:
package com.horstmann.impatient.people
class Person
Equivalent to
package com.horstmann.impatient
package people
class Person
Equivalent to
package com.horstmann.impatient{
package people{
class Person
} }
Document Top Markup: In this form, there can be no more than one different package in a file.

9.2 Scope

The scope of the package supports nesting. The package name can be relative.

package com {
  package horstmann {
object Utils {
def percentOf(value: Double, rate: Double) = value * rate / 100
    package impatient {
class Employee(initialSalary: Double) {
private var salary = initialSalary
def description = "An employee with salary " + salary def giveRaise(rate: scala.Double) {
          salary += Utils.percentOf(salary, rate)
          // Ok to access Utils from parent package
} }
} }
  //If you encounter referenced classes and scala Conflicts in internal classes, absolute package names can be used(with _root_start):
package com {
  package horstmann {
package impatient { class Manager {
// The following doesn't work (look into Other.scala)
// val subordinates = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Employee]
val subordinates = new _root_.scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Employee] def description = "A manager with " + subordinates.length + " subordinates"
} }
} }

Note: The package object name should be the same as the package name.

9.3 Package Objects

Packages can contain classes, objects, attributes, but not definitions of functions and variables, which is a limitation of Java virtual machines.
To solve this problem, each package has a package object. These functions and constants can be defined in the package object.

package com.sec03
// Defined in the parent package
package object people {
val defaultName = "John Q. Public"
package people{
  class Person {
    var name = defaultName // A constant from the package
def description = "A person with name " + name }
object Sec03Main extends App {
val john = new com.sec03.people.Person println(john.description)

9.4 Packet Visibility

You can set the visibility of packages by setting private.

package com.sec04
package object people {
val defaultName = "John Q. Public"
object Sec04Main extends App {
val john = new com.sec04.people.Person 
package people{
private[sec04] class Person {
var name = defaultName // A constant from the package private[sec04] def description = "A person with name " + name private[people] def description2 = "A person with name " + name
} }

9.5 Introduction

Introducing packages through import, similar to that in java*

package com.sec05
import java.awt._
class Manager {
import collection.mutable._
val subordinates = new ArrayBuffer[Employee]
def description = "A manager with " + subordinates.length + " subordinates" + Font.BOLD
class Employee(val name: String)
object Sec05Main extends App {
val wilma = new Manager
val employees = collection.mutable.HashSet(
    // import collection.mutable._ doesn't extend until here
new Employee("Fred"), new Employee("Barney")) wilma.subordinates ++= employees
println(wilma + ": " + wilma.description)

Note: Introduced statements in Scala can appear anywhere, not just at the top of the file.

These packages are introduced automatically.

9.6 Rename and Hide Method

Select a single class through the package selector.

import java.awt.{Color, Font}
import java.util.{HashMap => JavaHashMap} 
import scala.collection.mutable._
new JavaHashMap[String, Int]
new HashMap[String, Int]
//Hide a member
import java.util.{HashSet => _, _} 
import scala.collection.mutable._
new HashSet[String]

Posted by hoffmeister on Sun, 04 Aug 2019 22:58:40 -0700