SAP Po cannot modify the unit price enhancement after warehousing

Requirement: S4 after the receipt voucher is made according to the purchase order, if the user unapproves the purchase order to modify the unit price, the system will prompt "received, unit price cannot be modified".

Judgment process: whether there is receipt voucher

If the purchase order conditions are priced according to the purchase information record, the price cannot be modified originally. Only one PBXX condition can be added. When judging here

Also determine whether there is a PBXX or only a PB00

Find the enhanced location SMOD, and then search the enhanced points contained in package ME. The enhanced location is




CMOD creates a project and fills in the enhancement points for management. Double click ZXM06U43 to create it, and write the code here.



Code attached at the end

Note: the S4 environment is used, and the table of purchase order conditions is different. The S4 environment is prcd? Elements, and the ECC environment is KONV

*& Contain               ZXM06U43

data: sum_menge type ekbe-menge.

if sy-tcode = 'ME22N' or sy-tcode = 'ME22'.

  loop at tekpo.

    "Judge whether there are warehousing records
    select menge,shkzg into table @data(lt_ekbe)
      from ekbe
      where ebeln = @tekpo-ebeln
        and ebelp = @tekpo-ebelp
        and bewtp = 'E'.

    loop at lt_ekbe assigning field-symbol(<ls_ekbe>).
      if <ls_ekbe>-shkzg = 'S'.
        sum_menge = sum_menge + <ls_ekbe>-menge.
        sum_menge = sum_menge - <ls_ekbe>-menge.

    check sum_menge > 0."There are warehousing records
    sum_menge = 0.

    select kposn, "project
           kschl, "Condition type
           kbetr  "Price
      into table @data(lt_price)
      from prcd_elements
      where knumv = @i_ekko-knumv
        and kposn = @tekpo-ebelp.

    read table lt_price assigning field-symbol(<ls_price>) with key kposn  = tekpo-ebelp "Whether there are new conditions
                                                                    kschl  = 'PBXX'.
    if sy-subrc = 0.

      read table tkomv assigning field-symbol(<ls_komv>) with key kschl = 'PBXX'.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        if <ls_price>-kbetr <> <ls_komv>-kbetr.                                           "Revised price
          message e899(mm) with tekpo-ebeln tekpo-ebelp 'The price cannot be modified because it has been received.'.

      else.                                                                               "Price deleted
        message e899(mm) with tekpo-ebeln tekpo-ebelp 'The price cannot be modified because it has been received.'.

    else."primary po There is no new conditional price,

      read table tkomv with key kschl = 'PBXX' transporting no fields.
      if sy-subrc = 0.                                                                    "Added price
        message e899(mm) with tekpo-ebeln tekpo-ebelp 'The price cannot be modified because it has been received.'.


Activate this enhancement in CMOD.




Author: Bright and bright
Wechat: heme 922, welcome to share SAP! Video data with friends.
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Posted by ethan.whitt on Sat, 02 May 2020 04:59:30 -0700