samba Shared Storage Service

Keywords: yum network iptables firewall

Samba is a free software that implements the SMB protocol on Linux and UNIX systems and consists of server and client programs.SMB (Server Messages Block) is a communication protocol for sharing files and printers on a local area network. It provides file and printer sharing services between different computers in the local area network.The SMB protocol is a client/server protocol through which clients can access shared file systems, printers, and other resources on the server.By setting "NetBIOS over TCP/IP", Samba can share resources not only with local area network hosts, but also with computers around the world.

I. Installation Services

1. On the server (

yum search samba
yum install -y samba -client.x86_64 -common-libs.x86_64 -common-tools.x86_64    ##Install samma service  
systemctl stop firewalld
systemctl stop iptables     ##Close Firewall
setenforce 0
2)Landing Service
smbclient -L // ##Logon Services
id student  ##Confirm the existence of student users
smbpasswd -a student    ##Set Password
smbclient -L // -U student ##Log on as a student user

getsebol -a | grep samba
setsebool -P samba_enable_home_dirs on  ##Used to share user customizationssambaShare
3)Modify Workgroup Name
//Main profile: /etc/samba/smb.ocnf
vim /etc/samba/smb.conf ##Edit Service Master Profile
  workgroup = WESTOS    ##Edit Workgroup Name
 >       server string = Samba Server Version %v

;       netbios name = MYSERVER
4)access control
;       interfaces = lo eth0
        hosts allow = ##Allow Shared Storage IP
5)Anonymous Access Settings
        security = user
        passdb backend = tdbsam
        map to guest = bad user ##All anonymous users are named guest

   [DATA]   ##Name of data group
        comment = weixin data
        path = /westos
        guest ok = yes  ##Allow anonymous users to log on
;       writable = yes  ##File Writable
        write list = @student   ##Writable users in student group
    browseable = no ##Hide directories but can be called
    valid = student ##Callable User

2. On Client (

yum search samba
yum install -y samba -client.x86_64 -common-libs.x86_64 -common-tools.x86_64    ##Install samma service  
systemctl stop firewalld
systemctl stop iptables     ##Close Firewall
setenforce 0

mount -o username=student,password=123// ##Log on as a student user
df  ##Check if mounting was successful

2. Permission Control

1. On the server side

mkdir /westos   ##Add Directory
useradd westos  ##New Users
smbpasswd -a westso ##Change Password
setfacl -m u :student:rwx /westos   ##Read and write to user student
setfacl -m g :student:rwx /westos   ##Read and write permissions to users of group student s
usermod -G student westos   ##Set user westos group to student

2. On the client side:

mount -o username=westos,password=(Password) // /mnt
cd /mnt
touch fie{1..4} ##Test for Read and Write
rm -fr file1

3. Multi-user mounted on client superuser identity

yum install -y cifs-utils
vim /root/smbfile(Any file name)
> username=student
monut -o credentials=/root/smbfile,multiuser,sec=ntlmssp //
cd /mnt
ls  ##test
//Switch normal user test:
su - kiosk
cd /mnt/
ls  ##Test, no files can be viewed normally, with permission restrictions
cifscreds add -u westos  ##Authenticate westos users under normal users
cd /mnt
ls  ##Test, if successful, file visible

Posted by rlalande on Mon, 06 Jul 2020 09:15:32 -0700