Rundeck integration: Rundeck + HttpPie

Keywords: JSON xml ssh encoding

This article describes how to use HttPie for related operations.

Introduction to the Use of Httpie

Web Api

Rundeck provides a better exposed WebApi for easier integration without cli. curl, for example, is basically the standard of all linux. In addition, Api and rundeck APIs can also be used directly in programs. See below for information on APIs of rundeck.

XML and JSON support

The API supports XML and JSON approaches, although some export/import functions also support YAML or text/plain, the overall use of XML and JSON approaches at all API levels. In version 14, all support JSON format, with one exception (/ api/V/project/[PROJECT]/jobs/export).

  • Usage mode
    The JSON return result can be obtained by setting the Accept of HTTP Header as application/json.
    When Accept is not specified, the return result is the same as that in the request of POST or PUT, or the default XML request is returned.

Authentication method

Rundeck's use of the api can be done by username and password or token.

User name password mode

First you need to post the username and password to the following URL

  • $RUNDECK_SERVER_URL/j_security_check
  • j_username: Username
  • j_password: Password
    Note: Actually, the login process is saved in session.

Using the token approach

This method first needs to generate token, using the generated token, which can be used in the following two ways.

  • Mode 1: Set token to X-Rundeck-Auth-Token in HTTP Header
  • Mode 2: Pass in the url through the parameter authtoken

Generate token

First, you need to set token, which can be generated by GUI first, and then added to the user profile in the upper right corner after login.

Create token based on the following information

You can see the following token information

Click show token to get the token content

Query list information for project

  • Default: Returns the results of XML and Header-related information
liumiaocn:~ liumiao$ http http://localhost:32044/api/30/projects?authtoken=vcopxmhraTC9vlNw1p5VJTlxNhQcVNbc
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none' ; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' ; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' ; img-src * ; font-src 'self' data: ; connect-src 'self' ; form-action 'self' ;
Content-Type: application/xml;charset=utf-8
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2019 01:19:00 GMT
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=node0cfzthent4gpjy3yiivzutipf62.node0;Path=/;HttpOnly
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
X-Application-Context: application:production:4440
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Frame-Options: deny
X-Rundeck-API-Version: 30
X-Rundeck-API-XML-Response-Wrapper: false
X-XSS-Protection: 1

<projects count='3'>
  <project url='http://localhost:32044/api/30/project/rundeck-test-cli-project'>
  <project url='http://localhost:32044/api/30/project/rundeck-test-project'>
    <description>This project is to introduce Rundeck function</description>
    <label>Rundeck Test Project</label>
  <project url='http://localhost:32044/api/30/project/rundeck-test-webapi-project'>

liumiaocn:~ liumiao$ 
  • Return only the result content of the result XML
liumiaocn:~ liumiao$ http http://localhost:32044/api/30/projects?authtoken=vcopxmhraTC9vlNw1p5VJTlxNhQcVNbc -b
<projects count='3'>
  <project url='http://localhost:32044/api/30/project/rundeck-test-cli-project'>
  <project url='http://localhost:32044/api/30/project/rundeck-test-project'>
    <description>This project is to introduce Rundeck function</description>
    <label>Rundeck Test Project</label>
  <project url='http://localhost:32044/api/30/project/rundeck-test-webapi-project'>

liumiaocn:~ liumiao$
  • Set Accept: Specify return json format
liumiaocn:~ liumiao$ http http://localhost:32044/api/30/projects?authtoken=vcopxmhraTC9vlNw1p5VJTlxNhQcVNbc Accept:application/json -b
        "description": "", 
        "label": "", 
        "name": "rundeck-test-cli-project", 
        "url": "http://localhost:32044/api/30/project/rundeck-test-cli-project"
        "description": "This project is to introduce Rundeck function", 
        "label": "Rundeck Test Project", 
        "name": "rundeck-test-project", 
        "url": "http://localhost:32044/api/30/project/rundeck-test-project"
        "description": "", 
        "label": "", 
        "name": "rundeck-test-webapi-project", 
        "url": "http://localhost:32044/api/30/project/rundeck-test-webapi-project"

liumiaocn:~ liumiao$ 

Create Project


Prepare project creation information in the following Json format

liumiaocn:~ liumiao$ cat rundeck-httpie-project.json
  "name": "rundeck-test-webapi-httpie-project", 
      "project.lable":"Rundeck Test WebApi Httpie Project" 
liumiaocn:~ liumiao$

Create Project

liumiaocn:~ liumiao$ http http://localhost:32044/api/30/projects?authtoken=vcopxmhraTC9vlNw1p5VJTlxNhQcVNbc <rundeck-httpie-project.json
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none' ; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' ; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' ; img-src * ; font-src 'self' data: ; connect-src 'self' ; form-action 'self' ;
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2019 01:25:04 GMT
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=node0gazfa6shom3jpxvuikk7v4d066.node0;Path=/;HttpOnly
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
X-Application-Context: application:production:4440
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Frame-Options: deny
X-XSS-Protection: 1

    "config": {
        "project.lable": "Rundeck Test WebApi Httpie Project", 
        "": "rundeck-test-webapi-httpie-project", 
        "project.ssh-authentication": "privateKey", 
        "project.ssh-keypath": "/home/rundeck/.ssh/id_rsa", 
        "resources.source.1.type": "local", 
        "service.FileCopier.default.provider": "jsch-scp", 
        "service.NodeExecutor.default.provider": "jsch-ssh"
    "description": "", 
    "name": "rundeck-test-webapi-httpie-project", 
    "url": "http://localhost:32044/api/30/project/rundeck-test-webapi-httpie-project"

liumiaocn:~ liumiao$ 

Create information validation

liumiaocn:~ liumiao$ http http://localhost:32044/api/30/projects?authtoken=vcopxmhraTC9vlNw1p5VJTlxNhQcVNbc -b
<projects count='4'>
  <project url='http://localhost:32044/api/30/project/rundeck-test-cli-project'>
  <project url='http://localhost:32044/api/30/project/rundeck-test-project'>
    <description>This project is to introduce Rundeck function</description>
    <label>Rundeck Test Project</label>
  <project url='http://localhost:32044/api/30/project/rundeck-test-webapi-httpie-project'>
  <project url='http://localhost:32044/api/30/project/rundeck-test-webapi-project'>

liumiaocn:~ liumiao$

Confirmation through Web GUI

Project details confirmation

Confirm the Project details created

liumiaocn:~ liumiao$ http http://localhost:32044/api/30/project/rundeck-test-webapi-httpie-project?authtoken=vcopxmhraTC9vlNw1p5VJTlxNhQcVNbc Accept:application/json -b
    "config": {
        "project.lable": "Rundeck Test WebApi Httpie Project", 
        "": "rundeck-test-webapi-httpie-project", 
        "project.ssh-authentication": "privateKey", 
        "project.ssh-keypath": "/home/rundeck/.ssh/id_rsa", 
        "resources.source.1.type": "local", 
        "service.FileCopier.default.provider": "jsch-scp", 
        "service.NodeExecutor.default.provider": "jsch-ssh"
    "description": "", 
    "name": "rundeck-test-webapi-httpie-project", 
    "url": "http://localhost:32044/api/30/project/rundeck-test-webapi-httpie-project"

liumiaocn:~ liumiao$ 

Other contents

Reference content

Posted by hollyspringer on Fri, 17 May 2019 20:19:17 -0700