Software type: CS
Development tool: Delphi
Function: restrict multiple logins of the same account and choose to kick others forcibly.
1. Use the temporary table to determine whether the current account has been logged in. Here is a brief introduction to the temporary table method. When the software is successfully logged in for the first time, create a temporary table create table user ID (id int); where user ID is the table name and user ID is the unique ID of the current user. When the software is shut down, including abnormal shutdown, the temporary table will be released automatically. The task manager forcibly shut down the software. The test is normal. The power failure is abnormal. The shutdown is not tested.
2. Judge whether the temporary table has the status of reading whether the current user is logged in.
function TLoginFrm.UserLogined(AdoConn: TADOConnection; AUserID: string): Boolean; var Qry: TADOQuery; strSQL: string; begin try QryCreate(Qry,AdoConn); try strSQL := Format('SELECT OBJECT_ID(N''tempdb..##%s'', N''U'') AS TabID', [AUserID]); Qry.SQL.Text := strSQL; Qry.Open; result := not Qry.FieldByName('TabID').IsNull; finally Qry.Free; end; except Result := False; Exit; end; end;
3. The default value of "online" added to the current login user table is 0. When the login is successful, create a temporary table and update the current user status to 1. Note: 0 offline, 1 online;
function TLoginFrm.RegUserLogined(AdoConn: TADOConnection; AUserID: string): Boolean; var Qry, QryComm: TADOQuery; strSQL: string; begin try QryCreate(Qry,AdoConn); QryCreate(QryComm, adocCommon); try strSQL := Format('CREATE TABLE ##%s(ID int); ', [AUserID]); Qry.SQL.Text := strSQL; Qry.ExecSQL; strSQL := Format('update Personnel_set set online=1 where Per_id=%S', [QuotedStr(AUserID)]); QryComm.SQL.Text := strSQL; QryComm.ExecSQL; finally Qry.Free; QryComm.Free; end; except Result := False; Exit; end; Result := True; end;
4. Click OK to log in
//Judge whether the current login user has registered if not UserLogined(adocWMS, adoqPersonnal.FieldByName('EmployeeCode').AsString) then begin //Update personnel status to 0 in case of abnormal exit without updating personnel online status if GetUserOnline(adocCommon, adoqPersonnal.FieldByName('EmployeeCode').AsString) then UpdateOnline(adocCommon, adoqPersonnal.FieldByName('EmployeeCode').AsString); //Create a temporary table to record the login status of the current person RegUserLogined(adocWMS, adoqPersonnal.FieldByName('EmployeeCode').AsString) end else begin if MessageBox(Handle, 'The current user is already logged in, Force login?', 'Tips', MB_YESNO)=id_yes then begin //Update login status = 0 UpdateOnline(adocCommon, adoqPersonnal.FieldByName('EmployeeCode').AsString); //Set up timer If the event monitor status is 0 and the temporary table exists, the system will directly kick off the line. Waiting for users to log off/ while UserLogined(adocWMS, adoqPersonnal.FieldByName('EmployeeCode').AsString) do begin // end; //Re register the temporary table. RegUserLogined(adocWMS, adoqPersonnal.FieldByName('EmployeeCode').AsString); end else Exit; end;
5. Monitor the login status of the personnel. If the personnel status is 0 and the temporary table exists, directly kick off the line. This involves a non blocking pop-up prompt box.
function WTSSendMessage(Server: HWND; SessionId: DWORD; Title: PChar; TitleLength: DWORD; AMessage: PChar; MessageLength: DWORD; Style: DWORD; Timeout: DWORD; var Response: DWORD; Wait: Boolean): Boolean; stdcall; external 'wtsapi32.dll' name 'WTSSendMessageA'; function WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId: DWORD; stdcall; external kernel32 name 'WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId'; procedure TLoginFrm.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); const WTS_CURRENT_SERVER_HANDLE = 0; var nTitle, nMessage: string; nResponse: DWORD; begin if UserLogined(adocCommon, Parameter[4]) and not GetUserOnline(adocCommon, Parameter[4]) then begin Timer1.Enabled := False; nTitle := 'Tips'; nMessage := 'The current user is logged in elsewhere, You have been kicked off the line!'; WTSSendMessage(WTS_CURRENT_SERVER_HANDLE, WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId, PChar(nTitle), Length(nTitle), PChar(nMessage), Length(nMessage), MB_OK, 0, nResponse, False); TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess, 0); end; end;
6. Get and update the personnel status function.
function TLoginFrm.GetUserOnline(AdoConn: TADOConnection; AUserID: string): Boolean; var QryComm: TADOQuery; begin Result := False; QryCreate(QryComm, AdoConn); try QryComm.SQL.Text := Format('select online from Personnel_set where per_id=%S', [QuotedStr(AUserID)]); QryComm.Open; if QryComm.FieldByName('online').AsInteger = 1 then Result := True; finally QryComm.Free; end; end; function TLoginFrm.UpdateOnline(AdoConn: TADOConnection; AUserID: string; online: Integer): Boolean; var T: TADOQuery; begin QryCreate(T, AdoConn); try T.SQL.Text := Format('update Personnel_set set online=%D where Per_id=%S', [online, QuotedStr(AUserID)]); T.ExecSQL; finally T.Free; end; end;