The previous article introduced the basic knowledge of chaos, including three classical chaotic maps and Hodgkin Huxley model. This paper will introduce text encryption based on chaotic mapping.
This chapter first introduces the cryptosystem based on the traditional DES algorithm and the typical text cryptosystem based on chaotic mapping, uses the classical chaotic mapping and Hodgkin Huxley model to encrypt the text, and compares and analyzes the security of different algorithms based on the performance analysis index of cryptosystem proposed in Chapter 2. Aiming at the defect that the typical text chaotic encryption algorithm does not have ciphertext sensitivity, an improved text chaotic encryption algorithm is designed. Taking Hodgkin Huxley model as an example, the typical text chaotic encryption algorithm and the improved text chaotic encryption algorithm are compared and analyzed.
1, Traditional DES cryptographic algorithm
DES algorithm is the most classic representative of symmetric block cipher, and it is also the text encryption standard algorithm recommended by NIST. The encryption and decryption process of DES algorithm is shown in Figure 5-1.
There are many articles about DES algorithm on the network, which will not be introduced here.
This paper encrypts and decrypts the text file of Txt. The plaintext used is the famous speech I Have a Dream delivered by Martin Luther King in 1963. The text is shown in Figure 5-3. Expand the ASCII code of plaintext from left to right and from top to bottom into a one-dimensional column vector with the size of 8866 * 1. The histogram of ASCII code is shown in the figure:
It can be seen from figure 5-4 that the ASCII code distribution of plaintext text is mainly concentrated between 32 (space) and 97122 (lowercase letter az), with obvious non-uniform distribution characteristics.
Let the initial key of DES algorithm be K=133457799BBCDFF1 (hexadecimal). The DES algorithm shown in Fig. 5-1 is used for experiments in Matlab. The experimental results are shown in Fig. 5-5 and Fig. 5-6:
As can be seen from Fig. 5-5 and Fig. 5-6, the traditional DES algorithm can achieve the purpose of hiding the original information through encryption and correctly recovering the original information through decryption.
2, Typical text chaotic encryption algorithm
The typical chaotic text cipher system based on chaotic sequence cipher is shown in Figure 5-7:
In Figure 5-7, the scrambling algorithm adopts one-dimensional non re scrambling algorithm, and the diffusion algorithm adopts the diffusion algorithm based on the multiplication of finite field GF\left(257\right).
Next, text chaotic encryption based on different chaotic maps is analyzed. Firstly, the classical chaotic map introduced in Chapter 3 is used to encrypt the text, and then the Hodgkin Huxley model introduced in Chapter 4 is used to encrypt the text.
1. Logistic mapping
2. Henon mapping
3. Lorenz mapping
4. Hodgkin Huxley model
Due to space reasons, only HH model is given as an example.
% FIPS 140-1 Random characteristic test clear clc sigma = 10; alpha = 28; beta= 8/3; K0 = [0.00002, 0.05293, 0.31768, 0.59612, 1, 1, 1]; [T1,Y1] = ode45(@(t,x)HHfun(t,x,sigma,alpha,beta),[0,5000],K0); s = Y1(end-20000+1:end,1); s = mod(floor((s+1000)*pow2(16)),2); test = zeros(1,4); % Single bit test k1 = sum(s); k0 = length(s) - k1; if (9725 <= k1) && (k1 <= 10725) && (9725 <= k0) && (k0 <= 10725) test(1) = 1; end % Poker test f0 = zeros(1,16); for i = 1:5000 v = s(4*i-3)*8 + s(4*i-2)*4 + s(4*i-1)*2 + s(4*i); f0(v+1) = f0(v+1) + 1; end p = sum(f0.^2)*16/5000 - 5000; if (p >= 2.16) && (p <= 46.17) test(2) = 1; end % poker test run0 = zeros(1,100); run1 = zeros(1,100); t0 = 0; t1 = 0; for i = 1:20000 if i == 1 if s(i) == 1 t1 = 1; else t0 = 1; end elseif i == 20000 if s(i) == 1 && t1 > 0 t1 = t1 + 1; run1(t1) = run1(t1) + 1; end if s(i) == 0 && t0 > 0 t0 = t0 + 1; run0(t0) = run0(t0) + 1; end if s(i) == 1 && t1 == 0 run1(1) = run1(1) + 1; run0(t0) = run0(t0) + 1; end if s(i) == 0 && t0 == 0 run0(1) = run0(1) + 1; run1(t1) = run1(t1) + 1; end else if s(i) == 1 && t1 > 0 t1 = t1 + 1; end if s(i) == 0 && t0 > 0 t0 = t0 + 1; end if s(i) == 1 && t1 == 0 t1 = 1; run0(t0) = run0(t0) + 1; t0 = 0; end if s(i) == 0 && t0 == 0 t0 = 1; run1(t1) = run1(t1) + 1; t1 = 0; end end end run0_1 = run0(1); run0_2 = run0(2); run0_3 = run0(3); run0_4 = run0(4); run0_5 = run0(5); run0_6 = sum(run0(6:100)); run0_26 = sum(run0(26:100)); run1_1 = run1(1); run1_2 = run1(2); run1_3 = run1(3); run1_4 = run1(4); run1_5 = run1(5); run1_6 = sum(run1(6:100)); run1_26 = sum(run1(26:100)); if (run0_1 >= 2315) && (run0_1 <= 2685) && (run1_1 >= 2315) && (run1_1 <= 2685) if (run0_2 >= 1114) && (run0_2 <= 1386) && (run1_2 >= 1114) && (run1_2 <= 1386) if (run0_3 >= 527) && (run0_3 <= 723) && (run1_3 >= 527) && (run1_3 <= 723) if (run0_4 >= 240) && (run0_4 <= 384) && (run1_4 >= 240) && (run1_4 <= 384) if (run0_5 >= 103) && (run0_5 <= 209) && (run1_5 >= 103) && (run1_5 <= 209) if (run0_6 >= 103) && (run0_6 <= 207) && (run1_6 >= 103) && (run1_6 <= 207) test(3) = 1; end end end end end end if (run0_26 == 0) && (run1_26 == 0) test(4) = 1; end clearvars -except k1 p run0_* run1_* test %% function df = HHfun(t,x,sigma,alpha,beta) df = zeros(7,1); df(1) = x(5) - (120*x(2)^3*x(4)*(x(1) - 115) + 36*x(3)^4*(x(1) + 12) + 0.3*(x(1) - 10.599)); df(2) = alpham(x(1))*(1-x(2)) - betam(x(1))*x(2); df(3) = alphan(x(1))*(1-x(3)) - betan(x(1))*x(3); df(4) = alphah(x(1))*(1-x(4)) - betah(x(1))*x(4); df(5) = sigma*(x(6) - x(5)); df(6) = alpha*x(5) - x(5)*x(7) - x(6); df(7) = x(5)*x(6) - beta*x(7); end function am = alpham(V) am = 0.1*(V - 25)/(1 - exp((25 - V)/10)); end function bm = betam(V) bm = 4*exp(-V/18); end function an = alphan(V) an = 0.01*(V - 10)/(1 - exp((10 - V)/10)); end function bn = betan(V) bn = 0.125*exp(-V/80); end function ah = alphah(V) ah = 0.07*exp(-V/20); end function bh = betah(V) bh = 1/(1 + exp((30 - V)/10)); end
%% HH_Lorenz Performance analysis of chaotic encryption system clear clc % Read plaintext plaintext = importdata('D:\Learning materials\Undergraduate graduation thesis\code\encryption\plain.txt'); [m,~] = size(plaintext); ascsize = zeros(m,1); plaintext_asc = []; for i = 1:m text = char(plaintext(i)); asc = abs(text); ascsize(i) = length(asc); if i > 1 ascsize(i) = ascsize(i) + ascsize(i-1); end plaintext_asc = [plaintext_asc asc]; end plaintext_asc = plaintext_asc'; clearvars -except plaintext* ascsize m %% % secret key K=[alpha,V0,m0,n0,h0] K = [28, 0.00002, 0.05293, 0.31768, 0.59612]; % encryption tic ciphetext_asc = Encrypt(plaintext_asc,K); toc ciphetext = cell(m,1); for i = 1:m if i == 1 asc = ciphetext_asc(1:ascsize(1))'; else asc = ciphetext_asc(ascsize(i-1)+1:ascsize(i))'; end text = char(asc); ciphetext(i) = cellstr(text); end ciphetext = char(ciphetext); % decrypt tic plaintext2_asc = Decrypt(ciphetext_asc,K); toc plaintext2 = cell(m,1); for i = 1:m if i == 1 asc = plaintext2_asc(1:ascsize(1))'; else asc = plaintext2_asc(ascsize(i-1)+1:ascsize(i))'; end text = char(asc); plaintext2(i) = cellstr(text); end plaintext2 = char(plaintext2); clearvars -except K plaintext* ciphetext* ascsize m %% encryption/Decryption speed K = [28, 0.00002, 0.05293, 0.31768, 0.59612]; N = 100; time1 = zeros(N,1); time2 = zeros(N,1); for j = 1:N time1(j) = cputime; ciphe = Encrypt(plaintext_asc,K); time1(j) = cputime - time1(j); time2(j) = cputime; Decrypt(ciphe,K); time2(j) = cputime - time2(j); end En_time = sum(time1)/N; De_time = sum(time2)/N; clearvars j N time* %% Histogram chi square test figure hist(plaintext_asc,256); figure hist(ciphetext_asc,256); figure hist(plaintext2_asc,256); fp = hist(plaintext_asc,256); fc = hist(ciphetext_asc,256); g = ascsize(end)/256; % Value of chi square statistics chai1 = sum((fp-g).^2)/g; chai2 = sum((fc-g).^2)/g; clearvars M N fp fc g %% NPCR and UACI value NU = NPCRUACI(plaintext_asc, ciphetext_asc); %% % Expected value of given text and random text NUExpect = NPCRUACIExpect(plaintext_asc); % Theoretical values of two random texts NUTheory = NPCRUACITheory(); %% Key sensitivity of encryption system N = 100; alpha = roundn(rand(1,N)*24, -2) + 66; V0 = roundn(rand(1,N)*10, -10); m0 = roundn(rand(1,N)*0.1, -10); n0 = roundn(rand(1,N)*0.1, -10) + 0.3; h0 = roundn(rand(1,N)*0.2, -10) + 0.4; NU_alpha = zeros(1,2); NU_V0 = zeros(1,2); NU_m0 = zeros(1,2); NU_n0 = zeros(1,2); NU_h0 = zeros(1,2); for i = 1:N K1 = [alpha(i), V0(i), m0(i), n0(i), h0(i)]; ciphe_asc1 = Encrypt(plaintext_asc, K1); K2 = [alpha(i)+10^(-10), V0(i), m0(i), n0(i), h0(i)]; if K2(1) >= 90 K2(1) = alpha(i) - 10^(-10); end ciphe_asc2 = Encrypt(plaintext_asc, K2); K3 = [alpha(i), V0(i)+10^(-10), m0(i), n0(i), h0(i)]; if K3(2) >= 10 K3(2) = V0(i) - 10^(-10); end ciphe_asc3 = Encrypt(plaintext_asc, K3); K4 = [alpha(i), V0(i), m0(i)+10^(-10), n0(i), h0(i)]; if K4(3) >= 0.1 K4(3) = m0(i) - 10^(-10); end ciphe_asc4 = Encrypt(plaintext_asc, K4); K5 = [alpha(i), V0(i), m0(i), n0(i)+10^(-10), h0(i)]; if K5(4) >= 0.4 K5(4) = n0(i) - 10^(-10); end ciphe_asc5 = Encrypt(plaintext_asc, K5); K6 = [alpha(i), V0(i), m0(i), n0(i), h0(i)+10^(-10)]; if K6(5) >= 0.6 K6(5) = h0(i) - 10^(-10); end ciphe_asc6 = Encrypt(plaintext_asc, K6); NU_alpha = NU_alpha + NPCRUACI(ciphe_asc1, ciphe_asc2); NU_V0 = NU_V0 + NPCRUACI(ciphe_asc1, ciphe_asc3); NU_m0 = NU_m0 + NPCRUACI(ciphe_asc1, ciphe_asc4); NU_n0 = NU_n0 + NPCRUACI(ciphe_asc1, ciphe_asc5); NU_h0 = NU_h0 + NPCRUACI(ciphe_asc1, ciphe_asc6); end NU_alpha = NU_alpha/N; NU_V0 = NU_V0/N; NU_m0 = NU_m0/N; NU_n0 = NU_n0/N; NU_h0 = NU_h0/N; %% Sensitivity analysis of plaintext N = 50; alpha = roundn(rand(1,N)*24, -2) + 66; V0 = roundn(rand(1,N)*10, -10); m0 = roundn(rand(1,N)*0.1, -10); n0 = roundn(rand(1,N)*0.1, -10) + 0.3; h0 = roundn(rand(1,N)*0.2, -10) + 0.4; NU = zeros(N,2); NU_plain = zeros(1,2); for i = 1:N K1 = [alpha(i), V0(i), m0(i), n0(i), h0(i)]; ciphe_asc1 = Encrypt(plaintext_asc, K1); ixy = mod(floor(rand*10^10), ascsize(end))+1; plain_asc = plaintext_asc; plain_asc(ixy) = mod(plain_asc(ixy)+1,256); ciphe_asc2 = Encrypt(plain_asc, K1); NU(i,:) = NPCRUACI(ciphe_asc1,ciphe_asc2); NU_plain = NU_plain + NPCRUACI(ciphe_asc1, ciphe_asc2); end NU_plain = NU_plain/N; clearvars i* K* ciphe_asc* plain_asc N %% Sensitivity analysis of ciphertext N = 100; alpha = roundn(rand(1,N)*24, -2) + 66; V0 = roundn(rand(1,N)*10, -10); m0 = roundn(rand(1,N)*0.1, -10); n0 = roundn(rand(1,N)*0.1, -10) + 0.3; h0 = roundn(rand(1,N)*0.2, -10) + 0.4; NU = zeros(N,2); NU_ciphe = zeros(1,2); for i = 1:N K1 = [alpha(i), V0(i), m0(i), n0(i), h0(i)]; ciphe_asc = Encrypt(plaintext_asc, K1); ixy = mod(floor(rand*10^10), ascsize(end))+1; ciphe_asc(ixy) = mod(ciphe_asc(ixy)+1,256); plain_asc = Decrypt(ciphe_asc, K1); NU(i,:) = NPCRUACI(plaintext_asc,plain_asc); NU_ciphe = NU_ciphe + NPCRUACI(plaintext_asc, plain_asc); end NU_ciphe = NU_ciphe/N; clearvars i* ciphe_asc plain_asc K1 N %% Information entropy alpha = roundn(rand*24, -2) + 66; V0 = roundn(rand*10, -10); m0 = roundn(rand*0.1, -10); n0 = roundn(rand*0.1, -10) + 0.3; h0 = roundn(rand*0.2, -10) + 0.4; ciphe_asc = Encrypt(plaintext_asc, [alpha, V0, m0, n0, h0]); Hplain = Entropy(plaintext_asc); Hciphe = Entropy(ciphe_asc); clearvars ciphe_asc
% HH Encryption function of chaotic encryption system Encrypt function ciphetext_asc = Encrypt(P,K) % P In clear text, K For key num1 = length(P); num2 = 3*num1; s = zeros(1,num2); % Generating chaotic sequence sigma = 10; alpha = K(1); beta= 8/3; K0 = [K(2), K(3), K(4), K(5), 1, 1, 1]; [T,Y] = ode45(@(t,x)HHfun(t,x,sigma,alpha,beta),[0,5000],K0); s = Y(end-num2+1:end,1); % Scrambling algorithm cipher stream X = mod(floor(s(1:num1)*10^10),num1)+1; [~,idx] = unique(X); X1 = zeros(1,num1); X1(1:length(idx)) = X(sort(idx)); X1(length(idx)+1:num1) = setdiff(1:num1,X1); X = X1; % Diffusion algorithm cipher stream S = mod(floor(s(num1+1:3*num1)*pow2(16)),256); S1 = S(1:num1); S2 = S(num1+1:2*num1); % Generate multiplication table TBL = GF257Table(); % Scrambling algorithm A = P; for i = 1:floor(num1/2) t = A(X(i)); A(X(i)) = A(X(num1-i+1)); A(X(num1-i+1)) = t; end % Diffusion algorithm B = zeros(num1,1); C = zeros(num1,1); B0 = 0; B(1) = LookUpGF257(B0,S1(1),A(1),TBL); for i = 2:num1 B(i) = LookUpGF257(B(i-1),S1(i),A(i),TBL); end C0 = 0; C(num1) = LookUpGF257(C0,S2(num1),B(num1),TBL); for i = num1-1:-1:1 C(i) = LookUpGF257(C(i+1),S2(i),B(i),TBL); end ciphetext_asc = C; end
% Logistic Decryption function of chaotic encryption system Decrypt function plaintext2_asc = Decrypt(C,K) % C As ciphertext, K For key num1 = length(C); num2 = 3*num1; s = zeros(1,num2); % Generating chaotic sequence sigma = 10; alpha = K(1); beta= 8/3; K0 = [K(2), K(3), K(4), K(5), 1, 1, 1]; [T,Y] = ode45(@(t,x)HHfun(t,x,sigma,alpha,beta),[0,5000],K0); s = Y(end-num2+1:end,1); % Scrambling algorithm cipher stream X = mod(floor(s(1:num1)*10^10),num1)+1; [~,idx] = unique(X); X1 = zeros(1,num1); X1(1:length(idx)) = X(sort(idx)); X1(length(idx)+1:num1) = setdiff(1:num1,X1); X = X1; % Diffusion algorithm cipher stream S = mod(floor(s(num1+1:3*num1)*pow2(16)),256); S1 = S(1:num1); S2 = S(num1+1:2*num1); % Generate division table [TBL1,TBL2] = GF257TableEx(); % Inverse algorithm of diffusion algorithm A = C; D = zeros(num1,1); E = zeros(num1,1); A0 = 0; D(num1) = LookUpGF257Ex2(A(num1),A0,S2(num1),TBL1,TBL2); for i = num1-1:-1:1 D(i) = LookUpGF257Ex2(A(i),A(i+1),S2(i),TBL1,TBL2); end E0 = 0; E(1) = LookUpGF257Ex2(D(1),E0,S1(1),TBL1,TBL2); for i = 2:num1 E(i) = LookUpGF257Ex2(D(i),D(i-1),S1(i),TBL1,TBL2); end % Inverse algorithm of scrambling algorithm for i = 1:floor(num1/2) t = E(X(i)); E(X(i)) = E(X(num1-i+1)); E(X(num1-i+1)) = t; end plaintext2_asc = E; end
function ah = alphah(V) ah = 0.07*exp(-V/20); end
function am = alpham(V) am = 0.1*(V - 25)/(1 - exp((25 - V)/10)); end
function an = alphan(V) an = 0.01*(V - 10)/(1 - exp((10 - V)/10)); end
function bh = betah(V) bh = 1/(1 + exp((30 - V)/10)); end
function bm = betam(V) bm = 4*exp(-V/18); end
function bn = betan(V) bn = 0.125*exp(-V/80); end
function fvalue = f(x1,x2,sigma) fvalue = sigma*(x2 - x1); end
function fvalue = f1(m,n,h,V,x) fvalue = x - (120*m^3*h*(V-115) + 36*n^4*(V+12) + 0.3*(V-10.599)); end
function gvalue = g(x1,x2,x3,alpha) gvalue = alpha*x1 - x1*x3 - x2; end
function gvalue = g1(m,V) gvalue = alpham(V)*(1-m) - betam(V)*m; end
function gvalue = g2(n,V) gvalue = alphan(V)*(1-n) - betan(V)*n; end
function gvalue = g3(h,V) gvalue = alphah(V)*(1-h) - betah(V)*h; end
% be based on GF(257)Field multiplication table function T = GF257Table() T = mod(transpose(0:256).*(0:256),257); end
% be based on GF(257)Field multiplication and division table function [T1,T2] = GF257TableEx() T1 = mod(transpose(0:256).*(0:256),257); T2 = zeros(257,257); T2(:,1) = transpose(0:256); for j = 1:256 for k = 1:256 T2(mod(j*k,257)+1,j+1) = k; end end end
function df = HHfun(t,x,sigma,alpha,beta) df = zeros(7,1); df(1) = x(5) - (120*x(2)^3*x(4)*(x(1) - 115) + 36*x(3)^4*(x(1) + 12) + 0.3*(x(1) - 10.599)); df(2) = alpham(x(1))*(1-x(2)) - betam(x(1))*x(2); df(3) = alphan(x(1))*(1-x(3)) - betan(x(1))*x(3); df(4) = alphah(x(1))*(1-x(4)) - betah(x(1))*x(4); df(5) = sigma*(x(6) - x(5)); df(6) = alpha*x(5) - x(5)*x(7) - x(6); df(7) = x(5)*x(6) - beta*x(7); end
function lvalue = l(x1,x2,x3,beta) lvalue = x1*x2 - beta*x3; end
% be based on GF(257)Multiplication function of field function y = LookUpGF257(x0,x1,x2,TBL) y = TBL(TBL(x0+2,x1+2)+1,x2+2)-1; end
% be based on GF(257)Division function of field function y = LookUpGF257Ex2(x0,x1,x2,TBL1,TBL2) t = TBL1(x1+2,x2+2)+1; y = TBL2(x0+2,t)-1; end
% calculation NPCR,UACI and BACI value function u = NPCRUACI(A,B) m = length(A); u = zeros(1,2); u(1) = sum(sum(A ~= B))/m*100; u(2) = sum(sum(abs(A - B)))/(255*m)*100; end
% Calculate the between a given text and random text NPCR Expectations and UACI expected value function u = NPCRUACIExpect(A) m = length(A); u = zeros(1,2); u(1) = 255/256*100; tot_n = zeros(1,256); tot_s = 0:255; for i = 1:m for k = 0:255 if k <= A(i) tot_n(k+1) = tot_n(k+1)+1; end if k <= 255 - A(i) tot_n(k+1) = tot_n(k+1)+1; end end end tot_n(1) = tot_n(1)/2; u(2) = sum(tot_s.*tot_n)/sum(tot_n)/255*100; end
% Two random text NPCR and UACI Theoretical value function u = NPCRUACITheory() u = zeros(1,2); u(1) = 255/256*100; a = 255:-1:1; b = 1:255; u(2) = sum(a.*b)*2/(256^2*255)*100; end