Reptiles for Multi-process Download Fiction

Keywords: less encoding REST Python

I have written an article to download the novel before, but the speed is worrying, because a lot of time is wasted on the writing of files, so is there any way to optimize it?

Articles Catalogue

Problems in Optimizing

  • The article is orderly.
  • Reading and writing of a file (generally speaking, other programs are not allowed to access the file when the current file is being read and written)


The article is orderly.

Queues can be used to perform FIFO operations to ensure orderliness

Reading and writing of a file (generally speaking, other programs are not allowed to access the file when the current file is being read and written)

If we can split the novel into two or more parts (the article is split into two parts in this article), and let the program store different parts in parallel, then we can improve the efficiency of writing files (different processes write different files).


To sum up, it is to create two processes, each thread allocates a URL queue and a file. Threads crawl pages according to the URL queue and store the results in the file.

Establishment of queues

First, we need to get links to all chapters and break them down into two parts.

def add_tasks(dict_queue):
    original_url = ''
    original_url_soup = spider(original_url)
    i = 0
    for a in original_url_soup.find(id = "list").find_all('a'):
        url = original_url + str(a.get('href'))
        //Put more than 700 chapters into the second queue
        //Save less than 700 to the second queue
        if i > 700:
        i += 1
    return dict_queue

one = multiprocessing.Queue()
two = multiprocessing.Queue()
dict_queue = {1: one, 2:two}
full_queue = add_tasks(dict_queue)

Allocate different queues for different processes

    for i in range(1, 3):
    	full_queue[i] represents different queues
        p = multiprocessing.Process(
            target=process_tasks, args=(full_queue[i], i))
        Start the process
    for p in processes:
    	Waiting for the process to complete

Tasks of the process

Each thread allocates a URL queue and a file, and the thread crawls the page according to the URL queue and stores the results in the file.

def process_tasks(queue, i):
	//Open different files for different processes
    f = open('The first{}Part.txt'.format(i), 'w', encoding='utf-8')
    while not queue.empty():
    	//Get the URL from the queue
        url = queue.get()
        soup = spider(url)
        //Get chapter names
        chapter_name = soup.find("div", {"class": "bookname"}).h1.string
            f.write('\n' + chapter_name + '\n')
        //Getting Chapter Content
        for each in soup.find(id = "content").strings:
        	    f.write('%s%s' % (each.replace('\xa0', ''), os.linesep))
    return True

One or two writing errors will inevitably occur in such frequent file writing operations. My suggestion is that if there are errors, don't care about it. If we do, unfortunately, one of the processes will get stuck. I've tried to write like this.

            f.write('\n' + chapter_name + '\n')
        	f.write("Loss of chapters")

It's a good way to record lost chapters, but don't forget, how do we record them? f.write() Writing is a file operation that may still cause file writing errors

Of course, the best way is not to directly pass out, but to use logs and other records, but for our program to lose a chapter or two completely unaffected, it is difficult not to record the log but to copy and paste it into the file online?

Reptilian self-cultivation

Once I as a ignorant crawler Xiaobai, go up is a shuttle for circulation, do not know that this will bring a great burden to the website, so our crawler program also needs a little rest, in case a website crawls, where to read the novel?

def spider(url):
    req = Request(url, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
    response = urlopen(req)
    //Ignore Chinese coding
    html ='gbk', 'ignore')
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
    return soup

Of course, I did not add time.sleep(0.01), but for this example, most of the time is spent writing files, access is basically about 100 times per second, in fact, it is still a bit high.

Complete code

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
import os
import time
import multiprocessing

def spider(url):
    req = Request(url, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
    response = urlopen(req)
    //Ignore Chinese coding
    html ='gbk', 'ignore')
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
    return soup

def add_tasks(dict_queue):
    original_url = ''
    original_url_soup = spider(original_url)
    i = 0
    for a in original_url_soup.find(id = "list").find_all('a'):
        url = original_url + str(a.get('href'))
        //Put more than 700 chapters into the second queue
        //Save less than 700 to the second queue
        if i > 700:
        i += 1
    return dict_queue

def process_tasks(queue, i):
	//Open different files for different processes
    f = open('The first{}Part.txt'.format(i), 'w', encoding='utf-8')
    while not queue.empty():
    	//Get the URL from the queue
        url = queue.get()
        soup = spider(url)
        //Get chapter names
        chapter_name = soup.find("div", {"class": "bookname"}).h1.string
            f.write('\n' + chapter_name + '\n')
        //Getting Chapter Content
        for each in soup.find(id = "content").strings:
        	    f.write('%s%s' % (each.replace('\xa0', ''), os.linesep))
    return True

def run():
    one = multiprocessing.Queue()
    two = multiprocessing.Queue()
    dict_queue = {1: one, 2:two}
    full_queue = add_tasks(dict_queue)
    processes = []
    start = time.time()
    for i in range(1, 3):
    	full_queue[i]Represents different queues
        p = multiprocessing.Process(
            target=process_tasks, args=(full_queue[i], i))
        //Start the process
    for p in processes:
    	//Waiting for the process to complete
    print(f'Time taken = {time.time() - start:.10f}')

if __name__ == '__main__':

It's only 94 lines of code with comments. Is it easy to write a multi-process crawler?

How to Understand Multiprocess

For this example, I came up with an excellent way to understand it, which is to open two command lines to run two single-process versions of the crawler, and the effect is actually the same as this example.
Running results of this example

You can see that two processes are downloading at the same time.

So let's open two command lines to run the stand-alone version of the crawler, one to let it down the first seven hundred chapters, and the other to let it down the following chapters. Isn't that the same effect as this example? (Just for example, I didn't actually run it.)

Reference material:
Python 3 multiprocessing document

Posted by johnc71 on Thu, 08 Aug 2019 23:44:56 -0700