Remote access and control

Keywords: Linux ssh




Main functions of ssh server

configuration file

ssh Remote Login mode

Service configuration

scp remote replication

sftp Secure FTP

The sshd service supports two authentication methods

Password verification   

Key pair verification

TCP Wrappers access control

Two implementation methods of protection mechanism

Access policy of TCP Wrappers

Service program list

Client address list

Basic principles of TCP Wrappers mechanism

TCP Wrappers configuration



Our work is often completed on the basis of server cluster. Whether it is data exchange between servers or our remote access to our server for daily maintenance, it is inseparable from our remote access.


SSH (Secure Shell) is a secure channel protocol, which is mainly used to realize the functions of remote login and remote replication of character interface. SSH
The protocol encrypts the data transmission between the communication parties, including the user password entered when the user logs in. SSH is a security protocol based on application layer and transmission layer.

Main functions of ssh server

  • ssh Remote link
  • sftp service

Function: SSHD service uses SSH protocol, which can be used for remote control or transfer files between computers.
Compared with the previous Telnet method, it is much safer to transfer files, because Telnet uses plaintext transmission and SSH is encrypted transmission
Service Name: sshd
Server main program: / usr/ sbin/sshd
Server configuration file: letc/ ssh/ sshd_config

configuration file

There are two common opensh configuration files, / etc/ssh/ssh_config and / etc/sshd_config
ssh_config: it is a client configuration file to set client related applications, which can be implemented through this file
sshd_config: it is a server-side configuration file, which can be used to set applications related to the server-side

ssh Remote Login mode

ssh [remote host user name] [remote server host name or IP address] - P port (specify the corresponding port)

ssh -l [remote host user name] [remote server host name or IP address] - p port
-L: - L option, specify the login name.
-p: -p option, specify the login port (when the port of the server is not the default, you need to use - P to specify the port for login)

Service configuration

#Listening port modify the experimental setting of SHD listening port number.
SSH uses 22 ports by default, or multiple ports can be used, that is, the port setting is reused!
For example, if you want to open SSHD ports 22 and 222, you can add an additional line as Port 222.
Then restart ssHD. That's good. It is recommended that you modify port number to other ports to prevent others from brutally cracking

vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
17 #Port 22                         #The default listening port is 22
 18 #AddressFamily any 
 19 #ListenAddress          #The listening address is any network segment
 20 #ListenAddress ::

 37 #LoginGraceTime 2m              #The login verification time is two minutes
 38 #PermitRootLogin yes            #Allow root to log in
 39 #StrictModes yes  
 40 #MaxAuthTries 6                 #The maximum number of retries is 6
 41 #MaxSessions 10

 62 # To disable tunneled clear text passwords, change to no here!
 63 #PasswordAuthentication yes
 64 #PermitEmptyPasswords no         #Prohibit users with blank passwords from logging in
 65 PasswordAuthentication yes

115 #UseDNS no                       #Disable DNS reverse resolution to improve response speed

White list and blacklist can be configured manually
140 AllowUsers ghr1 ghr2 ghr3@   #We allow ghr3 to log in to the machine remotely, and ghr3 can log in only with the specified ip
141 DenyUsers ghr5                              #No ghr5 login

[root@192 ~]# ssh ghr3@   #Successfully log in to the host using the IP of 138
ghr3@'s password: 
Last failed login: Mon Sep  6 23:26:34 CST 2021 from on ssh:notty
There was 1 failed login attempt since the last successful login.
Last login: Mon Sep  6 23:26:24 2021 from
[ghr3@192 ~]$ 

[root@192 ~]# ssh ghr3@  #Neither ghr3 nor ghr5 can log in using 139 ip
ghr3@'s password: 
Permission denied, please try again.
ghr3@'s password: 

[root@192 ~]# ssh ghr5@
ghr5@'s password: 
Permission denied, please try again.
ghr5@'s password: 

scp remote replication

[root@192 home]# scp -r ghr5@ /home/test
#Download all files under / home/test from the other host to our host under / home/test

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:3JNdskzW/U0r0Oc7HHFyWqErUrkk6c7MWG1mIDTR1Kg.
ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:b5:1c:73:bb:08:4f:4f:c6:98:98:17:c6:23:f8:27:98.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
ghr5@'s password: 
a.txt                                             100%    7    17.7KB/s   00:00    

[root@192 home]# scp -r /home/test/* ghr5@
#To transfer the files from your own server to the server on the other side, it should be noted that the transfer must be carried out within the permission range of the account used
ghr5@'s password: 
b.txt                                             100%    6    13.6KB/s   00:00    
a.txt                                             100%    7     9.3KB/s   00:00 

sftp Secure FTP

  • Through the sftp command, you can upload and download files with the remote host through SSH secure connection. The login process and interactive environment similar to FTP are adopted to facilitate directory resource management
  • Due to the use of encryption / decryption technology, the transmission efficiency is lower than ordinary FTP, but the security is higher
sftp root@
root@'s password: 
Connected to
sftp> ls
sftp> get file name		#Download File ftp directory
sftp> put file name		#Upload file ftp directory
sftp> exit		       #sign out

[root@192 home]# sftp root@   #Log in to the peer server
root@'s password: 
Connected to
sftp> get /home/                   #Get test file
Fetching /home/ to
/home/                                   100%   53     4.9KB/s   00:00    
sftp> eixt                                  #sign out
[root@192 home]# ls                         #The file is downloaded to the current working environment  ghr  ghr1  ghr2  ghr3  ghr5  test

[root@192 home]# sftp root@
root@'s password: 
Connected to
sftp> put /home/?.txt                     #Upload files to the user's home directory
Uploading /home/?.txt to /root/?.txt
/home/?.txt                                       100%    6     9.4KB/s   00:00    
sftp> ls /root                             #Upload succeeded
/root/1111                  /root/?.txt                 /root/anaconda-ks.cfg       
/root/initial-setup-ks.cfg  /root/download                /root/public                
/root/picture                /root/file                /root/desktop                
/root/Template                /root/video                /root/music                

The sshd service supports two authentication methods

Password verification   

  • Verify the login name and password of the local system user in the server. Simple, but may be brutally cracked

Key pair verification

  • Matching key information is required to pass the verification. Usually, a pair of key files (public key and private key) are created in the client, and then the public key file is placed in the specified location in the server. During remote login, the system will use public key and private key for encryption / decryption Association verification. It can enhance security and avoid interactive login
  • When both password authentication and key pair authentication are enabled, the server will give priority to key pair authentication. The verification method can be set according to the actual situation
vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config                        
PasswordAuthentication yes 						#Enable password authentication
PubkeyAuthentication yes 						#Enable key pair authentication
AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys 		  #Specifies the public key library file
 43 PubkeyAuthentication yes      #Enable key validation
 45 # The default is to check both .ssh/authorized_keys and .ssh/authorized_keys2
 46 # but this is overridden so installations will only check .ssh/authorized_keys
 47 AuthorizedKeysFile      .ssh/authorized_keys        #Specify public key file library
 49 #AuthorizedPrincipalsFile none
 51 #AuthorizedKeysCommand none
 52 #AuthorizedKeysCommandUser nobody
 54 # For this to work you will also need host keys in /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
 55 #HostbasedAuthentication no
 56 # Change to yes if you don't trust ~/.ssh/known_hosts for
 57 # HostbasedAuthentication
 58 #IgnoreUserKnownHosts no
 59 # Don't read the user's ~/.rhosts and ~/.shosts files
 60 #IgnoreRhosts yes
 62 # To disable tunneled clear text passwords, change to no here!
 63 #PasswordAuthentication yes
 64 #PermitEmptyPasswords no
 65 PasswordAuthentication yes             #Enable password authentication
[root@192 ~]# su ghr1           #Switch users
[ghr1@192 root]$ ssh-keygen -t ecdsa     #Creating keys using scdas algorithm
Generating public/private ecdsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/ghr1/.ssh/id_ecdsa):  #Specify key storage directory 
Created directory '/home/ghr1/.ssh'.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):                   #Input password
Enter same passphrase again: 
Your identification has been saved in /home/ghr1/.ssh/id_ecdsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/ghr1/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:nTjKWgdteVb56qIDXAe4nAPfJ58SlQzXp1AY1ezFCfg ghr1@
The key's randomart image is:
+---[ECDSA 256]---+
|       ..ooB++...|
|    . . ..*...+.o|
|     + + o .++ . |
|      *.=+oo.E.  |
|     ..oS*=.  .  |
|     .o+.+o  .   |
|      +...  .    |
|     o .. ..     |
|    .   .o ..    |
[ghr1@192 root]$ cd /home/ghr1
[ghr1@192 ~]$ cd .ssh
[ghr1@192 .ssh]$ ls -a
.  ..  id_ecdsa
[ghr1@192 .ssh]$ scp ~/.ssh/ root@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:3JNdskzW/U0r0Oc7HHFyWqErUrkk6c7MWG1mIDTR1Kg.
ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:b5:1c:73:bb:08:4f:4f:c6:98:98:17:c6:23:f8:27:98.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes   
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@'s password:                                      100%  181   237.8KB/s   00:00    
[ghr1@192 .ssh]$ ssh root@
Enter passphrase for key '/home/ghr1/.ssh/id_ecdsa': 
Last failed login: Tue Sep  7 00:58:04 CST 2021 from on ssh:notty
There were 4 failed login attempts since the last successful login.
Last login: Mon Sep  6 22:23:54 2021 from
[root@192 ~]#

TCP Wrappers access control

Two implementation methods of protection mechanism

  • To protect other service programs directly using tcpd program, you need to run tcpd
  • * link library is called by other network service programs without running tcpd program; This method is more widely used and more efficient
rpm -q tcp_wrappers  #Check to see if it is installed

#Check the libwrap of the program and the link library of so. *
ldd  [parameter]  [file]                         #Need to write absolute path

Access policy of TCP Wrappers

  • The protection objects of TCP Wrappers mechanism are various network service programs, which perform access control for the client address accessing the service.
  • The two corresponding policy files are / etc/hosts.allow and / etc/hosts.deny, which are used to set the allow and deny policies respectively

Format: [service program list]: [client address list]

Service program list

ALL: represents ALL services
Single service program: such as "vsftpd"
A list of multiple service programs, such as "vsftpd,sshd"

Client address list

ALL: represents any client address
LOCAL: represents the LOCAL address
Network segment address, such as 192.168.80. Or /
Wildcard '?' is allowed And "*", the former represents any length character, the latter represents only one character, and multiple addresses are separated by commas

Basic principles of TCP Wrappers mechanism

First, check the / etc/hosts.allow file. If a matching policy is found, access is allowed;

Otherwise, continue to check the / etc/hosts.deny file. If a matching policy is found, access will be denied;

If no matching policy can be found by checking the above two files, access is allowed.

Allow all, reject individual
Just add the corresponding rejection policy in the / etc/hosts.deny file

Allow individual, reject all
In addition to adding the allow policy in / etc/hosts.allow, you also need to set the reject policy of "ALL:ALL" in the / etc/hosts.deny file

TCP Wrappers configuration

vim /etc/hosts.allow         #Passable documents
sshd:,192.168.126.*  #Allow servers in all 192.168.126. Network segments to use sshd services

vim /etc/hosts.deny          #Forbidden documents
sshd:ALL                     #All except the white list are prohibited


Our work cannot be carried out without ssh, which is a highly secure transmission and remote connection service. We can modify the configuration file to protect our server from hackers and our password from disclosure. This greatly improves the security of the server. It is also a service we must master. We can't always use the intranet to complete the setting. Often we need to connect to the server remotely through ssh

Posted by always_confused on Mon, 06 Sep 2021 12:41:07 -0700