Target website: Cat eye movie
Main process
- Crawl the url corresponding to each movie
- Crawl the source code corresponding to the specific movie
- Analyze the source code and download the corresponding font
- Use fontTools to draw the corresponding number
- Using machine learning method to identify corresponding numbers
- Replace the corresponding place with the identified number in the source code
Pit experience
- When using pyquery's. text() method, the html is automatically de escaped. The replacement process fails. A heap of garbled code is printed directly. lxml must not be used instead
- At first, I saw a lot of Chinese characters on the Internet by converting woff font file to xml and analyzing glyf in xml, but after reading several, I found that even the x and y values corresponding to the same number are not exactly the same
- Not familiar with the use of multithreading
The list of items is as follows
The specific code is as follows
import requests import fake_useragent import re import os from woffToPng import woff_to_image from resizeImage import resize_img from lxml import etree from html import unescape from ThreadClass import SpiderThread from SaveMovieData import SaveInfo from pyquery import PyQuery as pq from pprint import pprint import json import time # It's a bit hard to implement with a co program. Try multithreading for a while # Storage urls film_urls = [] def verify_img(img_dir): api_url = "" img_to_num = {} for file in os.listdir(img_dir): file_name = os.path.join(img_dir, file) # Rebuild picture size resize_img(file_name, file_name) files = {"image_file": ("image_file", open(file_name, "rb"), "application")} r =, files=files, timeout=None) if r.status_code == 200: # Get the name of the picture, that is, the unicode code corresponding to the number num_id = os.path.splitext(file)[0][3:] img_to_num[str(int(num_id, 16))] = r.json().get("value") return img_to_num def find_certain_part(html, xpath_format): try: return html.xpath(xpath_format)[0] except Exception: return "null" def parse_data_by_lxml(source_code, img_to_num, saver): html = etree.HTML(source_code) xpaths = json.loads(open("somexpaths.json", "r").read()) movie_name = find_certain_part(html, xpaths.get("movie_name")) movie_ename = find_certain_part(html, xpaths.get("movie_ename")) movie_classes = find_certain_part(html, xpaths.get("movie_classes")).strip() movie_length = find_certain_part(html, xpaths.get("movie_length")).strip() movie_showtime = find_certain_part(html, xpaths.get("movie_showtime")).strip() text_pattern = re.compile('.*?class="stonefont">(.*?)</span>') data_to_be_replace = [] movie_score = find_certain_part(html, xpaths.get("movie_score")) movie_score_num = find_certain_part(html, xpaths.get("movie_score_num")) if movie_score != "null": movie_score ="utf8")).group(1) if movie_score_num != "null": movie_score_num ="utf8")).group(1) data_to_be_replace.append(movie_score) data_to_be_replace.append(movie_score_num) movie_box = find_certain_part(html, xpaths.get("movie_box")) if movie_box != "null": movie_box ="utf8")).group(1) movie_box_unit = find_certain_part(html, xpaths.get("movie_box_unit")) data_to_be_replace.append(movie_box) # Check if it is a string for item in data_to_be_replace: assert isinstance(item, str) # Convert unicode encoded strings to numbers for key, value in img_to_num.items(): new_key = f"&#{key};" for i in range(len(data_to_be_replace)): if data_to_be_replace[i] == "null": continue if new_key in data_to_be_replace[i]: data_to_be_replace[i] = data_to_be_replace[i].replace(new_key, value) movie_score, movie_score_num, movie_box = [unescape(item) for item in data_to_be_replace] # If there is no score, it is regarded as 0 if movie_score == "null": movie_score = "0" if movie_box != "null": movie_box = movie_box + movie_box_unit.strip() movie_brief_info = find_certain_part(html, xpaths.get("movie_brief_info")) assert(isinstance(movie_brief_info, str)) # There is a little problem with the implementation logic here, because the first one is the director by default movie_director, *movie_actors = [item.strip() for item in html.xpath("//body//div[@id='app']//div//div//div//div[@class='tab-content-container']//div//div[@class='mod-content']//div//div//ul//li//div//a/text()")] movie_actors = ",".join(movie_actors) movie_comments = {} try: names = html.xpath("//body//div[@id='app']//div//div//div//div//div[@class='module']//div[@class='mod-content']//div[@class='comment-list-container']//ul//li//div//div[@class='user']//span[@class='name']/text()") comments = html.xpath("//body//div[@id='app']//div//div//div//div//div[@class='module']//div[@class='mod-content']//div[@class='comment-list-container']//ul//li//div[@class='main']//div[@class='comment-content']/text()") assert(len(names) == len(comments)) for name, comment in zip(names, comments): movie_comments[name] = comment except Exception: pass save_id = saver.insert_dict({ "Name": movie_name, "alias": movie_ename, "category": movie_classes, "Duration": movie_length, "Release time": movie_showtime, "score": float(movie_score), "Score number": movie_score_num, "box office": movie_box, "brief introduction": movie_brief_info, "director": movie_director, "performer": movie_actors, "Hot Reviews": movie_comments }) print(f"{save_id} Save successfully") # Crawls the source code, processes the font file after obtaining the source code, and replaces it after processing the font file def get_one_film(url, ua, film_id, saver): headers = { "User-Agent": ua, "Host": "" } r = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers) if r.status_code == 200: source_code = r.text font_pattern = re.compile("url\(\'(.*?\.woff)\'\)") font_url = "http:" + del headers["Host"] res = requests.get(url=font_url, headers=headers) # Download fonts and identify them if res.status_code == 200: if os.path.exists(film_id): os.system(f"rmdir /s /q {film_id}") os.makedirs(film_id) woff_path = os.path.join(film_id, "temp.woff") img_dir = os.path.join(film_id, "images") os.makedirs(img_dir) with open(woff_path, "wb") as f: f.write(res.content) woff_to_image(woff_path, img_dir) # Try to realize Chinese character recognition with CO process later # Direct identification first # Stored in a dictionary, {"img_id": "img_num"} img_to_num = verify_img(img_dir) # Delete created files os.system(f"rmdir /s /q {film_id}") # Further processing of obtained data and replaceable information parse_data_by_lxml(source_code, img_to_num, saver) def get_urls(url, ua, showType, offset): base_url = "" headers = { "User-Agent": ua, "Host": "" } params = { "showType": showType, "offset": offset } urls = [] r = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers, params=params) if r.status_code == 200: doc = pq(r.text) for re_url in doc("#app div div[class='movies-list'] dl dd div[class='movie-item'] a[target='_blank']").items(): urls.append(base_url + re_url.attr("href")) film_urls.extend(urls) print(f"Current capture url{len(film_urls)}individual") if __name__ == "__main__": # test ua = fake_useragent.UserAgent() tasks_one = [] try: for i in range(68): tasks_one.append(SpiderThread(get_urls, args=("", ua.random, "3", str(30*i)))) for task in tasks_one: task.start() for task in tasks_one: task.join() except Exception as e: print(e.args) saver = SaveInfo() film_ids = [url.split("/")[-1] for url in film_urls] print(f"Capture movies url common{len(film_urls)}strip") tasks_two = [] count = 0 try: for film_url, film_id in zip(film_urls, film_ids): tasks_two.append(SpiderThread(get_one_film, args=(film_url, ua.random, film_id, saver))) for task in tasks_two: task.start() count += 1 if count % 4 == 0: time.sleep(5) for task in tasks_two: task.join() except Exception as e: print(e.args) print("After grabbing")
from PIL import Image import os def resize_img(img_path, write_path): crop_size = (120, 200) img = new_img = img.resize(crop_size, Image.ANTIALIAS), quality=100) if __name__ == "__main__": for root, dirs, files in os.walk("verify_images"): for file in files: img_path = os.path.join(root, file) write_path = os.path.join("resized_images", file) resize_img(img_path, write_path)
import pymongo class SaveInfo: def __init__(self, host="localhost", port=27017, db="MovieSpider", collection="maoyan"): self._client = pymongo.MongoClient(host=host, port=port) self._db = self._client[db] self._collection = self._db[collection] def insert_dict(self, data: dict): result = self._collection.insert_one(data) return result.inserted_id
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont from fontTools.pens.basePen import BasePen from import Path from reportlab.lib import colors from import renderPM from import Group, Drawing class ReportLabPen(BasePen): """A pen for drawing onto a object.""" def __init__(self, glyphSet, path=None): BasePen.__init__(self, glyphSet) if path is None: path = Path() self.path = path def _moveTo(self, p): (x, y) = p self.path.moveTo(x, y) def _lineTo(self, p): (x, y) = p self.path.lineTo(x, y) def _curveToOne(self, p1, p2, p3): (x1, y1) = p1 (x2, y2) = p2 (x3, y3) = p3 self.path.curveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) def _closePath(self): self.path.closePath() def woff_to_image(fontName, imagePath, fmt="png"): font = TTFont(fontName) gs = font.getGlyphSet() glyphNames = font.getGlyphNames() for i in glyphNames: if i == 'x' or i == "glyph00000": # Skip '. notdef', '.null' continue g = gs[i] pen = ReportLabPen(gs, Path(, strokeWidth=5)) g.draw(pen) w, h = 600, 1000 g = Group(pen.path) g.translate(0, 200) d = Drawing(w, h) d.add(g) imageFile = imagePath + "/" + i + ".png" renderPM.drawToFile(d, imageFile, fmt)
import threading class SpiderThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, func, args=()): super().__init__() self.func = func self.args = args def run(self) -> None: self.result = self.func(*self.args) # Equivalent to no multithreading # def get_result(self): # threading.Thread.join(self) # try: # return self.result # except Exception as e: # print(e.args) # return None
{ "movie_name": "//body//div[@class='banner']//div//div[@class='movie-brief-container']//h3/text()", "movie_ename": "//body//div[@class='banner']//div//div[@class='movie-brief-container']//div/text()", "movie_classes": "//body//div[@class='banner']//div//div[@class='movie-brief-container']//ul//li[1]/text()", "movie_length": "//body//div[@class='banner']//div//div[@class='movie-brief-container']//ul//li[2]/text()", "movie_showtime": "//body//div[@class='banner']//div//div[@class='movie-brief-container']//ul//li[3]/text()", "movie_score": "//body//div[@class='banner']//div//div[@class='movie-stats-container']//div//span[@class='index-left info-num ']//span", "movie_score_num": "//body//div[@class='banner']//div//div[@class='movie-stats-container']//div//span[@class='score-num']//span", "movie_box": "//body//div[@class='wrapper clearfix']//div//div//div//div[@class='movie-index-content box']//span[@class='stonefont']", "movie_box_unit": "//body//div[@class='wrapper clearfix']//div//div//div//div[@class='movie-index-content box']//span[@class='unit']/text()", "movie_brief_info": "//body//div[@class='container']//div//div//div//div[@class='tab-content-container']//div//div//div[@class='mod-content']//span[@class='dra']/text()", "movie_director_and_actress": "//body//div[@id='app']//div//div//div//div[@class='tab-content-container']//div//div[@class='mod-content']//div//div//ul//li//div//a/text()", "commenter_names": "//body//div[@id='app']//div//div//div//div//div[@class='module']//div[@class='mod-content']//div[@class='comment-list-container']//ul//li//div//div[@class='user']//span[@class='name']/text()", "commenter_comment": "//body//div[@id='app']//div//div//div//div//div[@class='module']//div[@class='mod-content']//div[@class='comment-list-container']//ul//li//div[@class='main']//div[@class='comment-content']/text()" }