pullRefresh: {
Container: " refreshContainer", // to refresh the area identifier, querySelector can locate css selectors, such as: id,. class, etc.
up: {
auto: true, // optional, default false. Auto upload once
Content refresh: "Loading...", // Optional, when loading state, the title content displayed on the pull-up load control
contentnomore:'No more data', / / optional, alert content displayed when no more data is requested;
Callback: pulldown Refresh // optional, refresh function, according to specific business to write, such as through ajax from the server to obtain new data;
function pulldownRefresh() { var flag = false; mui.getJSON("/StoreMobile/StoreMember/get_member_data", { start: $("#viplistUl li").length, count: 20, member: 2, search: $("#seainput").val() }, function (resp) { if (resp.code==1) { LoadPage(resp.data); } else { if ($("#ViplistUl ". children (). last (). text ()=" There is no more data ".{ return } $("#ViplistUl "). append ("<li style='text-align: center'> No more data </li>"); } }); this.endPullupToRefresh(flag); } function LoadPage(data) { data.forEach(function (ele, index) { var listText = '<li onclick="member_detail(' + ele.member_id + ')" class="mui-table-view-cell mui-media" data-mid="' + ele.member_id + '">\ ' + '<div>\ ' + '<img class="mui-media-object mui-pull-left" alt=" " src="' + ele.head_image + '">\ ' + '<div class="mui-media-body">' + ele.truename + ' <p class="mui-ellipsis">' + ele.login_account + '</p> </div> </div> </li>'; viplistUl.append(listText); }); band(); } function InnerPage(data) { var listText = ""; data.forEach(function (ele, index) { listText += '<li class="mui-table-view-cell mui-media" id="vip-click" data-mid="' + ele.member_id + '">\ ' + '<a href="javascript:;">\ ' + '<img class="mui-media-object mui-pull-left" alt=" " src="' + ele.head_image + '">\ ' + '<div class="mui-media-body">' + ele.truename + ' <p class="mui-ellipsis">' + ele.login_account + '</p> </div> </a> </li>'; }) viplistUl.html(listText); band(); } function band() { mui('#viplistUl').on('tap', "li", function () { _id = $(this).data("mid"); window.location.href = "vip_list_xq.html?" + _id }) }
The above can be found on mui's official website.
```php // Get membership information, drop-down loading function get_member_data() { $member_data = I("get."); $store_id = $_SESSION["admin"]["store_id"]; $member = $member_data["member"]; $count = $member_data["count"]; $start = $member_data["start"]; $map["store_id"] = $store_id; $map["is_member"] = $member; $map["is_disabled"] = 1; if ($member_data["search"]) { $map["login_account|truename"] = array("like", "%" . $member_data["search"] . "%"); } // Find the corresponding members $memberInfo = M("member")->where($map)->limit($start, $count)->order("register_time desc")->field("member_id, login_account,head_image,sex,truename")->select(); if ($memberInfo) { $this->successMsg("Get success", 1, $memberInfo); } else { $this->errorMsg("Acquisition failure", 0); } }
The above information can be obtained for the corresponding routing.
If you find that the phone end is not fixed, you can add it in html.
* { touch-action: pan-y; } .mui-scroll { position: relative; }