I. overview of RedisTemplate
Redis is an open source key value database, which runs in memory and is written in C language. Redis is usually used for enterprise development to implement caching. Similar products include Memcache. Memcached, etc.
Jedis is a Java oriented client officially launched by Redis, which provides many interfaces for Java language calls. It can be downloaded from the official website of Redis. Of course, there are some clients provided by open source enthusiasts, such as Jredis.SRP. Jedis is recommended.
3.Spring Data Redis
Spring data redis is a part of the spring family. It provides access to redis services through simple configuration in srping applications, and highly encapsulates the underlying development packages of reids (Jedis, JRedis, and RJC). RedisTemplate provides various redis operations, exception handling and sequencing, supports publishing and subscription, and implements spring 3.1 cache.
Spring data redis provides the following functions for jedis:
Automatic connection pool management provides a highly encapsulated "RedisTemplate" class
A large number of APIs in jedis client are classified and encapsulated, and the same type of operation is encapsulated as operation interface
ValueOperations: simple K-V operation
SetOperations: set type data operationsZSetOperations: zset Type data operation HashOperations: in the light of map Type of data operation ListOperations: in the light of list Type of data operation
3. It provides a "bound" convenient operation API for keys. You can encapsulate the specified key through bound, and then perform a series of operations without specifying the key again "explicitly", that is, BoundKeyOperations:
- BoundValueOperations
- BoundSetOperations
- BoundListOperations
- BoundSetOperations
- BoundHashOperations
4. Encapsulate transaction operations with container control.
5. For "serialization / deserialization" of data, a variety of selectable strategies (RedisSerializer) are provided
JdkSerializationRedisSerializer: the access scenario of POJO objects. The JDK serialization mechanism is used to serialize POJO classes through ObjectInputStream/ObjectOutputStream. Finally, the byte sequence will be stored in redis server. Is currently the most commonly used serialization strategy.
StringRedisSerializer: in the scenario where the Key or value is a string, encode the byte sequence of the data into a string according to the specified charset, which is a direct encapsulation of "new String(bytes, charset)" and "string.getBytes(charset)". Is the most lightweight and efficient strategy.
jackson jsonredisserializer: the jackson json tool provides the conversion capability between JavaBeans and json. It can serialize pojo instances into json format and store them in redis, or convert json format data into pojo instances. Because the jackson tool needs to explicitly specify the Class type when serializing and deserializing, this strategy is slightly complicated to encapsulate. [jackson mapper ASL tool support required]
II. Use of RedisTemplate
1.pom.xml dependency
<!--springboot-Redis--> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-data-redis</artifactId> </dependency> <!--Redis--> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.data</groupId> <artifactId>spring-data-redis</artifactId> <version>2.0.6.RELEASE</version> </dependency> <!--jedis--> <dependency> <groupId>redis.clients</groupId> <artifactId>jedis</artifactId> <version>2.9.0</version> </dependency>
2. Configuration file
# Redis server connection port spring.redis.port=6379 # Redis server address spring.redis.host= # Redis database index (0 by default) spring.redis.database=0 # Redis server connection password (blank by default) spring.redis.password= # Maximum number of connections in the connection pool (negative value indicates no limit) spring.redis.jedis.pool.max-active=8 # Maximum blocking wait time of connection pool (negative value indicates no limit) spring.redis.jedis.pool.max-wait=-1ms # Maximum free connections in the connection pool spring.redis.jedis.pool.max-idle=8 # Minimum free connections in connection pool spring.redis.jedis.pool.min-idle=0 # Connection timeout (MS) spring.redis.timeout=5000ms
3. Direct method of redistemplate
First, use @ Autowired to inject RedisTemplate (it will be used directly later without special instructions)
@Autowired private RedisTemplate redisTemplate;
3.1 deleting a single key
// Delete key redisTemplate.delete("key");
3.2 deleting multiple key s
//Delete multiple key s String[] arr = {"key1","key2","key3"}; redisTemplate.delete(arr);
3.3 specified key expiration time
//Specifies the expiration time of the key redisTemplate.expire("key",time,TimeUnit.MINUTES);
3.4 get expiration time according to key
//Get expiration time according to key Long expire = redisTemplate.getExpire("key");
3.5 determine whether the key exists
//Determine whether the key exists boolean result = redisTemplate.hasKey("key");
4.String type related operations
4.1 add cache (2 / 3 is the progressive value of 1)
//1. Set the value through redisTemplate redisTemplate.boundValueOps("StringKey").set("StringValue"); redisTemplate.boundValueOps("StringKey").set("StringValue",1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); //2. Set the value through BoundValueOperations BoundValueOperations stringKey = redisTemplate.boundValueOps("StringKey"); stringKey.set("StringVaule"); stringKey.set("StringValue",1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); //3. Set the value through ValueOperations ValueOperations ops = redisTemplate.opsForValue(); ops.set("StringKey", "StringVaule"); ops.set("StringValue","StringVaule",1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
4.2 set expiration time (set separately)
redisTemplate.boundValueOps("StringKey").expire(1,TimeUnit.MINUTES); redisTemplate.expire("StringKey",1,TimeUnit.MINUTES);
4.3 get cache value (2 / 3 is the progressive value of 1)
//1. Set the value through redisTemplate String str1 = (String) redisTemplate.boundValueOps("StringKey").get(); //2. Get the value through BoundValueOperations BoundValueOperations stringKey = redisTemplate.boundValueOps("StringKey"); String str2 = (String) stringKey.get(); //3. Get value through ValueOperations ValueOperations ops = redisTemplate.opsForValue(); String str3 = (String) ops.get("StringKey");
4.4 delete key
Boolean result = redisTemplate.delete("StringKey");
4.5 sequential increment
4.6 sequential decrement
5.Hash type related operations
5.1 add cache (2 / 3 is the progressive value of 1)
//1. Set the value through redisTemplate redisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey").put("SmallKey", "HashVaue"); //2. Set the value through BoundValueOperations BoundHashOperations hashKey = redisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey"); hashKey.put("SmallKey", "HashVaue"); //3. Set the value through ValueOperations HashOperations hashOps = redisTemplate.opsForHash(); hashOps.put("HashKey", "SmallKey", "HashVaue");
5.2 set expiration time (set separately)
redisTemplate.boundValueOps("HashKey").expire(1,TimeUnit.MINUTES); redisTemplate.expire("HashKey",1,TimeUnit.MINUTES);
5.3 add a Map set
HashMap<String, String> hashMap = new HashMap<>(); redisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey").putAll(hashMap);
5.4 set expiration time (set separately)
redisTemplate.boundValueOps("HashKey").expire(1,TimeUnit.MINUTES); redisTemplate.expire("HashKey",1,TimeUnit.MINUTES);
5.5 extract all small key s
//1. Get the value through redisTemplate Set keys1 = redisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey").keys(); //2. Get the value through BoundValueOperations BoundHashOperations hashKey = redisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey"); Set keys2 = hashKey.keys(); //3. Get value through ValueOperations HashOperations hashOps = redisTemplate.opsForHash(); Set keys3 = hashOps.keys("HashKey");
5.6 extract all value values
//1. Get the value through redisTemplate List values1 = redisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey").values(); //2. Get the value through BoundValueOperations BoundHashOperations hashKey = redisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey"); List values2 = hashKey.values(); //3. Get value through ValueOperations HashOperations hashOps = redisTemplate.opsForHash(); List values3 = hashOps.values("HashKey");
5.7 extract value according to key
//1. Get through redisTemplate String value1 = (String) redisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey").get("SmallKey"); //2. Get the value through BoundValueOperations BoundHashOperations hashKey = redisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey"); String value2 = (String) hashKey.get("SmallKey"); //3. Get value through ValueOperations HashOperations hashOps = redisTemplate.opsForHash(); String value3 = (String) hashOps.get("HashKey", "SmallKey");
5.8 get all key value pair sets
//1. Get through redisTemplate Map entries = redisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey").entries(); //2. Get the value through BoundValueOperations BoundHashOperations hashKey = redisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey"); Map entries1 = hashKey.entries(); //3. Get value through ValueOperations HashOperations hashOps = redisTemplate.opsForHash(); Map entries2 = hashOps.entries("HashKey");
5.9 deletion
//Delete small key redisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey").delete("SmallKey"); //Delete large key redisTemplate.delete("HashKey");
5.10 judge whether the Hash contains this value
Boolean isEmpty = redisTemplate.boundHashOps("HashKey").hasKey("SmallKey");
6.Set type related operations
6.1 add Set cache (the value can be one or more) (2 / 3 is the progressive value of 1)
//1. Set the value through redisTemplate redisTemplate.boundSetOps("setKey" add("setValue1", "setValue2", "setValue3"); //2. Set the value through BoundValueOperations BoundSetOperations setKey = redisTemplate.boundSetOps("setKey"); setKey.add("setValue1", "setValue2", "setValue3"); //3. Set the value through ValueOperations SetOperations setOps = redisTemplate.opsForSet(); setOps.add("setKey", "SetValue1", "setValue2", "setValue3");
6.2 set expiration time (set separately)
redisTemplate.boundValueOps("setKey").expire(1,TimeUnit.MINUTES); redisTemplate.expire("setKey",1,TimeUnit.MINUTES);
6.3 get all the values in the Set according to the key
//1. Get the value through redisTemplate Set set1 = redisTemplate.boundSetOps("setKey").members(); //2. Get the value through BoundValueOperations BoundSetOperations setKey = redisTemplate.boundSetOps("setKey"); Set set2 = setKey.members(); //3. Get value through ValueOperations SetOperations setOps = redisTemplate.opsForSet(); Set set3 = setOps.members("setKey");
6.4 query whether a set exists according to value
Boolean isEmpty = redisTemplate.boundSetOps("setKey"). isMember("setValue2");
6.5 get the length of Set cache
Long size = redisTemplate.boundSetOps("setKey").size();
6.6 remove specified elements
Long result1 = redisTemplate.boundSetOps("setKey").remove("setValue1");
6.7 remove the specified key
Boolean result2 = redisTemplate.delete("setKey");
- List type related operations
7.1 add cache (2 / 3 is the progressive value of 1)
//1. Set the value through redisTemplate redisTemplate.boundListOps("listKey").leftPush("listLeftValue1"); redisTemplate.boundListOps("listKey").rightPush("listRightValue2"); //2. Set the value through BoundValueOperations BoundListOperations listKey = redisTemplate.boundListOps("listKey"); listKey.leftPush("listLeftValue3"); listKey.rightPush("listRightValue4"); //3. Set the value through ValueOperations ListOperations opsList = redisTemplate.opsForList(); opsList.leftPush("listKey", "listLeftValue5"); opsList.rightPush("listKey", "listRightValue6");
7.2 putting List into cache
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); redisTemplate.boundListOps("listKey").rightPushAll(list); redisTemplate.boundListOps("listKey").leftPushAll(list);
7.3 set expiration time (set separately)
redisTemplate.boundValueOps("listKey").expire(1,TimeUnit.MINUTES); redisTemplate.expire("listKey",1,TimeUnit.MINUTES);
7.4 get all contents of List cache (start index, end index)
List listKey1 = redisTemplate.boundListOps("listKey").range(0, 10);
7.5 pop up an element from left or right
String listKey2 = (String) redisTemplate.boundListOps("listKey").leftPop(); //Pop up an element from the left String listKey3 = (String) redisTemplate.boundListOps("listKey").rightPop(); //Pop up an element from the right
7.6 query elements by index
String listKey4 = (String) redisTemplate.boundListOps("listKey").index(1);
7.7 get the length of the List cache
Long size = redisTemplate.boundListOps("listKey").size();
7.8 modify a piece of data (key, index, value) in the List according to the index
7.9 remove N values as value(key, number of removed, value)
8. Related operations of Zset type
8.1 insert elements into the set and set scores
//1. Set the value through redisTemplate redisTemplate.boundZSetOps("zSetKey").add("zSetVaule", 100D); //2. Set the value through BoundValueOperations BoundZSetOperations zSetKey = redisTemplate.boundZSetOps("zSetKey"); zSetKey.add("zSetVaule", 100D); //3. Set the value through ValueOperations ZSetOperations zSetOps = redisTemplate.opsForZSet(); zSetOps.add("zSetKey", "zSetVaule", 100D);
8.2 insert multiple elements into the set and set scores
DefaultTypedTuple<String> p1 = new DefaultTypedTuple<>("zSetVaule1", 2.1D); DefaultTypedTuple<String> p2 = new DefaultTypedTuple<>("zSetVaule2", 3.3D); redisTemplate.boundZSetOps("zSetKey" add(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(p1,p2)));
8.3 print the elements in the specified interval according to the ranking order (from small to large), and - 1 is to print all
Set<String> range = redisTemplate.boundZSetOps("zSetKey").range(key, 0, -1);
8.4 obtain the score of the specified element
Double score = redisTemplate.boundZSetOps("zSetKey").score("zSetVaule");
8.5 return the number of members in the collection
Long size = redisTemplate.boundZSetOps("zSetKey").size();
8.6 return the number of members of the specified score range in the collection (Double type)
Long COUNT = redisTemplate.boundZSetOps("zSetKey").count(0D, 2.2D);
8.7 return the ranking of elements in the set within the specified score range (from small to large)
Set byScore = redisTemplate.boundZSetOps("zSetKey").rangeByScore(0D, 2.2D);
8.8 band offset and number, (key, starting score, maximum score, offset, number)
Set<String> ranking2 = redisTemplate.opsForZSet().rangeByScore("zSetKey", 0D, 2.2D 1, 3);
8.9 return the ranking of elements in the set and the score (from small to large)
Set<TypedTuple<String>> tuples = redisTemplate.boundZSetOps("zSetKey").rangeWithScores(0L, 3L); for (TypedTuple<String> tuple : tuples) { System.out.println(tuple.getValue() + " : " + tuple.getScore()); }
8.10 return the ranking of specified members
//from small to large Long startRank = redisTemplate.boundZSetOps("zSetKey").rank("zSetVaule"); //From big to small Long endRank = redisTemplate.boundZSetOps("zSetKey").reverseRank("zSetVaule");
8.11 delete the specified element from the collection
8.12 delete the element of the specified index range (Long type)
8.13 delete elements within the specified score range (Double type)
8.14 bonus points for specified elements (Double type)
Double score = redisTemplate.boundZSetOps("zSetKey").incrementScore("zSetVaule",1.1D);