Redis version of cloud database

Keywords: Jedis Redis Java encoding

. net client

Test code example:

using System;
     using System.Collections.Generic;
     using System.Linq;
     using System.Text;
     using System.Threading.Tasks;
     using ServiceStack.Redis;
     namespace ServiceStack.Redis.Tests
         class Program
             public static void RedisClientTest()
                 string host = "";/*Access host address*/
                 string password = "password";/*Password*/
                 RedisClient redisClient = new RedisClient(host, 6379, password);
                 string key = "test-aliyun";
                 string value = "test-aliyun-value";
                 redisClient.Set(key, value);
                 string listKey = "test-aliyun-list";
                 System.Console.WriteLine("set key " + key + " value " + value);
                 string getValue = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(redisClient.Get(key));
                 System.Console.WriteLine("get key " + getValue);
             public static void RedisPoolClientTest()
                 string[] testReadWriteHosts = new[] {
                 "redis://password@"/*redis://Password@Access Address: Port*/
                 RedisConfig.VerifyMasterConnections = false;//Need to set up
                 PooledRedisClientManager redisPoolManager = new PooledRedisClientManager(10/*Number of connection pools*/, 10/*Connection pool timeout*/, testReadWriteHosts);
                 for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                     IRedisClient redisClient = redisPoolManager.GetClient();//Get connection
                     RedisNativeClient redisNativeClient = (RedisNativeClient)redisClient;
                     redisNativeClient.Client = null;//ApsaraDB for Redis does not support client setname, so the client object needs to be null as shown here
                         string key = "test-aliyun1111";
                         string value = "test-aliyun-value1111";
                         redisClient.Set(key, value);
                         string listKey = "test-aliyun-list";
                         redisClient.AddItemToList(listKey, value);
                         System.Console.WriteLine("set key " + key + " value " + value);
                         string getValue = redisClient.GetValue(key);
                         System.Console.WriteLine("get key " + getValue);
                     catch (Exception e)
             static void Main(string[] args)
                 //Single link mode
                 //Connection pool mode

Best practices

1. Player List

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.Tuple;
public class GameRankSample {
    static int TOTAL_SIZE = 20;
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        //Connection information, available from the console
        String host = "";
        int port = 6379;
        Jedis jedis = new Jedis(host, port);
        try {
            //Instance password
            String authString = jedis.auth("password");//password
            if (!authString.equals("OK"))
                System.err.println("AUTH Failed: " + authString);
            //Key (key)
            String key = "Game Name: Run, Ali!";
            //Clear up possible existing data
            //Simulate the generation of several gamers
            List<String> playerList = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (int i = 0; i < TOTAL_SIZE; ++i)
                //Random generation of each player's ID
            System.out.println("Enter all players ");
            //Record each player's score
            for (int i = 0; i < playerList.size(); i++)
                //Random generation of numbers to simulate players'game scores
                int score = (int)(Math.random()*5000);
                String member = playerList.get(i);
                System.out.println("Game player ID: " + member + ", Player score: " + score);
                //Add the player's ID and score to the SortedSet corresponding to the key.
                jedis.zadd(key, score, member);
            //Print out all player rankings
            System.out.println("       "+key);
            System.out.println("       Player List                    ");
            //Get an ordered list of players from the SortedSet for the corresponding key
            Set<Tuple> scoreList = jedis.zrevrangeWithScores(key, 0, -1);
            for (Tuple item : scoreList) {  
                System.out.println("Game player ID: "+item.getElement()+", Player score:"+Double.valueOf(item.getScore()).intValue());
            //Output Print Top5 Player List
            System.out.println("       "+key);
            System.out.println("       Top Game player");
            scoreList = jedis.zrevrangeWithScores(key, 0, 4);
            for (Tuple item : scoreList) {  
                System.out.println("Game player ID: "+item.getElement()+", Player score:"+Double.valueOf(item.getScore()).intValue());
            //Output Print List of Specific Players
            System.out.println("         "+key);
            System.out.println("          Players with points between 1000 and 2000");
            //Get the integral from the SortedSet of the corresponding key1000to2000Player List of ___________
            scoreList = jedis.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, 1000, 2000);
            for (Tuple item : scoreList) {  
                System.out.println("Game player ID: "+item.getElement()+", Player score:"+Double.valueOf(item.getScore()).intValue());
        } catch (Exception e) {

Operation result

Enter all players 
Player ID: 9193e26f-6a71-4c76-8666-eaf8ee97ac86, player score: 3860
 Player ID: db03520b-75a3-48e5-850a-071722ff7afb, player score: 4853
 Player ID: d302d24d-d380-4e15-a4d6-84f71313f27a, player score: 2931
 Player ID: bee46f9d-4b05-425e-8451-8aa6d 48858e6, player score: 1796
 Player ID: ec24fb9e-366e-4b89-a0d5-0be151a8cad0, player score: 2263
 Player ID: e11ecc2c-cd51-4339-8412-c711142ca7aa, player score: 1848
 Player ID: 4c396f67-da7c-4b99-a783-25919d52d756, player score: 958
 Player ID: a6299dd2-4f38-4528-bb5a-aa2d48a9f94a, player score: 2428
 Player ID: 2e4ec631-1e4e-4ef0-914f-7bf1745f7d65, player score: 4478
 Player ID: 24235a85-85b9-476e-8b96-39f294f57aa7, player score: 1655
 Player ID: e3e8e1fa-6aac-4a0c-af80-4c4a1e126cd1, player score: 4064
 Player ID: 99bc5b4f-e32a-4295-bc3a-0324887bb77e, player score: 4852
 Player ID: 19e2aa6b-a2d8-4e56-bdf7-8b59f64bd8e0, player score: 3394
 Player ID: cb62bb24-1318-4af2-9d9b-fbff 7280dbec, player score: 3405
 Player ID: ec0f06da-91ee-447b-b935-7ca935dc7968, player score: 4391
 Player ID: 2c814a6f-3706-4280-9085-5fe5fd56b71c, player score: 2510
 Player ID: 9ee2ed6d-08b8-4e7f-b52c-9adfe1e32dda, player score: 63
 Player ID: 0293b43a-1554-4157-a95b-b78de9edf6dd, player score: 1008
 Player ID: 674 bbdd1-2023-46ae-bbe6-dfcd8e372430, player score: 2265
 Player ID: 34574e3e-9cc5-43ed-ba15-9f5405312692, player score: 3734
              Game Name: Run, Ali!                    
              Player List                    
Player ID: db03520b-75a3-48e5-850a-071722ff7afb, player score: 4853
 Player ID: 99bc5b4f-e32a-4295-bc3a-0324887bb77e, player score: 4852
 Player ID: 2e4ec631-1e4e-4ef0-914f-7bf1745f7d65, player score: 4478
 Player ID: ec0f06da-91ee-447b-b935-7ca935dc7968, player score: 4391
 Player ID: e3e8e1fa-6aac-4a0c-af80-4c4a1e126cd1, player score: 4064
 Player ID: 9193e26f-6a71-4c76-8666-eaf8ee97ac86, player score: 3860
 Player ID: 34574e3e-9cc5-43ed-ba15-9f5405312692, player score: 3734
 Player ID: cb62bb24-1318-4af2-9d9b-fbff 7280 dbec, player score: 3405
 Player ID: 19e2aa6b-a2d8-4e56-bdf7-8b59f64bd8e0, player score: 3394
 Player ID: d302d24d-d380-4e15-a4d6-84f71313f27a, player score: 2931
 Player ID: 2c814a6f-3706-4280-9085-5fe5fd56b71c, player score: 2510
 Player ID: a6299dd2-4f38-4528-bb5a-aa2d48a9f94a, player score: 2428
 Player ID: 674 bbdd1-2023-46ae-bbe6-dfcd8e372430, player score: 2265
 Player ID: ec24fb9e-366e-4b89-a0d5-0be151a8cad0, player score: 2263
 Player ID: e11ecc2c-cd51-4339-8412-c711142ca7aa, player score: 1848
 Player ID: bee46f9d-4b05-425e-8451-8aa6d 48858e6, player score: 1796
 Player ID: 24235a85-85b9-476e-8b96-39f294f57aa7, player score: 1655
 Player ID: 0293b43a-1554-4157-a95b-b78de9edf6dd, player score: 1008
 Player ID: 4c396f67-da7c-4b99-a783-25919d52d756, player score: 958
 Player ID: 9ee2ed6d-08b8-4e7f-b52c-9adfe1e32dda, player score: 63
      Game Name: Run, Ali!                    
         Top player                    
Player ID: db03520b-75a3-48e5-850a-071722ff7afb, player score: 4853
 Player ID: 99bc5b4f-e32a-4295-bc3a-0324887bb77e, player score: 4852
 Player ID: 2e4ec631-1e4e-4ef0-914f-7bf1745f7d65, player score: 4478
 Player ID: ec0f06da-91ee-447b-b935-7ca935dc7968, player score: 4391
 Player ID: e3e8e1fa-6aac-4a0c-af80-4c4a1e126cd1, player score: 4064
          Game Name: Run, Ali!                    
          Players with points between 1000 and 2000              
Player ID: 0293b43a-1554-4157-a95b-b78de9edf6dd, player score: 1008
 Player ID: 24235a85-85b9-476e-8b96-39f294f57aa7, player score: 1655
 Player ID: bee46f9d-4b05-425e-8451-8aa6d 48858e6, player score: 1796
 Player ID: e11ecc2c-cd51-4339-8412-c711142ca7aa, player score: 1848

2. Analysis of the Relevance of Commodities in Online Malls

Code example

import java.util.Set;
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.Tuple;
    public class AliyunShoppingMall {
        public static void main(String[] args) 
            //ApsaraDB for Redis connection information is available from the console
            String host = "";
            int port = 6379;
            Jedis jedis = new Jedis(host, port);
            try {
                //Instance password for ApsaraDB for Redis
                String authString = jedis.auth("password");//password
                if (!authString.equals("OK"))
                    System.err.println("AUTH Failed: " + authString);
                //Product list
                String key0="Ali cloud:product:Beer";
                String key1="Ali cloud:product:Chocolates";
                String key2="Ali cloud:product:cola";
                String key3="Ali cloud:product:Chewing gum";
                String key4="Ali cloud:product:Dried beef";
                String key5="Ali cloud:product:Chicken wings";
                final String[] aliyunProducts=new String[]{key0,key1,key2,key3,key4,key5};
                //Initialization, clearing possible old data
                for (int i = 0; i < aliyunProducts.length; i++) {
                //Simulate user shopping
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {//Simulate multiple user purchasing behavior
                //Use ApsaraDB for Redis to export correlations between commodities
                for (int i = 0; i < aliyunProducts.length; i++) {
                    System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>and"+aliyunProducts[i]+"The products purchased together are<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<");
                    Set<Tuple> relatedList = jedis.zrevrangeWithScores(aliyunProducts[i], 0, -1);
                    for (Tuple item : relatedList) {  
                        System.out.println("Commodity Name:"+item.getElement()+", Number of co-purchases:"+Double.valueOf(item.getScore()).intValue());
            } catch (Exception e) {
        private static void customersShopping(String[] products, int i, Jedis jedis) {
            //Simply simulate three kinds of purchasing behavior, randomly select as the user's purchasing choice
            int bought=(int)(Math.random()*3);
                //Analog business logic: Users buy the following products
                //Record product-to-product associations in the PortSet of ApsaraDB for Redis
                jedis.zincrby(products[0], 1, products[1]);
                jedis.zincrby(products[0], 1, products[2]);
                jedis.zincrby(products[1], 1, products[0]);
                jedis.zincrby(products[1], 1, products[2]);
                jedis.zincrby(products[2], 1, products[0]);
                jedis.zincrby(products[2], 1, products[1]);
            }else if(bought==2){
                //Analog business logic: Users buy the following products
                //Record product-to-product associations in the PortSet of ApsaraDB for Redis
                jedis.zincrby(products[4], 1, products[2]);
                jedis.zincrby(products[4], 1, products[3]);
                jedis.zincrby(products[3], 1, products[4]);
                jedis.zincrby(products[3], 1, products[2]);
                jedis.zincrby(products[2], 1, products[4]);
                jedis.zincrby(products[2], 1, products[3]);
            }else if(bought==0){
                //Analog business logic: Users buy the following products
                //Record product-to-product associations in the PortSet of ApsaraDB for Redis
                jedis.zincrby(products[5], 1, products[1]);
                jedis.zincrby(products[1], 1, products[5]);

Operation result

After entering the correct ApsaraDB for Redis instance access address and password, run the above Java program, and the output is as follows:

User 0 purchased Aliyun: Products: Chocolate, Aliyun: Products: Chicken Wings
 User 1 Purchased Aliyun: Products: Beef jerky, Aliyun: Products: Coke, Aliyun: Products: Chewing gum
 User 2 purchased Aliyun: Products: Beer, Aliyun: Products: Coke, Aliyun: Products: Chocolate
 User 3 purchased Aliyun: Products: Beef jerky, Aliyun: Products: Coke, Aliyun: Products: Chewing gum
 User 4 bought Aliyun: Products: Chocolate, Aliyun: Products: Chicken Wings
 With Aliyun: Products: Products purchased with beer are <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< << < < <
Commodity Name: Aliyun: Products: Chocolate, the number of co-purchases: 1
 Commodity Name: Aliyun: Products: Coke, the number of co-purchases: 1
 With Aliyun: Products: Chocolate products purchased together are <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< < < < <
Commodity Name: Aliyun: Products: Chicken Wings, Joint Purchase Number: 2
 Commodity Name: Aliyun: Products: Beer, the number of co-purchases: 1
 Commodity Name: Aliyun: Products: Coke, the number of co-purchases: 1
 With Aliyun: Products: The products that Coke was purchased together are <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<< < < < <
Commodity Name: Aliyun: Product: Beef jerky, co-purchase times: 2
 Commodity Name: Aliyun: Products: Chewing gum, co-purchase times: 2
 Commodity Name: Aliyun: Products: Chocolate, the number of co-purchases: 1
 Commodity Name: Aliyun: Products: Beer, the number of co-purchases: 1
 With Aliyun: Products: The products purchased together with chewing gum are <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< < < < < <
Commodity Name: Aliyun: Product: Beef jerky, co-purchase times: 2
 Commodity Name: Aliyun: Product: Coke, co-purchase times: 2
 With Aliyun: Products: The products purchased together with beef jerky are <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< << < < < <
Commodity Name: Aliyun: Product: Coke, co-purchase times: 2
 Commodity Name: Aliyun: Products: Chewing gum, co-purchase times: 2
 With Aliyun: Products: Products purchased with chicken wings are <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<< < < <
Commodity Name: Aliyun: Products: Chocolate, the number of co-purchases: 2

Publication and Subscription of Messages

Code example
Publisher (publish client)

import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
public class KVStorePubClient {
    private Jedis jedis;//
    public KVStorePubClient(String host,int port, String password){
        jedis = new Jedis(host,port);
        //Example password for KVStore
        String authString = jedis.auth(password);//password
        if (!authString.equals("OK"))
            System.err.println("AUTH Failed: " + authString);
    public void pub(String channel,String message){
        System.out.println("  >>> Release(PUBLISH) > Channel:"+channel+" > Sent out Message:"+message);
        jedis.publish(channel, message);
    public void close(String channel){
        System.out.println("  >>> Release(PUBLISH)End > Channel:"+channel+" > Message:quit");
        //The message publisher ends sending a quit message.
        jedis.publish(channel, "quit");

Message Subscriber (subscribe client)

import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPubSub;
public class KVStoreSubClient extends Thread{
    private Jedis jedis;
    private String channel;
    private JedisPubSub listener;
    public KVStoreSubClient(String host,int port, String password){
        jedis = new Jedis(host,port);
                //Instance password for ApsaraDB for Redis
                String authString = jedis.auth(password);//password
                if (!authString.equals("OK"))
                    System.err.println("AUTH Failed: " + authString);
    public void setChannelAndListener(JedisPubSub listener,String channel){
    private void subscribe(){
        if(listener==null || channel==null){
            System.err.println("Error:SubClient> listener or channel is null");
        System.out.println("  >>> Subscribe(SUBSCRIBE) > Channel:"+channel);
        //When the recipient listens for subscription messages, the process will be blocked until quit messages (passive mode) are received, or the subscription will be cancelled actively.
        jedis.subscribe(listener, channel);
    public void unsubscribe(String channel){
        System.out.println("  >>> unsubscribe(UNSUBSCRIBE) > Channel:"+channel);
    public void run() {
            System.out.println("----------Subscribe SUBSCRIBE start-------");
            System.out.println("----------Subscribe SUBSCRIBE End-------");
        }catch(Exception e){

message listener

import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPubSub;
public class KVStoreMessageListener extends JedisPubSub{
    public void onMessage(String channel, String message) {
        System.out.println("  <<< Subscribe(SUBSCRIBE)< Channel:" + channel + " >Received Message:" + message );
        //When the received message is quit, unsubscribe (passive mode)
    public void onPMessage(String pattern, String channel, String message) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    public void onSubscribe(String channel, int subscribedChannels) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    public void onUnsubscribe(String channel, int subscribedChannels) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    public void onPUnsubscribe(String pattern, int subscribedChannels) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    public void onPSubscribe(String pattern, int subscribedChannels) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

Sample main program

import java.util.UUID;
import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPubSub;
public class KVStorePubSubTest {
    //ApsaraDB for Redis connection information is available from the console
    static final String host = "";
    static final int port = 6379;
    static final String password="password";//password
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
            KVStorePubClient pubClient = new KVStorePubClient(host, port,password);
            final String channel = "KVStore channel-A";
            //The sender starts sending the message, and nobody subscribes at this time, so the message will not be received.
  , "Aliyun Message 1: (No one is subscribing at this time, so this message will not be received)");
            //Message Receiver
            KVStoreSubClient subClient = new KVStoreSubClient(host, port,password);
            JedisPubSub listener = new KVStoreMessageListener();
            subClient.setChannelAndListener(listener, channel);
            //Message Receiver Begins Subscription
            //The sender continues to send messages
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                String message=UUID.randomUUID().toString();
      , message);
            //Message Receiver Actively Cancels Subscription
  , "Aliyun Message 2: (subscription cancelled at this time, so this message will not be received)");
            //The message publisher ends sending a quit message.
            //At this point, if there are other message receivers, the unsubscribe operation will be performed when "quit" is received in listener.onMessage().

Operation result

After entering the correct ApsaraDB for Redis instance access address and password, run the above Java program, and the output is as follows.

Publish > Channel: KVStore Channel - A > Message:Aliyun Message 1: (No subscription at this time, so this message will not be received)
Subscription message SUBSCRIBE begins - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  SUBSCRIBE > Channel: KVStore Channel-A
  Publish > Channel: KVStore Channel - A > Message:0f9c2cee-77c7-4498-89a0-1dc5a2f65889
  Subscription (SUBSCRIBE) < Channel: KVStore Channel-A > Message received: 0f9c2cee-77c7-4498-89a0-1dc5a2f65889
  Publish > Channel: KVStore Channel - A > Message sent: ed5924a9-016b-469b-8203-7db63d06f812
  < Subscription (SUBSCRIBE)< Channel: KVStore Channel-A > Received Message:ed5924a9-016b-469b-8203-7db63d06f812
  Publish > Channel: KVStore Channel - A > Message:f1f84e0f-8f35-4362-9567-25716b1531cd
  < Subscription (SUBSCRIBE)< Channel: KVStore Channel-A > Received Message:f1f84e0f-8f35-4362-9567-25716b1531cd
  Publish > Channel: KVStore Channel - A > Message:746bde54-af8f-44d7-8a49-37d1a245d21b
  < Subscription (SUBSCRIBE)< Channel: KVStore Channel-A > Received Message:746bde54-af8f-44d7-8a49-37d1a245d21b
  Publish > Channel: KVStore Channel - A > Message:8ac3b2b8-9906-4f61-8cad-84fc1f15a3ef
  < Subscription (SUBSCRIBE)< Channel: KVStore Channel-A > Message received: 8ac3b2b8-9906-4f61-8cad-84fc1f15a3ef
  "> Unsubscription (UNSUBSCRIBE)> Channel: KVStore Channel-A
 The subscription message SUBSCRIBE is over - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Publish > Channel: KVStore Channel - A > Message:Aliyun Message 2: (subscription cancelled at this time, so this message will not be received)
  Publishing End > Channel: KVStore Channel - A > Message: quit

In the above example, only one publisher and one subscriber are demonstrated. In fact, both publishers and subscribers can be multiple, and the channel for sending messages can be multiple. Just modify the above code slightly.

Pipeline transmission

Code Example 1
Performance comparison

import java.util.Date;
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline;
public class RedisPipelinePerformanceTest {
        static final String host = "";
        static final int port = 6379;
        static final String password = "password";
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Jedis jedis = new Jedis(host, port);
                //Instance password for ApsaraDB for Redis
                String authString = jedis.auth(password);// password
                if (!authString.equals("OK")) {
                    System.err.println("AUTH Failed: " + authString);
                //Continuous execution of multiple command operations
                final int COUNT=5000;
                String key = "KVStore-Tanghan";
                // 1 - - Do not use pipeline operations
                jedis.del(key);//Initialize key
                Date ts1 = new Date();
                for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
                    //Send a request and receive a response (Send Request and Receive Response)
                Date ts2 = new Date();
                System.out.println("No need Pipeline > value by:"+jedis.get(key)+" > Operation time:" + (ts2.getTime() - ts1.getTime())+ "ms");
                //2 - Contrast pipeline Operations
                jedis.del(key);//Initialize key
                Pipeline p1 = jedis.pipelined();
                Date ts3 = new Date();
                for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
                    //Send Request 
                //Receive Response
                Date ts4 = new Date();
                System.out.println("Use Pipeline > value by:"+jedis.get(key)+" > Operation time:" + (ts4.getTime() - ts3.getTime())+ "ms");

Operation Result 1

After entering the correct ApsaraDB for Redis instance access address and password, run the above Java program, and the output is as follows. It can be seen that pipeline is much faster to use.

No Pipeline > value: 5000 > operation time: 5844ms
 Pipeline > value: 5000 > operation time: 78ms

Code Example 2

When using pipeline in Jedis, there are two ways to process response data. Refer to the following code example.

import java.util.List;
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline;
import redis.clients.jedis.Response;
    public class PipelineClientTest {
        static final String host = "";
        static final int port = 6379;
        static final String password = "password";
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Jedis jedis = new Jedis(host, port);
                // Instance password for ApsaraDB for Redis
                String authString = jedis.auth(password);// password
                if (!authString.equals("OK")) {
                    System.err.println("AUTH Failed: " + authString);
                String key = "KVStore-Test1";
                // --------- Method1
                Pipeline p1 = jedis.pipelined();
                System.out.println("-----Method 1-----");
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                    System.out.println("Pipeline Send request");
                // Send the request completed and start receiving the response
                System.out.println("Send the request completed and start receiving the response");
                List<Object> responses = p1.syncAndReturnAll();
                if (responses == null || responses.isEmpty()) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Pipeline error: No response was received");
                for (Object resp : responses) {
                    System.out.println("Pipeline Receiving response Response: " + resp.toString());
                //--------- Method2
                System.out.println("-----Method 2-----");
                Pipeline p2 = jedis.pipelined();  
                //Response needs to be declared first
                Response<Long> r1 = p2.incr(key); 
                System.out.println("Pipeline Send request");
                Response<Long> r2 = p2.incr(key);
                System.out.println("Pipeline Send request");
                Response<Long> r3 = p2.incr(key);
                System.out.println("Pipeline Send request");
                Response<Long> r4 = p2.incr(key);  
                System.out.println("Pipeline Send request");
                Response<Long> r5 = p2.incr(key);
                System.out.println("Pipeline Send request");
                    r1.get();  //The response has not been received yet, so this operation will go wrong.
                }catch(Exception e){  
                    System.out.println(" <<< Pipeline error: No response has been received yet.  >>> ");  
             // Send the request completed and start receiving the response
                System.out.println("Send the request completed and start receiving the response");
                System.out.println("Pipeline Receiving response Response: " + r1.get());  
                System.out.println("Pipeline Receiving response Response: " + r2.get());  
                System.out.println("Pipeline Receiving response Response: " + r3.get());
                System.out.println("Pipeline Receiving response Response: " + r4.get());
                System.out.println("Pipeline Receiving response Response: " + r5.get());

Operation result 2

Method 1
 Pipeline sends requests
 Pipeline sends requests
 Pipeline sends requests
 Pipeline sends requests
 Pipeline sends requests
 Send the request completed and start receiving the response
 Pipeline Receives Response: 1
 Pipeline Receives Response: 2
 Pipeline Receives Response: 3
 Pipeline Receives Response: 4
 Pipeline Receives Response: 5
 Method 2
 Pipeline sends requests
 Pipeline sends requests
 Pipeline sends requests
 Pipeline sends requests
 Pipeline sends requests
 << Pipeline error: response has not yet been received > 
Send the request completed and start receiving the response
 Pipeline Receives Response: 1
 Pipeline Receives Response: 2
 Pipeline Receives Response: 3
 Pipeline Receives Response: 4
 Pipeline Receives Response: 5

transaction processing

Code Example 1: Two client s operate on different key s

import java.util.List;
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.Transaction;
public class KVStoreTranscationTest {
    static final String host = "";
    static final int port = 6379;
    static final String password = "password";
    //** Note that the contents of these two key s are different
    static String client1_key = "KVStore-Transcation-1";
    static String client2_key = "KVStore-Transcation-2";
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Jedis jedis = new Jedis(host, port);
        // Instance password for ApsaraDB for Redis
        String authString = jedis.auth(password);//password
        if (!authString.equals("OK")) {
            System.err.println("Authentication failed: " + authString);
        jedis.set(client1_key, "0");
        //Start another thread to simulate another client
        new KVStoreTranscationTest().new OtherKVStoreClient().start();
        Transaction tx = jedis.multi();//Start business
        //The following actions are submitted centrally to the server side for processing as "atomic operations"
        Thread.sleep(400);//The suspension of Thread here has no effect on consecutive operations in transactions, nor can other Thread operations be performed.
        Thread.sleep(300);//The suspension of Thread here has no effect on consecutive operations in transactions, nor can other Thread operations be performed.
        Thread.sleep(200);//The suspension of Thread here has no effect on consecutive operations in transactions, nor can other Thread operations be performed.
        List<Object> result = tx.exec();//Submission execution
        //Parse and print out the results
        for(Object rt : result){
            System.out.println("Client 1 > Transaction> "+rt.toString());
    class OtherKVStoreClient extends Thread{
        public void run() {
            Jedis jedis = new Jedis(host, port);
            // Instance password for ApsaraDB for Redis
            String authString = jedis.auth(password);// password
            if (!authString.equals("OK")) {
                System.err.println("AUTH Failed: " + authString);
            jedis.set(client2_key, "100");
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                System.out.println("Client 2 > "+jedis.incr(client2_key));

Operation Result 1

Client 2 > 101
Client 2 > 102
Client 2 > 103
Client 2 > 104
Client 1 > Transaction> 1
Client 1 > Transaction> 2
Client 1 > Transaction> 3
Client 1 > Transaction> 4
Client 1 > Transaction> 5
Client 2 > 105
Client 2 > 106
Client 2 > 107
Client 2 > 108
Client 2 > 109
Client 2 > 110

Code Example 2: Two client s operate on the same key
Modify the above code slightly so that two client s operate on the same key and the rest remains unchanged.

  ... ... 
//** Note that the contents of these two key s are now the same
    static String client1_key = "KVStore-Transcation-1";
    static String client2_key = "KVStore-Transcation-1";
    ... ...

Operation result 2

Client 2 > 101
Client 2 > 102
Client 2 > 103
Client 2 > 104
Client 1 > Transaction> 105
Client 1 > Transaction> 106
Client 1 > Transaction> 107
Client 1 > Transaction> 108
Client 1 > Transaction> 109
Client 2 > 110
Client 2 > 111
Client 2 > 112
Client 2 > 113
Client 2 > 114
Client 2 > 115

Posted by leatherback on Tue, 16 Apr 2019 00:57:34 -0700