redis caching technology of Nosql [Java foundation]

Keywords: Jedis Redis Database Java


1. Concept: redis is a high-performance NOSQL series Philippine relational database.
2. Comparison between NoSQL and relational database
  • Relational database: mysql, Oracle
    1. Data is related
    2. Data is stored on the hard disk file

  • Non relational database (NoSQL): redis, hbase
    1. No association between data: storage key:value
    2. Data is stored in memory

  • Generally, the data will be stored in the relational database, and the data of the relational database will be backed up and stored in the nosql database.

3. Download the installation directory
  • redis.wnidow.conf : Profile
  • redis-cli.exe : redis client
  • redis-server.exe ; redis server
4. Command operation

1. Data structure of redis
*redis stores data in the format of key and value, in which key is a string and value has five different data structures.

  • Data structure of value:
    1) string type
    2) Hash type hash: map format
    3) List type list: linkedlist format, supporting duplicate elements
    4) Set type set: duplicate elements are not allowed
    5) Ordered set type sortedset: duplicate elements are not allowed, but elements have order

2. string type

  • Store: set key value
  • Get: get key
  • Delete: del key

3. Hash type hash

  • Store: hset key field value
  • obtain:
    • hget key field: get the value corresponding to the specified field
    • hgetall key: get all field s and value s
  • Delete: hdel key field

4. List type list: you can add an element to the head (left) or tail (right) of the list

  • Storage:
    • lpush key value: add elements to the left table of the list
    • rpush key value: add elements to the right table of the list
  • obtain:
    • lrange key start end: range get 0 - 1 get all
  • Delete:
    • lpop key: delete the leftmost element of the list and return the element
    • rpop key: delete the rightmost element of the list and return the element

5. Set type set: duplicate elements are not allowed, and elements have no order

  • Store: sadd key value
  • Get: smembers key: get all elements in the set set
  • Delete: srem key value: delete an element in the set set

6. Ordered set type sortedset: duplicate elements are not allowed, and elements have order

  • Store: zadd key score value
  • Get: zrange key start end
  • Delete: zrem key value

7. General order

  • Keys *: query all keys
  • type key: get the type of value corresponding to the key
  • del key: delete the specified key value
5. Data persistence

-Redis is a memory database. When the redis server is restarted or the data is lost when the computer is restarted, the data in the redis memory can be persisted to the hard disk file.
-redis persistence mechanism:
1.RDB: the default mode, which does not need to be configured.
*In a certain interval, the change of key is detected, and then the data is persisted
1. Edit redis.window.conf file
# after 900 sec (15 min) if at least 1 key changed
save 900 1
# after 300 sec (5 min) if at least 10 keys changed
save 300 10
# after 60 sec if at least 10000 keys changed
save 60 10000
2. Restart the redis server and make the profile name
Command line: redis absolute path > redis- server.exe redis.window.conf

2.AOF: the way of logging, which can record the operation of each command, and can persist the data after each command operation.
1. Edit redis.window.conf File appendonly no (close AOF) - > appendonly Yes (open AOF)

  • appendfsync always: persist every operation
  • appendfsync everysec: persistent every second
  • appendfsync no: no persistence

Java client Jedis

  • Jedis: a java tool for operating redis database
  • Use steps:
    1. Download Jedis jar package
    2. Use
    //1. Get connection
    Jedis jedis=new Jedis("localhost",6379);
    //2. Operation
    //3. Close the connection
-Jedis operates on data structures in various redis
1) string type


       string Data structure operation
    public static void test1(){
        //1. Get connection
        Jedis jedis=new Jedis("localhost",6379);//Default value "localhost",6379
        //2. Operation
        String username = jedis.get("username");

        //You can use the setex() method to store the key value that can specify the expiration time
        jedis.setex("actioncode",20,"hello");//Put a ctioncode:hello  The key value pair is stored in redis and automatically deleted after 20 seconds
        //3. Close the connection
2) Hash type hash: map format


       hash Data structure operation
    public static void test2(){
        //1. Get connection
        Jedis jedis=new Jedis("localhost",6379);//Default value "localhost",6379
        //2. Operation

//        String hget = jedis.hget("user", "gender");
//        System.out.println(hget);

        Map<String, String> user = jedis.hgetAll("user");
        Set<String> keySet = user.keySet();
        for (String key:keySet){
            String value = user.get(key);
        //3. Close the connection
3) List type list: linkedlist format, supporting duplicate elements

lrange() start end: range get

       list Data structure operation
    public static void test3(){
        //1. Get connection
        Jedis jedis=new Jedis("localhost",6379);//Default value "localhost",6379
        //2. Operation

        List<String> mylist = jedis.lrange("mylist", 0, -1);

        String c1 = jedis.lpop("mylist");
        String c2 = jedis.rpop("mylist");

        List<String> mylist1 = jedis.lrange("mylist", 0, -1);

        //3. Close the connection
4) Set type set: duplicate elements are not allowed


      set Data structure operation
    public static void test4(){
        //1. Get connection
        Jedis jedis=new Jedis("localhost",6379);//Default value "localhost",6379
        //2. Operation

        Set<String> myset = jedis.smembers("myset");

        //3. Close the connection

5) Ordered set type sortedset: duplicate elements are not allowed, but elements have order


      sortedset Data structure operation
    public static void test5(){
        //1. Get connection
        Jedis jedis=new Jedis("localhost",6379);//Default value "localhost",6379
        //2. Operation

        jedis.zadd("mysortedset",2,"Is it");
        jedis.zadd("mysortedset",3,"Big bug");

        Set<String> mysortedset = jedis.zrange("mysortedset", 0, -1);

        //3. Close the connection
-Jedis connection pool: JedisPool

*Use steps:
1. Create a JedisPool object
2. Get connection
3. Use
4. Close the connection and return it to the connection pool

      Jedis Use of connection pools
    public static void test6(){
        //0. Create a configuration object
        JedisPoolConfig config=new JedisPoolConfig();

        //1. Create a Jedis connection pool object
        JedisPool jedisPool=new JedisPool(config,"localhost",6379);
        //2. Get connection
        Jedis jedis = jedisPool.getResource();
        //3. Use
        String haha = jedis.get("haha");
        //4. Close the connection and return it to the connection pool


-Jedis connection pool utility class


     Jedis Use of connection pool tool class
    public static void test8(){
        //1. Use the Jedis connection pool tool class to get the connection object
        Jedis jedis = JedisPoolUtils.getJedis();

        //2. Use

        String hello = jedis.get("hello");

        //3. Close and return the connection to the connection pool



Jedis case

1. Provide index.html Page with a drop-down list of provinces.

2. When the page is loaded, send an ajax request to load all provinces.

Note: use redis to cache some data that doesn't change frequently.

  • Once the data of the database changes, the cache needs to be updated.

  • The tables in the database need to add, delete, and modify. The redis cache data needs to be saved again

  • In the add / delete / modify method corresponding to service, delete the redis data.

Posted by Fredric on Sat, 06 Jun 2020 03:38:48 -0700