Directory Introduction
- 1. Introduction to Complex Page Library
2. Advantage highlights of this library
- 2.1 supports multiple state transition management
- 2.2 Support for adding multiple header s and footer s
- 2.3 Support for side sliding and dragging
- 2.4 Introduction to Other Highlights
3. How to use the introduction
- 3.1 Basic Use
- 3.2 Add drop-down refresh and load more monitoring
- 3.3 Add header and footer operations
- 3.4 Set up data and refresh
- 3.5 Set adapter
- 3.6 Set entry click events
- 3.7 Set Side Slide Delete Function [QQ Side Slide Delete]
- 3.8 Lightweight Drag Sort and Slide Delete
4. About state switching
- 4.1 About Layout Content
- 4.2 Ideas for implementation
- 4.3 About state switch api calls
- 4.4 About customizing the status layout
- 4.5 About custom layout interaction event handling
5. Introduction to common api
- 5.1 State Switching Method Description
- 5.2 viewHolder method description
- 5.3 Adaptpter method description
- 5.4 Explanation of Split Line Method
- Explanation of 5.5 swipe sideslip method
- 5.6 Additional api instructions
6. wiki documentation for recyclerView [in update]
- Introduction of 6.1 Packaging Library
- 6.2 Introduction to Optimized Processing Logic
- 6.3 recyclerView related classes
- 6.4 recyclerView Slide Conflict
- 6.5 recyclerView Cache Mechanism
- 6.5 recyclerView related blogs (25 articles)
7. Realize the effect display
- 7.1 Drop-down Refresh, Drop-up Load
- 7.2 Add multiple headerView s and FooterView s
- 7.3 Horizontal Slide
- 7.4 Paste Head
- 7.5 Combined with coordinatorLayout
- 7.6 Waterfall Flow Effect
- 8. Version update instructions
- 9. Reference Explanation
- 10. Additional information
0.recyclerView related blogs
RecyclerView can be used in a wide range of applications. Here's my blog that I've sorted out step by step. With blogs, you can also encapsulate your recyclerView library step by step.Although there are many recyclerViews on the web, it is also a good practice to summarize records while applying them once if you want to master them.
Open source library address [most recyclerView use cases can be downloaded directly demo]:
00.RecyclerView Complex Encapsulation Library
- Almost all of the knowledge points in this series of blogs are merged. Welcome to see the blog once and practice, step by step from simple to powerful library
- Structure of RecycleView, Introduction to RecyclerView's Simple Usage
- RecyclerView.Adapter's role, description of commonly used rewriting methods, observer mode for data change notifications, view.notifyChanged(); source code
- The role of ViewHolder, how to understand that the onCreateViewHolder method is stopped after the number of ViewHolder objects is "enough", ViewHolder is simply encapsulated
- What does LayoutManager do?setLayoutManager Source Code Analysis
- SnapHelper role, what is Fling operation, SnapHelper class important methods,
- 06.ItemTouchHelper
- How does SpanSizeLookup work with lists, grids with two columns, and grids with three columns?
- Uses of ItemDecoration, addItemDecoration() Source Analysis
- RecyclerViewPool is used to share views among multiple RecyclerViews.
11.RecyclerView pull-up loading
- Add sliding events for recyclerView, pull-up loading paging data, set bottom footer layout for pull-up loading, show and hide footer layout
12.RecyclerView Caching Principles
- RecyclerView is complex and complex for performance optimization, such as layout optimization, caching, preloading, reusing pools, refreshing data, etc.
- SnapHelper is designed to support RecyclerView alignment by calculating the alignment of a specific point of the TargetView in RecyclerView or any pixel point in a container.
- Customize SnapHelper
19. Custom ItemDecoration Split Line
- You need a custom class to implement the RecyclerView.ItemDecoration class and choose the appropriate method to override it
22.RecyclerView problem summary
- Differences between getLayoutPosition() and getAdapterPosition()
23.RecyclerView Slide Conflict
- 01. How to determine if the RecyclerView control slides to the top and bottom
- 02.RecyclerView Nested RecyclerView Entry Auto-Roll-Up Bug
- 03.ScrollView Nested RecyclerView Slide Conflict
- 04.ViewPager nested horizontal RecyclerView slides horizontally to the bottom without sliding ViewPager
- 05.RecyclerView Nested RecyclerView Slide Conflict Problem
- 06.RecyclerView uses Glide to load pictures causing the picture to be confused problem solving
24.ScrollView Nested RecyclerView Problem
- To embed one or more RecyclerView s in the NestedScrollView, a sliding conflict, preemptive focus, and incomplete display occur.What to do?
1. Introduction to Complex Page Library
- Custom support for pull-up loading more controls [Loading, Loading Failures [such as no more data], Loading Exceptions [no network], Loading Success and other states], Drop-down refresh to implement complex status pages, to support free-switching states (Loading, Loading Success, Loading Failure, No network, etc.), to expand functionality [Support drag-and-drop, Side-slide deletion]It can be added optionally.Specific use methods can be directly referred to demo cases.
- Support complex type pages, such as adding custom HeaderView and bottom layout FooterView, supporting horizontal sliding list, pasting header list [like WeChat Friend Grouping], supporting irregular waterfall streaming effect, and supporting side sliding deletion function.
2. Advantage highlights of this library
2.1 supports multiple state transition management
- Supports customizing view s in layouts or code settings for different states. One line of code can switch between different states, which is very convenient.
- For a custom status view or layout, interactive functions can be implemented, such as when switching to a page with network anomalies, clicking on the page control to refresh the data or jumping to set the network page
2.2 Support for adding multiple header s and footer s
- Support for adding multiple custom header header layout, you can customize footer bottom layout.It is very convenient to implement the layout page of complex type s, with clear hierarchy and easy maintenance.
- Supports complex interface use, such as pages with a rotation map, button combinations, horizontal sliding lists, and complex lists, which can be accomplished with this control.
2.3 Support for side sliding and dragging
- Lightweight Side Slide Delete menu, directly nested item layout, easy to use
- Item drag sorting of RecyclerView entries is achieved by customizing ItemTouchHelper, only setting whether or not to drag, setting the background color of the dragged item, optimizing the drag effect, such as setting the zoom and gradient effect of the item during the drag process
2.4 Introduction to Other Highlights
- Supports pull-up loading and drop-down refreshing.When pull-up loads have more failures or exceptions, you can set a custom load with more failures or exception layouts (such as scenarios when there is no network), and click on the exception or failure layout to resume loading more data; when pull-up loads more data without more data, you can set a custom load with more data layouts.
- You can set a pull-up load to automatically load the next page of data after more loads, or you can pull-up load to manually trigger the load of the next page of data after more loads.When loading more on a pull-up, you can set up to load more layouts to support load monitoring.
- Supports the desired effect of pasting the head, which is similar to the functional interface of WeChat Friends Grouping.
- Supports insertion, updating a specified index or data data, or deleting a single data, and deleting all data.At the same time, under multithreaded conditions, a lock mechanism is added to avoid data confusion!
- Supports horizontal sliding list effects, waterfall flow effects, and cool effects combined with CoordinatorLayout.This works especially well...
- Has been used in the real development project investment community, budding, Dune University...And after nearly three years of iteration and maintenance, continuous updating and maintenance!
3. How to use the introduction
3.1 Basic Use
First in Integration:
- implementation 'org.yczbj:YCRefreshViewLib:2.5.8'
In Layout
<org.yczbj.ycrefreshviewlib.YCRefreshView xmlns:app="" android:id="@+id/recyclerView" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" app:layout_progress="@layout/view_custom_loading_data" app:layout_empty="@layout/view_custom_empty_data" app:layout_error="@layout/view_custom_data_error"/>
In the code, initialize recyclerView
adapter = new PersonAdapter(this); recyclerView.setAdapter(adapter); final LinearLayoutManager linearLayoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(this); recyclerView.setLayoutManager(linearLayoutManager); adapter.addAll(data);
In the code, create an adapter to implement RecyclerArrayAdapter <T>
public class PersonAdapter extends RecyclerArrayAdapter<PersonData> { public PersonAdapter(Context context) { super(context); } @Override public BaseViewHolder OnCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) { return new PersonViewHolder(parent); } public class PersonViewHolder extends BaseViewHolder<PersonData> { private ImageView iv_news_image; PersonViewHolder(ViewGroup parent) { super(parent, R.layout.item_news); iv_news_image = getView(; } @Override public void setData(final PersonData person){ } } }
3.2 Add drop-down refresh and load more monitoring
Drop-down refresh listening operation
//Set refresh listener recyclerView.setRefreshListener(new SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener() { @Override public void onRefresh() { //Refresh operation } }); //Set whether to refresh recyclerView.setRefreshing(false); //Set refresh color recyclerView.setRefreshingColorResources(R.color.colorAccent);
Drop-Up Load More Listening Operations
- In the first case, pull-up loads more data and automatically loads the next page
//Set the layout when pull-up loads more, and listen for events adapter.setMore(R.layout.view_more, new OnLoadMoreListener() { @Override public void onLoadMore() { //You can request the next page } });
- In the second case, the pull-up loading of more data triggers the loading of the next page manually
adapter.setMore(R.layout.view_more2, new OnMoreListener() { @Override public void onMoreShow() { //Do not process } @Override public void onMoreClick() { //Click Trigger to Load Next Page Data } });
When more data is loaded in the pull-up, there may be no more data, or the pull-up loading fails. What should I do?
//No more data listening for Settings pull-up loading adapter.setNoMore(R.layout.view_no_more, new OnNoMoreListener() { @Override public void onNoMoreShow() { //Pull-up loading, no more data to show, this method can pause or stop loading data adapter.pauseMore(); } @Override public void onNoMoreClick() { //This method is to click on an operation that shows the layout without more data, such as making toast, etc. Log.e("Comma ratio","No more data"); } }); //Set Up to Load More Exception Listening Data Listening adapter.setError(R.layout.view_error, new OnErrorListener() { @Override public void onErrorShow() { //Pull-up loading to load more data exceptions, which can pause or stop loading data adapter.pauseMore(); } @Override public void onErrorClick() { //This method is to click Load More Data to show the layout, such as restore Load More, etc. adapter.resumeMore(); } });
3.3 Add header and footer operations
Add headerView action.As for adding a footerView, it is almost the same as adding a header step.
- Add a plain layout [not a listView or RecyclerView layout]
adapter.addHeader(new InterItemView() { @Override public View onCreateView(ViewGroup parent) { View inflate = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.header_view, null); return inflate; } @Override public void onBindView(View headerView) { TextView tvTitle = headerView.findViewById(; } });
- Add a list layout [with horizontal recyclerView as an example]
adapter.addHeader(new InterItemView() { @Override public View onCreateView(ViewGroup parent) { RecyclerView recyclerView = new RecyclerView(parent.getContext()){ //To not disturb the sliding operation of the horizontal RecyclerView, this can be done @SuppressLint("ClickableViewAccessibility") @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { super.onTouchEvent(event); return true; } }; return recyclerView; } @Override public void onBindView(View headerView) { //Don't forget to handle it here ((ViewGroup)headerView).requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true); } });
Points to Note
- If you add a HeaderView, any positions you get through the ViewHolder will need to reduce the number of HeaderViews to get the correct position.
3.4 Set up data and refresh
Add all data, either a collection or an array
//Add All Data adapter.addAll(data); //Add single-handed data adapter.add(data);
Insert, refresh, and delete data
//Insert specified index data, single data adapter.insert(data, pos); //Insert specified index data, multiple data adapter.insertAll(data, pos); //Refresh specified index data adapter.update(data, pos); //Delete data, specify data adapter.remove(data); //Delete data, specify index adapter.remove(pos); //Empty all data
3.5 Set adapter
Note that custom adapter s need to implement RecyclerArrayAdapter <T>, where T is generic and is the type of bean data you want to use
public class PersonAdapter extends RecyclerArrayAdapter<PersonData> { public PersonAdapter(Context context) { super(context); } @Override public BaseViewHolder OnCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) { return new PersonViewHolder(parent); } public class PersonViewHolder extends BaseViewHolder<PersonData> { private TextView tv_title; private ImageView iv_news_image; PersonViewHolder(ViewGroup parent) { super(parent, R.layout.item_news); iv_news_image = getView(; tv_title = getView(; //Add a child's click event addOnClickListener(; addOnClickListener(; } @Override public void setData(final PersonData person){ Log.i("ViewHolder","position"+getDataPosition()); tv_title.setText(person.getName()); } } }
3.6 Set item Click Event [item Click Event, item Child view Click Event]
Entry Click Event, Long Press Event [Omit, you can see the code yourself]
adapter.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(int position) { if (adapter.getAllData().size()>position && position>=0){ //Handle Click Event Logic } } });
Click events for children in entries
//Add a child's click event to see 3.5 settings for adapter addOnClickListener(; addOnClickListener(; //Set children's click events adapter.setOnItemChildClickListener(new OnItemChildClickListener() { @Override public void onItemChildClick(View view, int position) { switch (view.getId()){ case Toast.makeText(HeaderFooterActivity.this, "Click on the picture",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); break; case Toast.makeText(HeaderFooterActivity.this, "Click on the title",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); break; default: break; } } });
3.7 Set Side Slide Delete Function [QQ Side Slide Delete]
In the layout file, omit some code here
<org.yczbj.ycrefreshviewlib.swipeMenu.YCSwipeMenu android:orientation="horizontal"> <!--item content--> <RelativeLayout </RelativeLayout> <!-- Side Slide Menu --> <Button android:id="@+id/btn_del"/> <Button android:id="@+id/btn_top"/> </org.yczbj.ycrefreshviewlib.swipeMenu.YCSwipeMenu>
Set in Code
- Define interfaces in adapter
private OnSwipeMenuListener listener; public void setOnSwipeMenuListener(OnSwipeMenuListener listener) { this.listener = listener; }
- Set Click Event on adapter
View.OnClickListener clickListener = new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { switch (v.getId()){ case if (null != listener) { listener.toDelete(getAdapterPosition()); } break; case if (null != listener) { listener.toTop(getAdapterPosition()); } break; } } }; btn_del.setOnClickListener(clickListener); btn_top.setOnClickListener(clickListener);
Handling top-set or deleted functions
adapter.setOnSwipeMenuListener(new OnSwipeMenuListener() { //Delete function @Override public void toDelete(int position) { } //Top setting function @Override public void toTop(int position) { } });
3.8 Lightweight Drag Sort and Slide Delete
Handles long press and drag, sliding delete function.Lightweight, free to choose whether or not to achieve.
mCallback = new DefaultItemTouchHelpCallback(new DefaultItemTouchHelpCallback .OnItemTouchCallbackListener() { @Override public void onSwiped(int adapterPosition) { // Remove from database, data source, and refresh UI when sliding delete } @Override public boolean onMove(int srcPosition, int targetPosition) { return false; } }); mCallback.setDragEnable(true); mCallback.setSwipeEnable(true); mCallback.setColor(this.getResources().getColor(R.color.colorAccent)); ItemTouchHelper itemTouchHelper = new ItemTouchHelper(mCallback); itemTouchHelper.attachToRecyclerView(recyclerView);
4. About state switching
4.1 About Layout Content
YCRecyclerView is a composite custom control with the following layout
<!--Refresh Control Omit Part Code--> <> <FrameLayout> <!--RecyclerView control--> <> <!--Layout when loading data is empty--> <FrameLayout/> <!--Loading Layout in Data--> <FrameLayout/> <!--Layout when loading errors: network error or request data error--> <FrameLayout/> </FrameLayout> </>
4.2 Ideas for implementation
Ideas on page state switching
- The first way: include these interfaces directly into the main interface, then switch the interfaces dynamically. Later, it was found that this process is not easy to reuse into other projects, and the display and hiding of these states in the activity is confusing.
- Second, use subclasses to inherit parent attributes, write toggle states in the parent, but some interfaces do not inherit the parent, what to do
The way of thinking of this library
- Four different types of layouts are written in a frame layout FrameLayout: normal layout, empty layout, loading loading layout, incorrect layout [network exception, loading data exception]
- Of course, you can also customize the layout of these states by adding different state layouts to the corresponding FrameLayout in the form of addView.To switch status, you just need to set the layout display or hide it.
4.3 About state switch api calls
As shown below
//Set load data completion status recyclerView.showRecycler(); //Set load data to empty state recyclerView.showEmpty(); //Set Load Error Status recyclerView.showError(); //Set loading data state recyclerView.showProgress();
4.4 About customizing the status layout
As shown below
//Set Empty State Page Custom Layout recyclerView.setEmptyView(R.layout.view_custom_empty_data); recyclerView.setEmptyView(view); //Get Empty Page Custom Layout View emptyView = recyclerView.getEmptyView(); //Set Exception Status Page Custom Layout recyclerView.setErrorView(R.layout.view_custom_data_error); recyclerView.setErrorView(view); //Set Load loading Status Page Custom Layout recyclerView.setProgressView(R.layout.view_progress_loading); recyclerView.setProgressView(view);
4.5 About custom layout interaction event handling
Sometimes, an exception occurs on the load page, such as when no network displays a custom network exception page.Now you need to click on the Exception Page button and so on, so what can you do?
//Attention needs LinearLayout ll_error_view = (LinearLayout) recyclerView.findViewById(; ll_error_view.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { //For example, jump to the network settings page, refresh the data again, or other operations, and so on } });
5. Introduction to common api
State Switching Method Description
//Set load data completion status recyclerView.showRecycler(); //Set load data to empty state recyclerView.showEmpty(); //Set Load Error Status recyclerView.showError(); //Set loading data state recyclerView.showProgress(); //Setting up a custom layout is the same for several other methods recyclerView.setEmptyView(R.layout.view_custom_empty_data);
viewHolder method description
//Subclass Setting Data Method setData Method //findViewById method iv_news_image = getView(; //Get Context Context context = getContext(); //Get the location of the data index int dataPosition = getDataPosition(); //Click event to add item subcontrol addOnClickListener(;
adapter method description
//Delete data at index adapter.remove(0); //Trigger Cleanup of All Data adapter.removeAll(); //Add data, note that this is added at the last index adapter.add(new PersonData()); //Add All Data adapter.addAll(DataProvider.getPersonList(0)); //insert data adapter.insert(data,3); //Insert Collection Data at an Index adapter.insertAll(data,3); //Get item index location adapter.getPosition(data); //Trigger emptying all data adapter.clear(); //Get all the data adapter.getAllData(); //Clear all footer s adapter.removeAllFooter(); //Clear all header s adapter.removeAllHeader(); //Add footerView adapter.addFooter(view); //Add headerView adapter.addHeader(view); //Remove a headerView adapter.removeHeader(view); //Remove a footerView adapter.removeFooter(view); //Get the headerView at an index adapter.getHeader(0); //Get the footerView at an index adapter.getFooter(0); //Get the number of footer s adapter.getFooterCount(); //Get the number of header s adapter.getHeaderCount(); //Settings pull-up to load more custom layouts and listeners adapter.setMore(R.layout.view_more,listener); //Settings pull-up to load more custom layouts and listeners adapter.setMore(view,listener); //No more data layouts for Settings pull-up loading adapter.setNoMore(R.layout.view_nomore); //No more data layouts for Settings pull-up loading adapter.setNoMore(view); //No more data listening for Settings pull-up loading adapter.setNoMore(R.layout.view_nomore,listener); //Set layout for pull-up load exceptions adapter.setError(R.layout.view_error); //Set layout for pull-up load exceptions adapter.setError(view); //Set up layout and exception monitoring for pull-up load exceptions adapter.setError(R.layout.view_error,listener); //Pause pull-up to load more adapter.pauseMore(); //Stop pull-up loading more adapter.stopMore(); //Restore pull-up to load more adapter.resumeMore(); //Get Context adapter.getContext(); //This should be used to get the number of item s adapter.getCount(); //Refresh adapter after setting operation data [add delete check] adapter.setNotifyOnChange(true); //Set Child Click Events adapter.setOnItemChildClickListener(listener); //Set Entry Click Event adapter.setOnItemClickListener(listener); //Set entry length by event adapter.setOnItemLongClickListener(listener);
Explanation of Split Line Method
//Split lines that can set line color and width //Four parameters, context, direction, line width, color final RecycleViewItemLine line = new RecycleViewItemLine(this, LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL, (int)AppUtils.convertDpToPixel(1,this), this.getResources().getColor(R.color.color_f9f9f9)); recyclerView.addItemDecoration(line); //Spacing settings for waterfall streams SpaceViewItemLine itemDecoration = new SpaceViewItemLine( (int) AppUtils.convertDpToPixel(8,this)); itemDecoration.setPaddingEdgeSide(true); itemDecoration.setPaddingStart(true); itemDecoration.setPaddingHeaderFooter(true); recyclerView.addItemDecoration(itemDecoration); //Line color and width can be set, and spacing can be set about a distance DividerViewItemLine itemDecoration = new DividerViewItemLine( this.getResources().getColor(R.color.color_f9f9f9) , LibUtils.dip2px(this, 1f), LibUtils.dip2px(this, 72), 0); itemDecoration.setDrawLastItem(false); recyclerView.addItemDecoration(itemDecoration);
- Other api instructions
6. wiki documentation for recyclerView [in update]
Introduction of 6.1 Packaging Library
- 01. Overall packaging ideas
- 02. Add a drop-down refresh
- 03. Add header and footer
- 04. Add a pull-up load
- 05. Interface Separation Rule
- 06. Application of Generics in Framework
- 07. Encapsulate adapter
- 08. Encapsulate ViewHolder
- 09. State management switching
- 10.View Event Distribution Utilization
- 11. Side Slide Delete Function
- 12.Item Drag Sort and Slide Delete
- 13. Customize ItemDecoration
6.2 Introduction to Optimized Processing Logic
- 01. Interface Separation Optimization
- 02. Remove pale yellow warning
- 03.SparseArray replaces HashMap
- 04. Waterfall flow picture confusion problem solving
- 05. Optimize where click events are placed
- 06.ViewHolder optimization
- 07. Continuous pull-up loading for more optimizations
- 08. Drag Sort and Slide Delete Optimization
- 09. Pause or stop loading data optimization
- 10. Interactive optimization of state switching
- 11. Save state under abnormal circumstances
- 12. Optimize inserting data under multiple threads
- 13.recyclerView Slide Carton Optimization
6.3 recyclerView related classes
- 01.recyclerView
- 02.layoutManager
- 03.adapter
- 04.viewHolder
- 05.SnapHelper
- 06.ItemTouchHelper
- 07.SpanSizeLookup
- 08.ItemDecoration
6.4 recyclerView Slide Conflict
- 01. How to determine if the RecyclerView control slides to the top and bottom
- 02.RecyclerView Nested RecyclerView Entry Auto-Roll-Up Bug
- 03.ScrollView Nested RecyclerView Slide Conflict
- 04.ViewPager nested horizontal RecyclerView slides horizontally to the bottom without sliding ViewPager
- 05.RecyclerView Nested RecyclerView Slide Conflict Problem
- 06.RecyclerView uses Glide to load pictures causing the picture to be confused problem solving
6.5 recyclerView Cache Mechanism
- 01. How to optimize performance
- 02.RecyclerView drawing schematic
- 03. Drawing principle analysis process
- 04. Caching mechanism
- 05. Screen sliding analysis
7. Realize the effect display
7.1 Case code that used the YCRefreshView Library
- You can refer directly to demo, or to my other cases where this library is used
7.2 Picture Display Effect
7.3 Partial Case Diagram Display [Some cases can refer to 7.1]
8. Version update instructions
- v1.0 updated November 2, 2016
- v1.1 Updated March 13, 2017
- v1.3 Updated August 9, 2017
- v1....Updated January 5, 2008
- v2.2 Updated January 17, 2008
- v2.3 Updated February 9, 2008
- v2.4 Updated March 19, 2008
- v2.5.6 Updated August 6, 2018
- v2.5.7 Updated March 3, 2019
- v2.5.8 Updated March 4, 2019
9. Reference Explanation
Thank you very much for the packaging ideas and code cases of our ancestors, thank you!!!
- BGARefreshLayout-Android:
- Android-PullToRefresh:
- adapter:
- fastAdapter:
- Jude95/EasyRecyclerView:
- UltimateRecyclerView:
- MultiType:
- For the encapsulation of viewHolder, the reference is the Great God baseAdapter
- For RecyclerView to implement drag-and-drop sorting and sliding deletion of items Item, see the blog of Yan Zheng Jie Da Shen. Drag Sort
- For copying QQ sideslip deletion, refer to SwipeMenu's case, you can see: SwipeMenu
10. Additional information
01. About Blog Summary Links
- 1.Technical Blog Summary
- 2.Summary of open source projects
- 3.Life Blog Summary
- 4.Himalayan Audio Summary
- 5.Other summaries
02. About My Blog
- My personal site:,
- github:
- Knowing:
- Short Book:
- csdn:
- Himalayan Listening:
- Open Source China:
- Days spent online:
- Mailbox:
- Ali Yun Blog: 239.headeruserinfo.3.dT4bcV
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