For the list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,... ] Find out all combinations by randomly selecting x number combinations from the middle
Algorithmic description:
We have two choices for each number.
Recursive termination condition:
1. Output when there are x selected digits
2. The program ends when the code executes to the last element.
First, let's look at a question for convenience, then we confirm that the combination number is correct.
How to Find the Combination Number C(N,K) [Select the Number of K from the Number of N]
Formula 1: C(N,K)*(N-K+1)/K
Formula 2: C(N,K)=C(N-1,K)+C(N-1,K-1)
Formula interpretation:
For Formula 1: Apparently after expansion
For formula 2:
For the set of numbers {a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,... }
There are two choices for AK and none for ak.
1 > select: then select K-1 from the remaining number of N-1, i.e. C(N-1,K-1)
2 > No: Then choose the number of K from the remaining number of N-1: C(N-1,K)
python code implementation:
def Combination_Method_One(ALL,CHOSE): if CHOSE==0 : return 1 else: return Combination_Method_One(ALL,CHOSE-1)*(ALL-CHOSE+1)/CHOSE def Combination_Method_Tow(ALL,CHOSE): if ALL==CHOSE or CHOSE==0: return 1 elif CHOSE==1: return ALL else: return Combination_Method_Tow(ALL-1,CHOSE)+Combination_Method_Tow(ALL-1,CHOSE-1) def main(): print(int(Combination_Method_One(10,3))) print(Combination_Method_Tow(10,3)) main() #Output: """ 15 15 """
From the above, we can calculate the result of the combination number. Let's go back to the first question, how to output the combined number?
python code implementation:
Number_List=[1,2,3,4,5,6] Need_Chosen=2 Count=0 def Combination_Method_Tow(ALL,CHOSE):#The result of the combination number is obtained by using the above function. if ALL==CHOSE or CHOSE==0:# return 1 elif CHOSE==1: return ALL else: return Combination_Method_Tow(ALL-1,CHOSE)+Combination_Method_Tow(ALL-1,CHOSE-1) def Number_Combination(Position=0,Have_Get=[]): global Number_List #Declare global variables global Need_Chosen #Declare global variables global Count #Declare global variables if len(Have_Get)==Need_Chosen:#Output when the number is satisfied Count+=1#Number of combinations + 1 print(tuple(Have_Get))#Output combination elif Position==len(Number_List):#When the function comes to the last number in the list, it can't go to the next one, so it's going to return. return 0 else: Have_Get.append(Number_List[Position])#Select this number. Number_Combination(Position+1,Have_In+1,Have_Get)#Recursion of Selection Time del Have_Get[len(Have_Get)-1]#If you don't select this number, you need to delete the number you just added. Number_Combination(Position+1,Have_In,Have_Get)#Recursion when not selected def main(): Number_Combination() print(Count,end=' ') print(Combination_Method_Tow(len(Number_List),Need_Chosen)) main() #Output: """ (1, 2) (1, 3) (1, 4) (1, 5) (1, 6) (2, 3) (2, 4) (2, 5) (2, 6) (3, 4) (3, 5) (3, 6) (4, 5) (4, 6) (5, 6) 15 15 """
If you haven't learned python, the above code can be seen as pseudocode
Perhaps the first language many program enthusiasts learn is the C/C++ code implementation given here by the C/C++ authors:
#include <iostream> #include<list> using namespace std; int Length=7; int Number_List[10]={1,2,3,4,5,6}; int Need_Chosen=2; int Count=0; int Combination_Count(int N,int K){ if(K==1) return N; else if(N==K||K==0) return 1; else return Combination_Count(N-1,K-1)+Combination_Count(N-1,K); } int Combination_ALL(int Position,int Have_In,list<int> Have_Get){ if(Position==Length) return 0; else if(Need_Chosen==Have_In){ cout<<"( "; for(list<int>::iterator IT=Have_Get.begin();IT!=Have_Get.end();IT++) cout<<*IT<<" "; cout<<")"<<endl; Count++; } else{ Have_Get.push_back(Number_List[Position]); Combination_ALL(Position+1,Have_In+1,Have_Get); Have_Get.pop_back(); Combination_ALL(Position+1,Have_In,Have_Get); } } int main() { list<int> Have_Get; Combination_ALL(0,0,Have_Get); cout<<Combination_Count(6,2)<<' '; cout<<Count; return 0; }