Realization of Waterfall Flow

Keywords: Javascript

Now many websites will use the effect of waterfall flow. What is waterfall flow and where are they used?

Perhaps this is one of the effects, generally used for sites that can not guarantee the size of the picture.

First look at layout + css

 1     .cont{margin: 0 auto;position: relative;}
 2         .box{float: left;padding: 6px}
 3         .imgbox{border: solid 1px black;border-radius: 6px;padding: 6px}
 4         .imgbox img{width:200px;display: block;}
 7     <div class="cont">
 8         <div class="box">
 9             <div class="imgbox">
10                 <img src="images/4.jpg" alt="">
11             </div>
12         </div>
13     </div>

A general idea of implementation:

Waterfall Flow: The first line floats normally. Starting from the second line, each element is positioned below the minimum height of the previous line.
1. Getting Elements
2. Layout
3. Distinguish the first row from the back row
4. Find all the heights in the first line
5. Find the minimum height in the next row
Set the location, left, top
6. Minimum height before modification
The idea is that the difficulty here lies in finding the first line and the minimum height. The list of ideas will be clear enough to know what to do; therefore, it is more recommended to use object oriented to write, and subsequent use will be more. These small cases can be used to practice and increase proficiency.
 1     function Waterfall(){
 2             // 1.Get elements
 3             this.ocont = document.querySelector(".cont");
 4             this.abox = document.querySelectorAll(".box");
 6             // Array to store all heights of the first line element in the future
 7             this.heightArr = [];
 9             // 2.layout
10             this.init()
11         }
12         Waterfall.prototype.init = function(){
13             // layout
14             this.num = Math.floor(document.documentElement.clientWidth / this.abox[0].offsetWidth)
16    = this.num * this.abox[0].offsetWidth + "px";
17             // 3.Distinguish the first line
18             this.firstLine();
19             // And the following lines
20             this.otherLine();
21         }
22         Waterfall.prototype.firstLine = function(){
23             // 4.In the first line, find all the heights in the first line
24             for(var i=0;i<this.num;i++){
25                 this.heightArr.push(this.abox[i].offsetHeight)
26             }
27         }
28         Waterfall.prototype.otherLine = function(){
29             // 5.In the back row, find the minimum height
30             for(var i=this.num;i<this.abox.length;i++){
31                 var min = getMin(this.heightArr);
32                 var minIndex = this.heightArr.indexOf(min);
33                 // Set the location. left,top
34                 this.abox[i].style.position = "absolute";
35                 this.abox[i] = min + "px";
36                 this.abox[i].style.left = minIndex * this.abox[0].offsetWidth + "px";
37                 // 6.Minimum height before modification
38                 this.heightArr[minIndex] += this.abox[i].offsetHeight;
39             }
40         }
42         function getMin(arr){
43             // Note the deep and shallow copies of arrays: deep copies
44             var myarr = [];
45             arr.forEach(val => {
46                 myarr.push(val);
47             });
48             return myarr.sort((a,b)=>a-b)[0];
49         }

There is also an infinite load of small functions, let me briefly talk about ideas, you can write and see!

W1. Prepare data - > simulate arrays by yourself and pretend to be given by the background.
W2-0. Binding scroll events
W2. Find out if the page is really - > the height of the visual area + the distance to roll away >= the total height - 100 (numerical self-perception)
W3. Rendering Pages
W4. Effective Waterfall Flow Layout
This is the way of thinking. If you have any questions, you can find me. Come on!

Posted by thomasadam83 on Tue, 01 Oct 2019 09:14:50 -0700