design sketch
1. First implement the recipe classification header
(1) First, realize the home-made menu, Chinese cuisine and local snacks
(2) Then realize each item in the first part
2. Implement the functions in the left filter
(1) First realize the process, taste, difficulty and number of people
(2) Implement each of the items included in the first step
Follow the steps
Get the data asynchronously through the getClassify () method provided by the backend api, and then through the. then() method
Get the data, create an empty box, classify: [], and store the data in the array
Then render the data to the page
This tab switch is a method encapsulated in the Element ui plug-in
Next, implement the data in each item in the title
Render data to page
Store classifyType:"1-1". Dynamically bind to is to splice secondary routes
Then finish the above and go to the next step
First realize the process, taste, difficulty and number of people
Get data asynchronously through the getProperty () method provided by the back-end api, and then through the. then() method, just like the above implementation
Get the data, create an empty box properties: [], and store the data in the array
This drop-down list is the method encapsulated in the Element ui plug-in
Click expand
Next, realize the data in each item of process, taste, difficulty and number of people
Click to add color
Bind click event
Judge whether to click to cancel the deletion of the route in the address bar, and select it before clicking
$router.push() check the route and reverse the route
Judge whether there is data in the drop-down. If there is, it cannot be refreshed, and if not, it will be closed automatically
That's the basic effect
Overall code
<template> <div class="recipe"> <!-- Recipe classification start --> <el-tabs type="border-card" v-model="classifyName" > <el-tab-pane v-for="item in classify" :key="item.parent_type" :label="item.parent_name" :name="item.parent_type" > <div class="recipe-link"> <router-link :to="{query:{...$router.query,classify:option.type}}" v-for="option in item.list" :key="option.type" :class="{active:classifyType === option.type}" > {{}} </router-link> </div> </el-tab-pane> </el-tabs> <!-- Recipe classification end --> <h2>Home style tastes good and gives you the warmth of your home</h2> <el-container> <el-aside width="220px" class="recipe-aside"> <div class="filter-box"> <h4>screen</h4> <el-collapse v-model="propertyActiveName"> <el-collapse-item v-for="item in properties" :key="item.parent_type" :title="item.parent_name" :name="item.parent_type" > <div class="filter-tags"> <el-tag type="info" v-for="option in item.list" :key="option.type" @click="selectedTag(option)" :class="{'tag-selected': propertyType[item.title] === option.type}" > {{}} </el-tag> </div> </el-collapse-item> </el-collapse> </div> </el-aside> </el-container> </div> </template> <script> import MenuCard from '@/components/menu-card.vue' import {getClassify, getProperty, getMenus} from '@/service/api'; export default { components: {MenuCard}, data() { return { classify:[], //Store all data of tab switching classifyType:"1-1", //tab selected items for switching (secondary routing) classifyName:"1",//Define the value when refreshing the tab (Level 1 routing) //attribute properties:[],//Store all data in attributes propertyType:{},//Classification of storage properties propertyActiveName:[] //Record all attribute classifications } }, watch: { $route: { handler(){ const {classify} = this.$route.query; if(classify){ this.classifyType = classify;//1-1 this.classifyName = classify[0]; //1 } }, immediate:true } }, mounted() { getClassify().then(({data})=>{ // console.log(data) this.classify = data; if(!this.$route.query.classify){ this.classifyType = this.classify[0].list[0].type;//1-1 this.classifyName = this.classify[0].parent_type; //1 this.$router.push({ query:{ classify: this.classifyType, page:1 } }) } }); getProperty().then(({data})=>{ // console.log(data); = data; const {query} = this.$route; this.propertyType =,item)=>{ // item.title: craft, difficulty, taste, number of people o[item.title] = query[item.title] ? query[item.title]: ""; if(o[item.title]){ this.propertyActiveName.push(o[item.title][0]); } return o; },{}); }) }, methods: { selectedTag(option){ let query = {...this.$route.query}; //Judge whether to click. If yes, cancel. Otherwise, select if(this.propertyType[option.title] === option.type){ this.propertyType[option.title] = ""; delete query[option.title]; }else{ this.propertyType[option.title] = option.type; query[option.title] = option.type; } this.$router.push({ query }) } } } </script> <style lang="stylus"> .recipe-link font-size 0; margin-top 5px a display inline-block font-size 12px padding 0px 8px height 28px line-height 28px .active background #ff3232 color #fff .recipe h2 text-align center line-height 150px .el-main padding 0 .filter-box background #fff padding 10px width 100% float left box-sizing border-box .filter-tags display flex flex-wrap wrap justify-content space-around .tag-selected background-color #ff3232 !important color #fff !important .menu-empty width 100% text-align center font-size 20px </style>
To understand the analysis, in fact, the implementation effects of the upper and lower sides are the same. They are all through the data provided by the back end. After obtaining the data, they are rendered to the page, and then the effect is realized step by step