meteor Can quickly build pc, mobile, desktop applications.
The biggest advantage is that when the data of the database changes, it can be pushed to the front end in real time, which is very suitable for the application development of real-time display.
In react,react-native applications, only the same meteor background can be used to push data to the front end in real time.
metaor installation
windows Installation of Mete
Official recommendation chocolatey Install meteor.
- First from chocolatey Install chocolatey
- Then run choco install meteor from the command line
But meteor installation speed is very slow, after a search, found the download address installed through binary packages under Windows. Search for sources
OSX/Linux Installation Mete
Installation is very simple
curl | sh
Verify installation
Command line input
meteor --version
Output version number to indicate successful installation
Meteor 1.8.1
mongodb installation
Installing mongodb on windows Download Setup Pack Installation
OSX installs mongodb
brew install mongod
Or download the binary package installation
It's mongod, not mongodb
mongodb graphical interface
Recommend Easy to use and free of charge.
meteor DDP
react,react-native uses the same meteor background, so the meteor background is written separately from the front-end application.
This involves data interaction between background and front end in meteor, which defines a DDP protocol.
DDP protocol defines the operation of meteor background publishing data and client subscribing data.
This application uses the DDP protocol library which has been written, and the address is as follows:
Create a meteor project
meteor create --bare [project-name]
More creation parameters
meteor help create
meteor connects mongodb
The meteor project startup command is as follows:
meteor run
configure port
meteor run --port 9090
meteor connects its own mongodb
Mongodb is integrated in the meteor installation package, and the integrated mongodb is started by default.
To connect your own mongodb, you need to pass in parameters
MONGO_URL=mongodb://username:password@localhost:27017/[database-name]?authSource=admin meteor run --port 9090
At first, the authSource=admin parameter was not added, and mongodb was not connected. After that, add it as needed.
Writing meteor background
import {Meteor} from 'meteor/meteor'; // todo collection of mongodb const Todo = new Meteor.Collection('todo'); // Publish data, and the front end can call it. Meteor.publish('todo', () => { return Todo.find(); }); /** * Define methods for front-end calls */ Meteor.methods({ // Find a piece of data getTodo(id) { return Todo.findOne(id); }, // Find all data getAllTodo() { return Todo.find().fetch(); }, // Newly added addTodo(item) { return Todo.insert(item); }, // delete removeTodo(id) { return Todo.remove({_id: id}); }, // edit editTodo(item) { return Todo.update({_id:}, {$set: item}); }, /** * * @param {number The current page starts from 1} current Page * @param {number Total number of single requests} pageSize */ getPageTodo(currentPage = 1, pageSize = 10) { if (page < 1) { return null; } // meteor encapsulates the operation method of mongodb // For more information, see the official meteor documentation const total = Todo.find().count(); const list = Todo.find( {}, { skip: (currentPage - 1) * pageSize, limit: pageSize, } ).fetch(); return {total, data: list}; }, }); // Define the operation permissions for mongodb // If not defined, all additions, deletions and modifications are allowed. Todo.deny({ // Whether to allow new operations of mongodb, return true to indicate permission, otherwise not insert() { return true; }, update() { return true; }, remove() { return true; }, }); export default Todo;
Front end call
Define higher-order components
For code reuse, high-order components are defined and react and react-native can be shared
// meteor.js import React, {Component} from 'react'; import DDP from 'ddp.js'; /** * meteor Connection options */ const meteorOptions = { endpoint: 'ws://', //react-native does not support localhost, Please replace it with your IPv4 address. SocketConstructor: WebSocket, reconnectInterval: 10000,// Reconnect interval autoConnect: true,// Whether to connect automatically or not autoReconnect: true,// Whether to automatically reconnect }; const PUBLIC_EVENTS = [ // 'ready', // 'nosub', 'added', 'changed', 'removed', // 'result', // 'updated', // 'error', ]; export default (WrapperComponent, {collectionName, methodName}) => { class MeteorWrapper extends Component { ddp = new DDP(meteorOptions); lockRequest = false recordSubscriptions = {}; state = { meteorList: [], initOver: false, }; componentDidMount() { if (!this.ddp) { console.error(`Data push is not connected to the server!`); return; } // Add a subscription this.addSubscription(); } componentWillUnmount() { // unsubscribe this.removeSubscription(); // Disconnect this.ddp.disconnect(); } getDataResult() { // Prevent too many initialization requests if (this.lockRequest) { return } this.lockRequest = true const {ddp} = this; const self = this; /** * Call the method defined in the background, pass the array parameters in the front end, and accept the list parameters in the meteor background. */ ddp.method(methodName, [1, 10]); ddp.on('result', data => { const {result} = data; console.log(data); self.setState({ meteorList: result, initOver: true, }); self.lockRequest = false }); } componentDidCatch(error, info) { console.error(error, info); } addSubscription() { if (!collectionName) { console.error('mongodb collection Empty!'); return; } const {ddp} = this; const self = this; // Subscription data self.recordSubscriptions[collectionName] = ddp.sub(collectionName); PUBLIC_EVENTS.forEach(event => { ddp.on(event, () => { console.log(event) self.getDataResult(); }); }); ddp.on('error', error => { console.error(`Server Push Data Error,Error message: ${error}`) }); ddp.on('ready', () => { self.getDataResult(); }); } removeSubscription() { this.ddp.unsub(this.recordSubscriptions[collectionName]); } render() { return <WrapperComponent {...this.props} {...this.state} />; } } return MeteorWrapper; };
react usage example
import React, {Component} from 'react'; import {List, Skeleton} from 'antd'; import './App.css'; import MeteorWrapper from './meteor' function App(props) { const {meteorList = [], initOver} = props return ( <div className="App"> <List itemLayout="horizontal" dataSource={meteorList} renderItem={item => ( <List.Item key={}> <Skeleton loading={!initOver} active avatar> <List.Item.Meta title={} description={item.desc} /> </Skeleton> </List.Item> )} /> </div> ); } export default MeteorWrapper(App, { collectionName:'todo', methodName:'getAllTodo' })
react-native usage example
import React from 'react'; import {StyleSheet, Text, View, FlatList} from 'react-native'; import MeteorWrapper from './meteor' function App(props) { const {meteorList = [], initOver} = props return ( <View style={styles.container}> <FlatList data={meteorList} renderItem={({item}) => ( <View style={styles.item}> <View style={}><Text>{}</Text></View> <View style={styles.desc}><Text>{item.desc}</Text></View> </View>)} /> </View> ); } export default MeteorWrapper(App, { collectionName:'todo', methodName:'getAllTodo' }) const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#fff', fontSize: 14, lineHeight: 2, }, item: { padding: 10, borderColor: '#ccc', borderBottomWidth: 1, borderStyle: 'solid', }, name: { color: '#000', fontWeight: "900", fontSize: 24 }, desc: { color: '#666' } });
Open remote debugging
Run command
adb shell input keyevent 82
Click dev set
Then click Debug server host & port for device
Set it to 127.0.0. 1:8081
Run again
adb shell input keyevent 82
Click Debug js remote and the debug page will pop up automatically.
IOS Running Error Reporting
The error message is as follows, please check it. Resolve React-Native Mac 10.14.4 Running Error Failed to BuiliOS Project
error Failed to build iOS project. We ran "xcodebuild" command but it exited with error code 65. To debug build logs further, consider building your app with, by opening reactNative.xcodeproj