Feeling will always do one or two less steps, resulting in slow change, later can not remember to change the contrast.
# For example, add a field
1. Add < input > to the page
<input type="file" id="f" name="imageFile" οnchange="uploadImage(this,'img','form-article-add');" style="display:none"/>
2. Submitting method to obtain parameters
var imgSrc = $("#img").attr("src");
var ss = imgSrc.split("/");
var imgUrl = ss[ss.length - 2] + "/" + ss[ss.length - 1];
url: serverIP + "ad-space",
type: 'post',
contentType: 'application/json',
dataType: 'json',
data: JSON.stringify({
"useUnit": useUnit, "spaceType": spaceType, "createdTime": createdTime
, "useTime": useTime, "groundStatus": groundStatus, "groundAddr": groundAddr
, "groundUse": groundUse, "orgId": pId, "spaceName": spaceName
, "imgUrl": imgUrl
beforeSend: function () {
success: function (data) {
3. In the background interface, new attributes are added to the pojo receiving object
* Place name
private String imgUrl;
4. Modify sql in mapper
sql Fragment Added Database Fields
<sql id="mainColumns">
Insert statement add value acquisition
<!-- Save as an object -->
<insert id="save" parameterType="cn.admin.entity.Space" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id">
<include refid="tableName"/>
(<include refid="mainColumns"/>)
5. Modify mapper query mapping
<resultMap type="cn.admin.entity.Space" id="spaceMapper">
<result column="id" property="id" />
<result column="use_unit" property="useUnit" />
<result column="space_type" property="spaceType" />
<result column="created_time" property="createdTime"/>
<result column="use_time" property="useTime"/>
<result column="maintenance_time" property="maintenanceTime"/>
<result column="ground_status" property="groundStatus"/>
<result column="ground_addr" property="groundAddr"/>
<result column="ground_user" property="groundUse"/>
<result column="space_name" property="spaceName"/>
<result column="img_url" property="imgUrl"/>
6. Modify update statements
<!-- modify-->
<update id="update" parameterType="cn.admin.entity.Space">
<include refid="tableName"/>
<if test='null != useUnit and ""!= useUnit'>
`use_unit` = #{useUnit},
<if test='null != groundAddr and ""!= groundAddr'>
`ground_addr` = #{groundAddr},
<if test='null != spaceType and ""!= spaceType'>
`space_type` = #{spaceType},
<if test='null != createdTime and ""!= createdTime'>
`created_time` = #{createdTime},
<if test='null != useTime and ""!= useTime'>
`use_time` = #{useTime},
<if test='null != maintenanceTime and ""!= maintenanceTime'>
`maintenance_time` = #{maintenanceTime},
<if test='null != groundStatus and ""!= groundStatus'>
`ground_status` = #{groundStatus},
<if test='null != groundUse and ""!= groundUse'>
`ground_user` = #{groundUse}
<if test='null != imgUrl and ""!= imgUrl'>
`img_url` = #{imgUrl}
`id` = #{id}
7. Editorial echo
$("#img").attr("src",serverIP + data.imgUrl);
8. Editor submission, as new
Add label < input >
Submit method to obtain parameters
Submit method setting parameters