I have a MongoDB set. The file format is as follows:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4e8ae86d08101908e1000001"), "name" : ["Name"], "zipcode" : ["2223"] } { "_id" : ObjectId("4e8ae86d08101908e1000002"), "name" : ["Another ", "Name"], "zipcode" : ["2224"] }
I can now get documents that match a specific array size:
db.accommodations.find({ name : { $size : 2 }})
This correctly returns the document with 2 elements in the name array. However, I cannot execute the $gt command to return all documents with an array size greater than 2 for the name field:
db.accommodations.find({ name : { $size: { $gt : 1 } }})
How to select all documents whose name array size is larger than one (it is better not to modify the current data structure)?
#1 building
I believe this is the fastest query to answer your question because it does not use the $where clause of the explanation:
{$nor: [ {name: {$exists: false}}, {name: {$size: 0}}, {name: {$size: 1}} ]}
It means "all documents except those without names (nonexistent or empty arrays) or with only one name.".
> db.test.save({}) > db.test.save({name: []}) > db.test.save({name: ['George']}) > db.test.save({name: ['George', 'Raymond']}) > db.test.save({name: ['George', 'Raymond', 'Richard']}) > db.test.save({name: ['George', 'Raymond', 'Richard', 'Martin']}) > db.test.find({$nor: [{name: {$exists: false}}, {name: {$size: 0}}, {name: {$size: 1}}]}) { "_id" : ObjectId("511907e3fb13145a3d2e225b"), "name" : [ "George", "Raymond" ] } { "_id" : ObjectId("511907e3fb13145a3d2e225c"), "name" : [ "George", "Raymond", "Richard" ] } { "_id" : ObjectId("511907e3fb13145a3d2e225d"), "name" : [ "George", "Raymond", "Richard", "Martin" ] } >
#2 building
Because you can use the numeric array index in the query object key, there is a more efficient method in MongoDB 2.2 +.
// Find all docs that have at least two name array elements. db.accommodations.find({'name.1': {$exists: true}})
You can support this query by using the index of a partial filter expression (requires 3.2 +):
// index for at least two name array elements db.accommodations.createIndex( {'name.1': 1}, {partialFilterExpression: {'name.1': {$exists: true}}} );
#3 building
None of the above is useful to me. This is because I want to share:
db.collection.find( {arrayName : {$exists:true}, $where:'this.arrayName.length>1'} )
#4 building
You can also use aggregation:
db.accommodations.aggregate( [ {$project: {_id:1, name:1, zipcode:1, size_of_name: {$size: "$name"} } }, {$match: {"size_of_name": {$gt: 1}}} ])
//You add "size of name" to the shipping document and use it to filter the size of the name
#5 building
db.accommodations.find({"name":{"$exists":true, "$ne":[], "$not":{"$size":1}}})