QQBot and go cqhttp lazy 5-minute nanny installation tutorial

Keywords: Go Linux

I run the tool Xshell

1, Install pagoda panel

Skip directly installed

yum install -y wget && wget -O install.sh http://download.bt.cn/install/install_6.0.sh && sh install.sh 6dca892c

Enter the command in the Xshell 6 command window and press enter. The installation will be successful in 10 minutes
    Note: remember to register after installation

Website address, user name and password

AC group 178019303

Log in to the pagoda panel and install the DOCKER manager

Install docker container


2, Setting environment variables

Set direct skip

Open the etc/profile file with final shell or other sftp software, copy the following contents and paste them into the last line of the profile file

export GO111MODULE=on
export GOPROXY=https://goproxy.cn
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=/usr/local/go/path
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin
  • After saving, return to the SSH tool and enter the command
    source /etc/profile ##Read and execute the commands in the profile in the current bash environment.

3, Install GO

If GO is not installed, enter the following code

rm -rf /usr/local/go && cd /usr/local && wget https://golang.google.cn/dl/go1.17.linux-amd64.tar.gz -O go1.17.linux-amd64.tar.gz && tar -xvzf go1.17.linux-amd64.tar.gz && source /etc/profile && yum install -y git && git clone https://ghproxy.com/https://github.com/Mrs4s/go-cqhttp.git /root/cqhttp && cd /root && chmod 777 cqhttp && cd /root/cqhttp && go build && ./go-cqhttp

If you have installed GO, run the following code

yum install -y git && git clone https://ghproxy.com/https://github.com/Mrs4s/go-cqhttp.git /root/cqhttp && cd /root && chmod 777 cqhttp && cd /root/cqhttp && go build && ./go-cqhttp

Select 12 after operation

Automatically generate the config.yml file in the go cqhttp directory. Double click to modify the config.yml file.

The fourth line uin has 123456 by default, which can be deleted directly

The following modified can be applied directly

# Go cqhttp default profile
account: # Account related
  uin: # QQ account
  password: '' # When the password is empty, use code scanning to log in
  encrypt: false  # Turn on password encryption
  status: 0      # Online status please refer to https://docs.go-cqhttp.org/guide/config.html # online status
  relogin: # Reconnection settings
    delay: 3   # First reconnection delay, in seconds
    interval: 3   # Reconnection interval
    max-times: 0  # Maximum number of reconnections, 0 is unlimited
  # Whether to use the new address issued by the server for reconnection
  # Note that this setting may result in worse connectivity on overseas servers
  use-sso-address: true
  # Heartbeat rate in seconds
  # -1 is to turn off heartbeat
  interval: 5
  # Report data type
  # Optional: string,array
  post-format: string
  # Whether to ignore the invalid CQ code. If it is false, it will be sent as is
  ignore-invalid-cqcode: false
  # Whether to force fragment sending message
  # Sharding will bring faster speed
  # But there will be some problems with compatibility
  force-fragment: false
  # Whether to send url fragment
  fix-url: false
  # Download pictures and other requests network agent
  proxy-rewrite: ''
  # Whether to report your own message
  report-self-message: false
  # Remove the At attached to the Reply of the server
  remove-reply-at: false
  # Attach more information for Reply
  extra-reply-data: false
  # Skip Mime scan, ignoring error data
  skip-mime-scan: false
  # Log level trace,debug,info,warn,error
  log-level: warn
  # The log aging unit is day. Logs before this time will be automatically deleted. Setting to 0 means permanent retention
  log-aging: 15
  # Whether to force the creation of a new file to store logs at each startup. If false, the log file created at the last startup will be renewed
  log-force-new: true
  # Enable DEBUG
  debug: false # Turn on debugging mode
# Default middleware anchor
default-middlewares: &default
  # The access key is strongly recommended to be set on the server of the public network
  access-token: ''
  # Event filter file directory
  filter: ''
  # API speed limit setting
  # This setting takes effect globally
  # The original cqhttp enabled rate_limit suffix, but there is basically no plug-in adaptation
  # At present, the speed limit is set as token bucket algorithm, please refer to:
  # https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E4%BB%A4%E7%89%8C%E6%A1%B6%E7%AE%97%E6%B3%95/6597000?fr=aladdin
    enabled: false # Whether to enable speed limit
    frequency: 1  # Token reply frequency in seconds
    bucket: 1     # Token bucket size
database: # Database related settings
    # Enable built-in leveldb database
    # Enabling it will increase 10-20MB of memory and a certain amount of disk space
    # Close will not be able to use the recall reply_ MSG and other context sensitive functions
    enable: true
# Connection service list
  # Add method. You can add more than one connection method. Please refer to the document for specific configuration instructions
  #- http: # http communication
  #- ws:   # Forward Websocket
  #- ws-reverse: # Reverse Websocket
  #- pprof: #Performance analysis server
  # HTTP communication settings
  - http:
      # Server listening address
      # Server listening port
      port: 8500
  # Forward WS settings
  - ws:
      # Forward WS server listening address
      # Forward WS server listening port
      port: 8501

The host part is directly changed to  
The port below http is 8500,
The port below ws recommends 8501. The port number can be modified according to its own situation, but do not conflict with other programs. After the modification is saved, ssh tool will automatically upload the modified file.

Return to the Xshell and press CTRL+C to end

Then run


It will output QR code and scan the login robot QQ.
You need to replace the robot QQ number, delete the session.token file, repeat the above steps, and then scan the code again to log in.
Next, press CTRL+C to return.

./go-cqhttp -d #Background operation

5, Pull BOT

  1. docker pull asupc/qqbot && docker run --name qqbot1 -v /root/qqbot1/app:/app -p 5222:5010 asupc/qqbot -restart:always
    cd /root/qqbot1 && git clone https://ghproxy.com/https://github.com/asupc/qqbot-multi-platform.git app && docker restart qqbot1

    Don't worry if prompted.

6, qqbot configuration

The port is 5010
Open ip+5010 in the background with a browser to configure (change the ip to your own) cloud service. You need to release the 5010 port number.

The database will be configured with MySQL. No, don't change it.

Enter the user name and password to submit.

Restart qqbot after submitting

docker restart qqbot1 #Restart command 

Open again after restart   http://ip:5010

Enter user name and password to log in

You need to modify the port and enter the docker-compose.yml file for re editing

Change 5010 to the qqbot background port you want to change

If you forget the password, you can go to / root/qqbot1/app/config to find the InstallConfig.xml file and open it to modify the account password

Or directly delete the InstallConfig.xml file and rerun the web address to reconfigure

Just refer to the configuration method in the page (the page contains the configuration method of go cqhttp. If you run according to the above go cqhttp configuration, please ignore it. Just fill in the ip address and port number)

Then change the settings

  The general setting is

Save after setting parameters

HTTP protocol is filled in
ws protocol: ws://
Then fill in an administrator qq account. It can't be the same as robot qq.
Fill in and save
The configuration is correct. Your administrator qq will receive the following message

7, qqbot update
Execute the following command.

docker stop qqbot1 && cd /root/qqbot1/app && git pull && docker start qqbot1

AC group 178019303

Posted by daloss on Thu, 18 Nov 2021 21:22:51 -0800