Python web crawler: a brief introduction to the plot of the Douban movie Top 250

Keywords: Python crawler

1, Introduction to basic structure of crawling program

The first is the library that the program needs to call:

import requests
import bs4
import os

Then write a function to parse the HTML of the web page:

headers={'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/94.0.4606.61 Safari/537.36 Edg/94.0.992.31'}

def getUrl(url):
    r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    r.encoding = r.apparent_encoding
    return r.text

Then comes the main part of the program:

Open Douban and enter the Top 250 page of Douban movie. When you slide down to the end, you can find that 25 movies are arranged on each page at most, and the rest can be seen only by turning the page. When you click the page number to turn the page, you can notice that the URL of the web page changes regularly with the conversion of each page, for example:

first page:

Page 5:

It is found that each page URL is composed of "? Start = n & filter" after the first page link. Therefore, there are two methods to obtain all page URLs:

1. Directly construct URL links according to laws.

2. Parse the HTML structure of the web page and crawl the URL suffix.

This article takes the second method to get the URL link to start each page.

def homepage():
    URL = ''
    html = getUrl(URL)
    bf = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
    temp = bf.find('div', attrs = {'class': 'paginator'})
    tempList = temp.find_all('a')
#   print(tempList)
    linkList = ['']
    for list in tempList:
#       print(link)
        url = ''+link
    return linkList#Get links to pages 1-10

After obtaining the URL of each page, we solved the page turning function of the program. Then we entered each page, crawled the URL of each movie plot introduction respectively, and saved them. The structure of this part of the program is roughly similar to that of the previous part.

def partpage(parturl):
    html = getUrl(parturl)
    bf = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
    temp = bf.find_all('div', attrs = {'class': 'hd'})
    linkList = []
    for list in temp:
        tempList=list.find('a', attrs = {'class': ''})
        link = tempList.get('href')
 #      print(link)
    return linkList

So far, the program has realized the function of entering the plot profile of each film, and then we can start crawling the plot profile information of each film.

def movie(movieurl):
    bf = bs4.BeautifulSoup(movieurl, 'html.parser')
    #Get title
    temp1=bf.find_all('div', id='content')
    for TITLE in temp1:
 #  print(title)
    temp2=bf.find_all('div', class_='related-info')
    for Synopsis in temp2:
        #XX plot introduction
        #Plot introduction
        tn = Synopsis.find('div', class_='indent')
        synopsis+=tn.text.replace(' ','')
    return title,synopsis_title+synopsis

Through the above steps, we successfully saved the title and synopsis of each film. Next, we need to store them to form txt text.

#Store it in the filename.txt text named path under the address path where the program is located
def saveFile(content,path,filename):
    if not os.path.exists(path):
    with open(path+filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:

After the storage method is written, you can crawl and store the movie introduction:

def download():
    HomePageUrl = homepage()
    for HomePage in HomePageUrl:
        AttachedPageUrl = partpage(HomePage)
        for AttachedPage in AttachedPageUrl:
            html = getUrl(AttachedPage)
            title,content = movie(html)

            path = 'TOP250/'
            fileName = title + '.txt'
            # Save file
            saveFile(title+content, path,fileName)

Finally, run:

if __name__ == '__main__':

The program is over.

2, Crawling results

3, Summary

1. Some plot profiles need to click "expand all" to see the complete content. Therefore, in the tag of plot profile corresponding to HTML text, some movies contain incomplete plot profiles, which are not processed here. Therefore, in the crawled out text, some movie profiles will have incomplete and complete contents.

2. The page number link suffix and the label of the complete plot introduction that need to be found in the program are in the later part of the HTML of each web page. You need to be careful when searching.

Posted by BluntedbyNature on Sun, 03 Oct 2021 16:40:56 -0700