Python uses Redis to implement distributed locks

Keywords: Redis

With the continuous development of Internet technology and the increasing number of users, more and more business scenarios need to use distributed systems. In distributed systems, accessing shared resources requires a mutual exclusion mechanism to prevent mutual interference and ensure consistency. At this time, distributed locks are needed.

Characteristics of distributed locks

  • Mutex. At any time, only one client can hold the lock
  • Lock timeout. Even if a client crashes while holding a lock without actively releasing the lock, it is necessary to ensure that other subsequent clients can lock successfully
  • Locking and unlocking must be the same client. The client cannot release the lock added by others.

Version one

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @DateTime : 2020/3/9 15:36
# @Author   : woodenrobot

import uuid
import math
import time

from redis import WatchError

def acquire_lock_with_timeout(conn, lock_name, acquire_timeout=3, lock_timeout=2):
    be based on Redis Distributed locks implemented
    :param conn: Redis connect
    :param lock_name: Lock name
    :param acquire_timeout: The timeout for obtaining the lock, which is 3 seconds by default
    :param lock_timeout: Lock timeout, 2 seconds by default

    identifier = str(uuid.uuid4())
    lockname = f'lock:{lock_name}'
    lock_timeout = int(math.ceil(lock_timeout))

    end = time.time() + acquire_timeout

    while time.time() < end:
        # If the lock does not exist, lock it and set the expiration time to avoid deadlock
        if conn.setnx(lockname, identifier):
            conn.expire(lockname, lock_timeout)
            return identifier
        # If there is a lock and the lock has no expiration time, set the expiration time for it to avoid deadlock
        elif conn.ttl(lockname) == -1:
            conn.expire(lockname, lock_timeout)


    return False

def release_lock(conn, lockname, identifier):
    Release lock
    :param conn: Redis connect
    :param lockname: Lock name
    :param identifier: Identification of lock
    # python in redis Transaction is through pipeline Packaging implementation of
    with conn.pipeline() as pipe:
        lockname = 'lock:' + lockname

        while True:
                # watch lock, multi If the key Changed by other clients, Transaction operation will throw WatchError abnormal
                iden = pipe.get(lockname)
                if iden and iden.decode('utf-8') == identifier:
                    # Transaction start
                    return True

            except WatchError:
        return False

Locking process

  1. First, you need to generate a unique ID for the lock. Here, use uuid;
  2. Then use   setnx   Set the lock. If there is no lock of other clients before the lock name, the lock is successfully added. Then set the expiration time of the lock to prevent the birth and death lock and return the unique identification of the lock;
  3. If the setting fails, first judge whether the lock with the lock name has an expiration time, because   setnx   and   expire   The execution of the two commands is not atomic. Locking may succeed, but setting the timeout fails, resulting in deadlock. If it does not exist, reset the expiration time of the lock. If it exists, it will continue to cycle until the locking time expires and the locking fails.

Unlocking process

  1. First, the entire unlocking operation needs to be performed in a Redis transaction;
  2. use   watch   Monitor the lock to prevent deleting other people's locks when unlocking;
  3. Query whether the ID of the lock name is the same as the ID of this unlocking;
  4. If it is the same, the lock will be deleted in the transaction. If the lock automatically expires during the deletion process, it will be obtained by other clients after expiration because it is set   watch   The deletion will fail, so that the deletion of other client locks will not occur.

Version 2

If you use a redis version greater than or equal to   2.6.12   Version, the locking process can be simplified. Because after this version   Redis set   Operation support   EX   and   NX   Parameter is an atomic operation.

  • EX seconds: set the expiration time of the key to seconds. Executing SET key value EX seconds has the same effect as executing SETEX key seconds value.
  • Nx: set the key only when the key does not exist. Executing SET key value NX has the same effect as executing SETNX key value.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @DateTime : 2020/3/9 15:36
# @Author   : woodenrobot

import uuid
import math
import time

from redis import WatchError

def acquire_lock_with_timeout(conn, lock_name, acquire_timeout=3, lock_timeout=2):
    be based on Redis Distributed locks implemented
    :param conn: Redis connect
    :param lock_name: Lock name
    :param acquire_timeout: The timeout for obtaining the lock, which is 3 seconds by default
    :param lock_timeout: Lock timeout, 2 seconds by default

    identifier = str(uuid.uuid4())
    lockname = f'lock:{lock_name}'
    lock_timeout = int(math.ceil(lock_timeout))

    end = time.time() + acquire_timeout

    while time.time() < end:
        # If the lock does not exist, lock it and set the expiration time to avoid deadlock
        if conn.set(lockname, identifier, ex=lock_timeout, nx=True):
            return identifier


    return False

def release_lock(conn, lockname, identifier):
    Release lock
    :param conn: Redis connect
    :param lockname: Lock name
    :param identifier: Identification of lock
    # python in redis Transaction is through pipeline Packaging implementation of
    with conn.pipeline() as pipe:
        lockname = 'lock:' + lockname

        while True:
                # watch lock, multi If the key Changed by other clients, Transaction operation will throw WatchError abnormal
                iden = pipe.get(lockname)
                if iden and iden.decode('utf-8') == identifier:
                    # Transaction start
                    return True

            except WatchError:
        return False

Version 3

You may also find that the unlocking process is a little complicated in code logic. Don't worry, we can use it   Lua   Scripts implement atomic operations to simplify the unlocking process.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @DateTime : 2020/3/9 15:36
# @Author   : woodenrobot

import uuid
import math
import time

def acquire_lock_with_timeout(conn, lock_name, acquire_timeout=3, lock_timeout=2):
    be based on Redis Distributed locks implemented
    :param conn: Redis connect
    :param lock_name: Lock name
    :param acquire_timeout: The timeout for obtaining the lock, which is 3 seconds by default
    :param lock_timeout: Lock timeout, 2 seconds by default

    identifier = str(uuid.uuid4())
    lockname = f'lock:{lock_name}'
    lock_timeout = int(math.ceil(lock_timeout))

    end = time.time() + acquire_timeout

    while time.time() < end:
        # If the lock does not exist, lock it and set the expiration time to avoid deadlock
        if conn.set(lockname, identifier, ex=lock_timeout, nx=True):
            return identifier


    return False

def release_lock(conn, lock_name, identifier):
    Release lock
    :param conn: Redis connect
    :param lockname: Lock name
    :param identifier: Identification of lock
    unlock_script = """
    if"get",KEYS[1]) == ARGV[1] then
        return 0
    lockname = f'lock:{lock_name}'
    unlock = conn.register_script(unlock_script)
    result = unlock(keys=[lockname], args=[identifier])
    if result:
        return True
        return False


Posted by bobbybrown on Wed, 01 Dec 2021 03:49:26 -0800