Python uses openpyxl to operate excel tables

Keywords: Python Excel pip

I. use of openpyxl

pip install openpyxl

Step 1: open the Workbook (read all the data in the Excel file and save it as a workbook object)

workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook('cases.xlsx')

Step 2: select the form object

sheet = workbook['login']

Step 3: select a form to read data

① read content (line 5, column 4)

data = sheet.cell(row=5,column=4)
printa(data.value) # value method for getting content

② write content (save will take effect)

# After the content is written, it must be saved before it takes effect'cases.xlsx')

③ get the maximum row and column

# Maximum row
# Maximum column

④ get all lattice objects by lines, and put each row of lattice into a tuple


*Note: do not type spaces in the table

II. Encapsulation of openpyxl

Guide bag

import openpyxl


class ReadExcel(object):
    """operation Excl file"""

    def __init__(self, fileName, sheetName):
        //Initialization method
        :param fileName: Excel file name
        :param sheetName: Form name
        self.fileName = fileName
        self.sheetName = sheetName

    def open(self):
        """Open workbook, select form"""
        self.wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(self.fileName) = self.wb[self.sheetName]

    def save(self):
        """How to save workbook objects"""
        self.wb.close()  # It doesn't matter if this line is added or not. If it is added, memory can be released

1. Read data

① store each data as a dictionary type

    def read_data_dict(self):
        """Read data(Store each data as a dictionary type)"""
        # Open workbook
        # Get all the row data in Excel file through rows, and then convert the data into a list
        rows = list(
        # Header
        title = []
        # Traverse the first row header information in Excel file
        for i in rows[0]:
        # Use case data list
        cases = []
        # Traverse case data lines
        for row in rows[1:]:
            # Define a list to hold the data of each row
            data = []
            # Traverse the data of each row
            for r in row:
            # The data of each row is packaged by zip, then converted into a dictionary and stored in the use case data list
            case = dict(zip(title, data))
        return cases

② store each data as a CaseData class object type

class CaseData(object):
    """Save case data class"""
    def read_data_obj(self):
        """Read data(Save data to CaseData Class)"""
        rows = list(
        # Header
        title = []
        # Traverse the first row header information in Excel file
        for i in rows[0]:
        # Define the use case list to store the use case class list
        cases = []
        # Traverse case data lines
        for row in rows[1:]:
            # Define a list to hold the data of each row
            data = []
            # Traverse the data of each row
            for r in row:
            # The data of each row is packaged by zip, then converted into a dictionary and stored in the use case data list
            case = dict(zip(title, data))
            # Define a use case storage class object
            case_obj = CaseData()
            for k, v in case.items():
                # Add attributes to objects through setattr()
                setattr(case_obj, k, v)
            # Add objects to the list
        return cases

2. Write data

    def write_data(self, row, column, value):
        //Write data
        :param row: That's ok
        :param column: column
        :param value: data
        # Write data by specifying row and column, column=column, value=value)
        # Preservation
        # Close

**When you need to operate excel, you can call it directly to reduce the amount of repeated code.

Posted by thewooleymammoth on Wed, 18 Dec 2019 13:00:43 -0800