Yesterday, a student asked me about the crawler and said that the xpath grammar had no data. It may be that something else is wrong, not the xpath grammar. We need to learn to find the cause of the error.
- Print the content of the request to see if there is any data you want.
- If not, is the request wrong?
- Does the request succeed with asynchronous loading?
This step by step error elimination.
To continue the student's problem today, he needs to crawl the data of micro-reward.
Web Site Analysis
- Open the website, turn pages unchanged, see is the request of the post, very easy to do, directly into the parameters, here as long as you switch pages can turn pages.
- json format
Here the post returns json data, parsing json data on the line, tips: Look at the preview, parse up the click (ordinary people do not tell him, remember to come to Bozan). Here you need to extract the name of the activity, id and the number of people participating in the reward. This is used in the following detail page.
- Details page
Still post, still json data, where the parameter pro_id is the previous crawl id, this page 20 information, through the number of participants in front of the number of pages constructed, continue to parameters.
import requests import json import math def get_sup_info(url,page): params = { 'ajaxtype':1, 'page':page, 'category':1, 'pageSize':8 } cookies = { 'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36', 'Cookie':'acw_tc=AQAAAKLQ3U/WTAYAggq7PZ24WOlm9vQW; PHPSESSID=r0nbvk7hppjftegk4fpt9cu535; _uab_collina=150094753858198811653567; mdswv=v1.0; mdsa=MD-STICS-5976a44746eca; mdss=6-o; mdsf=md; mdsff=www_so_com; ci_session=a%3A5%3A%7Bs%3A10%3A%22session_id%22%3Bs%3A32%3A%22caefb4c752d5877e1c5aa4aa5df37e99%22%3Bs%3A10%3A%22ip_address%22%3Bs%3A14%3A%22123.57.117.133%22%3Bs%3A10%3A%22user_agent%22%3Bs%3A109%3A%22Mozilla%2F5.0+%28Windows+NT+6.1%3B+WOW64%29+AppleWebKit%2F537.36+%28KHTML%2C+like+Gecko%29+Chrome%2F57.0.2987.133+Safari%2F537.36%22%3Bs%3A13%3A%22last_activity%22%3Bi%3A1500949741%3Bs%3A9%3A%22user_data%22%3Bs%3A0%3A%22%22%3B%7D688590410f74ae5570846b68edaa6a67; u_asec=090%23qCQXOTXPXpnXuvi0XXXXXuS8vzgEjU05DQJMOF5UA9EUDzQmhY5%2BGl8VXvXQMcYTnuxiXXf8AfIwSTQXU6hnXXa3HoQCh9T4gY73OjjeG%2FXUHYVms%2BhnDXG3Hoqhh9kvan73O51TXvXuLWQ5Hfv5oTQXaOXTs7%2BZhPNGlTQXFdOVReD%2FItB4na8Dnin5Lm97WiM5ra4hxeC7S3lO6usAcNvwY4vCdr7HxBzviaxEIhQGz7LKItio9zCD7XwC65ZVdC6hXZCHFeYVapLaISEbstnWekYGxg9lzXcEX5lZOhntBpwW6glEhtlW9kNvXvXKxprV%2B%2FSVO5OeHhobpDlHgCz6CITLvzBvaOviXXFKMieaRAn%3D; SERVERID=75c0ee4e77ef78c56ac6e5a297fdd0b8|1500949742|1500947526' } html =, data=params, headers=cookies) json_data = json.loads(html.text) des = json_data['des'] for data in des: name = data['name'] id = data['id'] pay_count = data['pay_count'] all_page = math.ceil(int(pay_count)/20) for i in range(1,int(all_page)+1): get_app_info(i,id,name) def get_app_info(page,id,name): params = { 'pro_id': id, 'type': '1', 'page': page, 'pageSize': '20' } cookies = { 'User-Agent':'xx', 'Cookie':'xx' } html ='',data=params,headers=cookies) json_data = json.loads(html.text) datas = json_data['data'] for data in datas: nickname = data['nickname'] money = data['total_back_amount'] print(name,nickname,money) if __name__ == '__main__': for i in range(1,10): get_sup_info('',i)
With the addition of the request header, 10 pages are crawled here for experiments, and the printed output is not stored.