A built-in function
1. Revsedflip, return iterator
# take s Inversion s = 'It's not Shanghai. Tap water comes from the sea' # Method 1 print(s[::-1]) # Method two s1 = reversed(s) i = '' for el in s1: i +=el print(i)
Slice slice
lis = ['nishi','woshi','shuia','benjim'] s = slice(1,3) print(lis[s])
# Format output s = "My name is{name},I'd like to go{adress},I like it{hobby}.".format(name='zhangmeng',adress='Shanghai',hobby='dance') print(s) # Character string print(format('test', '<20')) # Left alignment print(format('test', '>20')) # Right alignment print(format('test', '^20')) # Centered # numerical value print(format(3, 'b')) # Binary system print(format(97, 'c')) # convert to unicode character print(format(11, 'd')) # Decimal system print(format(11, 'o')) # Octal number system print(format(11, 'x')) # Hexadecimal(Lowercase letters) print(format(11, 'X')) # Hexadecimal(Capital) print(format(11, 'n')) # and d equally print(format(11)) # and d equally # Floating point number print(format(123456789, 'e')) # Scientific counting. Keep 6 decimal places by default print(format(123456789, '0.2e')) # Scientific counting. Keep 2 decimal places(A lowercase letter) print(format(123456789, '0.2E')) # Scientific counting. Keep 2 decimal places(Capitalization) print(format(1.23456789, 'f')) # Decimal point counting. Keep 6 decimal places print(format(1.23456789, '0.2f')) # Decimal point counting. Keep 2 decimal places print(format(1.23456789, '0.10f')) # Decimal point counting. Keep 10 decimal places print(format(1.23456789e+10000, 'F')) # Decimal point counting.
4. type() return type ﹣ ord(); input character find the position of character encoding ﹣ chr(); input position find the corresponding character ﹣ ascii() judge whether the information given is ASCII
for i in range(65536): print(chr(i), end="")
Two. Recursion.
Function calls itself, recursive entry (parameter) and exit (return)
def func(): print('I'm recursive.') func() func() # Official display up to 1000.But it won't run to 1000. It's 998
# Traversal of tree structure import os def func(lujing, n): lis = os.listdir(lujing) # Open the folder and list all file names in the folder for el in lis: # el Is the name of the file # Restore file path path = os.path.join(lujing,el) if os.path.isdir(path):# Determine whether the path is a folder print('*' * n,el) # Show folder name func(path, n+1) # Once more else: print('/t'*n,el) # Display file func('f:/a', 0)
import os def func(lujing, n): lis = os.listdir(lujing ) # Open the folder and list all file names in the folder for el in lis: # el File name # Path to restore file path = os.path.join(lujing, el) if os.path.isdir(path): # Determine whether the path is a folder print('*'* n, el) # Show folder name func(path, n+1) # Once more else: with open(path,mode='wb') as f: # Open file, write content f.write(b'123456') print('/t'*n, el) # Display file func('F:/a',0)
The search efficiency is very high. The main function of dichotomy search is to find elements
# binary search lst = [1,4,6,7,9,21,23,45,67,87,65,43,89] n = int(input('Please enter a number:')) lst = sorted(lst) # print(lst) left = 0 right = len(lst)-1 while left <= right: mid = (left + right)//2 if n > lst[mid]: left = mid+1 elif n < lst[mid]: right = mid -1 else: print("existence") break else: print('Non-existent')
# Recursive cut list def func(n,lst): left = 0 right = len(lst)-1 if lst != []: mid = (left+right)//2 if n>lst[mid]: func(n,lst[mid+1:]) elif n < lst[mid]: func(n,lst[:mid]) else: print("Eureka") return else: print("Can't find") return n = int(input('Please enter the number you want to find:')) lst = [1,4,6,7,9,21,23,45,67,87,65,43,89] func(n,lst)
# Recursion 2 def func(n,lst,left,right): # Recursion finds out what is mutable and what is immutable if left <= right: mid = (left+right)//2 if n > lst[mid]: left = mid+1 return func(n,lst,left,right) elif n < lst[mid]: right = mid - 1 return func(n, lst, left, right) else: print('Eureka') return mid # difficulty else: print('Can't find') return -1 n = int(input('Please enter the number you want to find:')) lst = [13,45,56,67,78,57,89,101] ret = func(n,lst,0,len(lst)-1) print(ret)
# Fastest way to find lst = [13,45,56,57,67,78,89,101] # Find the maximum number new_lst = [] for i in range(99): new_lst.append(0) for i in lst: new_lst[i] = 1 i = int(input('Please enter the data you are looking for:')) if new_lst[i] == 0: print('Non-existent') else: print('existence')