python-onvif for client control of camera cloud

Keywords: Python pip github git

Reference resources:

In the onvif test tool for Haikang camera This article introduces how to use onvif test tool to debug Haikang camera and how to configure it.

This paper describes how to call the onvif protocol interface to control the cloud table rotation of Haikang camera. Most of the code queried is implemented using C++, which is a bit complex. This paper uses python interface directly to implement.

This article is implemented under python2. There are some problems with python3 installation and need to be debugged. Please look forward to it

1 Install python-onvif

1.1 pip Installation

The onvif package has been officially installed by python, so it can be installed directly from pip as follows

pip install onvif

Note that the pip must correspond to python2 here. If it corresponds to python3, you may have problems, so to avoid this problem, it is recommended to install from the following source code

1.2 Source Installation

git clone
cd python-onvif
python2 install

1.3 Installation Test

After successful installation, run python2, enter the following statement, and install successfully without error

from onvif import ONVIFCamera

2 Exercise Test

In the python-onvif installation package, there is an examples folder with a file, coded as follows

from time import sleep

from onvif import ONVIFCamera

XMAX = 1
XMIN = -1
YMAX = 1
YMIN = -1

def perform_move(ptz, request, timeout):
    # Start continuous move
    # Wait a certain time
    # Stop continuous move
    ptz.Stop({'ProfileToken': request.ProfileToken})

def move_up(ptz, request, timeout=1):
    print 'move up...'
    request.Velocity.PanTilt._x = 0
    request.Velocity.PanTilt._y = YMAX
    perform_move(ptz, request, timeout)

def move_down(ptz, request, timeout=1):
    print 'move down...'
    request.Velocity.PanTilt._x = 0
    request.Velocity.PanTilt._y = YMIN
    perform_move(ptz, request, timeout)

def move_right(ptz, request, timeout=1):
    print 'move right...'
    request.Velocity.PanTilt._x = XMAX
    request.Velocity.PanTilt._y = 0
    perform_move(ptz, request, timeout)

def move_left(ptz, request, timeout=1):
    print 'move left...'
    request.Velocity.PanTilt._x = XMIN
    request.Velocity.PanTilt._y = 0
    perform_move(ptz, request, timeout)

def continuous_move():
    mycam = ONVIFCamera('', 80, 'admin', '12345')
    # Create media service object
    media = mycam.create_media_service()
    # Create ptz service object
    ptz = mycam.create_ptz_service()

    # Get target profile
    media_profile = media.GetProfiles()[0];

    # Get PTZ configuration options for getting continuous move range
    request = ptz.create_type('GetConfigurationOptions')
    request.ConfigurationToken = media_profile.PTZConfiguration._token
    ptz_configuration_options = ptz.GetConfigurationOptions(request)

    request = ptz.create_type('ContinuousMove')
    request.ProfileToken = media_profile._token

    ptz.Stop({'ProfileToken': media_profile._token})

    # Get range of pan and tilt
    # NOTE: X and Y are velocity vector
    global XMAX, XMIN, YMAX, YMIN
    XMAX = ptz_configuration_options.Spaces.ContinuousPanTiltVelocitySpace[0].XRange.Max
    XMIN = ptz_configuration_options.Spaces.ContinuousPanTiltVelocitySpace[0].XRange.Min
    YMAX = ptz_configuration_options.Spaces.ContinuousPanTiltVelocitySpace[0].YRange.Max
    YMIN = ptz_configuration_options.Spaces.ContinuousPanTiltVelocitySpace[0].YRange.Min

    # move right
    move_right(ptz, request)

    # move left
    move_left(ptz, request)

    # Move up
    move_up(ptz, request)

    # move down
    move_down(ptz, request)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Modify the IP, username and password in the line 43 function to the parameters of your camera, such as the following for my camera

mycam = ONVIFCamera('', 80, 'admin', 'jiaxun123')

Then run python2, and the camera cloud can move up and down to the right, respectively. With this code, we can write our own motion control program


Posted by first_lady_the_queen on Wed, 15 May 2019 03:55:30 -0700