python multi process explanation

Keywords: Python less

python multitasking process

1, First demo

  1. Process: after a program runs, the resource used by code + is called process, which is the basic unit of non allocated resources of the operating system. Multitasking completed by threads, processes can also
  2. Process in python uses process in multiprocessing module to define usage.
  3. give an example:
    """Multitasking process"""
    import multiprocessing
    import time
    def test1():
        while True:
    def test2():
        while True:
    def main():
        p1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=test1)
        p2 = multiprocessing.Process(target=test2)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    Operation result:

2, Queue

Process Queue: (decoupling  low coupling) (complete data sharing)
  1. Import: from multiprocessing import Queue
  1. Create and specify the maximum storage quantity: q = Queue(X) X: the maximum storage quantity
  2. Put data: q.put() get data: q.get()  get() if it is empty, it will block put () if it is full
  3. Judge whether it is full: q.full() (true when it is full) judge whether it is empty: q.empty() (true when it is empty) return value is true: full / empty
  4. If there is no data, this q.get_nowait() throws an exception
  5. Any data type

Simulate downloading things on the Internet

"""Multitask --process --Queue Queue inter process data sharing"""
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Queue

def download_form_web(q):
    """Simulate downloading from a website"""
    data = [11, 22, 33, 44]
    # Write data to queue
    for temp in data:
    # Output a successful write prompt
    print("----Downloader has finished downloading and data has been written to the queue----")

def analysis_data(q):
    """Read data from queue"""
    waitting = list()
    # Read data from queue
    while True:
        data = q.get()
        # If it is empty, exit empty: true when it is empty
        if q.empty():

def main():
    """Queue Queue, interprocess communication"""
    # 1. Create a queue without writing parameters, and allocate space according to the hardware of the computer
    q = Queue()
    # 2. Create multiple processes to pass queues in as arguments
    p1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=download_form_web, args=(q, ))
    p2 = multiprocessing.Process(target=analysis_data, args=(q, ))
    # Start process

if __name__ == "__main__":

3, Process Pool

  1. When there are not many subprocesses to be created, you can directly use the Process in multiprocessing to dynamically generate multiple processes. If there are hundreds or even thousands of goals, the workload of manually creating a Process is huge, then you can use the Pool method provided by multiprocessing module.

  2. When initializing the Pool, you can specify a maximum number of processes. When a new request is submitted to the Pool, if the process Pool is not full, a new process will be created to execute the request. If the process Pool is full, you need to wait until there are processes in the process Pool to finish, and then the previous process will be used to execute the new task.

  3. Initialize process pool: Pool(x):x is the maximum number of processes

  4. Create and call the target function: zpply_ Async (target function to be called, (parameter tuple passed to target,))

  5. join(): wait for all processes in the process pool to execute (to be placed after close())

  6. close(): close process pool – > process pool will not accept new requests

  7. os.getpid(): view process number

  8. example:

    """Process pool"""
    from multiprocessing import Pool
    import os, time, random
    def worker(msg):
        """Process pool work"""
        t_start = time.time()
        print("%s Start execution, The process number is:%d" % (msg, os.getpid()))
        # random.random() randomly generate floating-point numbers between 0-1
        t_stop = time.time()
        print(msg, "It takes time to execute%0.2f" % (t_stop - t_start))
    def main():
        po = Pool(3)  # Define a process pool with a maximum of 3 processes
        for i in range(0,10):
            # Pool().apply_ Async (the target function to call, (the parameter tuple passed to the target,))
            # Each cycle will call the target with the idle sub process
            po.apply_async(worker,(i, ))
        po.close()  # Shut down the process pool. po will not accept new requests after shutting down
        po.join()  # Wait for the execution of all subprocesses in po to complete, which must be placed after the close statement
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    Implementation results:

4, Case: file copying

  1. Use process pool to complete basic functions

    """Multi process case -- Folder copy"""
    import os
    import multiprocessing
    def copy_folder(file_name, old_folder_name, new_folder_name):
        """Copy file"""
        print("copy%s Under the catalog%s reach%s lower" % (old_folder_name, file_name, new_folder_name))
        # read file
        old_file = open(old_folder_name + '/' + file_name, 'rb')
        count =
        # Writing documents
        new_file = open(new_folder_name + '/' + file_name, 'wb')
    def main():
        """Replication of multi process folder"""
        # Get the name of the folder to copy
        old_folder_name = input("Please enter the name of the folder to copy:")
        # New folder name + create
        new_folder_name = old_folder_name + "_enclosure"
            # Exception if created
        # Get files in folder os.listdir()
        file_names = os.listdir(old_folder_name)
        # Copy file
        # Create process pool
        po = multiprocessing.Pool()
        for file_name in file_names:
            # Add task to process pool
            po.apply_async(copy_folder,args=(file_name, old_folder_name, new_folder_name))
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    Operation results:

  2. Add progress bar using Queue queue communication

    """Multi process case -- Folder copy -- Queue Queue communication progress bar"""
    import os
    import multiprocessing
    def copy_folder(q, file_name, old_folder_name, new_folder_name):
        """Copy file"""
        # print("copy% s in% s directory to% s"% (old_folder_name, file_name, new_folder_name))
        # read file
        old_file = open(old_folder_name + '/' + file_name, 'rb')
        # Write file
        new_file = open(new_folder_name + '/' + file_name, 'wb')
        while True:
            count =
            if count:
        # Write and send the message to the queue
    def main():
        """Replication of multiprocess folders"""
        # Get the name of the folder to copy
        old_folder_name = input("Please enter the name of the folder to copy:")
        # New folder name + create
        new_folder_name = old_folder_name + "_enclosure"
        # print(new_folder_name)
            # If it has been created, an exception will occur
        # Get files in folder os.listdir()
        file_names = os.listdir(old_folder_name)
        # Copy file
        # Create queue
        q = multiprocessing.Manager().Queue()
        # Create process pool
        po = multiprocessing.Pool()
        for file_name in file_names:
            # Add tasks to the process pool
            po.apply_async(copy_folder,args=(q, file_name, old_folder_name, new_folder_name))
        # po.join()
        # Total files
        file_num = len(file_names)
        file_num_ok = 0
        # Show progress
        while True:
            file_name_ok = q.get()
            # Print (% s file has been copied)% file_name_ok)
            file_num_ok +=1
            print("\r Progress of copy completion:%.2f %%" % (file_num_ok*100 / file_num), end="")
            if file_num_ok >= file_num:
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    Operation result:

5, Summary

The difference between process and thread: Different definitions:
  1. Process is an independent unit of resource allocation and scheduling in the system
  1. Thread is an entity in the process and the basic unit of cpu scheduling and dispatching
  1. There must be a thread in a process
  1. A program has at least one process, and a process has at least one thread
  1. The dividing scale of threads is smaller than that of processes (less resources than processes), which makes the concurrent surname of multithreaded programs higher
  1. In the process of process execution, there are independent memory units, and multi threads share memory, which greatly improves the efficiency of the program
  1. Threads cannot run alone and must exist in the process

Posted by 2paulm on Sun, 28 Jun 2020 20:35:19 -0700