#My QQ email authorization code: XXXXXXX
1.Python automatically sends mail
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.header import Header
qq_host = "smtp.qq.com" # Sending server qq_port = "465" # Sending server port qq_username = 'XXXXXXX@qq.com' # Sending user name qq_password = "XXXXXXXXX" # Sending authorization code instead of login password from_addr = qq_username to_addr = ['XXXXXX@qq.com'] msg = MIMEText('Auto send mail test', 'plain', 'utf-8') msg['From'] = Header(",".join(to_addr)) msg['To'] = Header("chen") msg['Subject'] = Header('python mail') server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(qq_host) server.connect(qq_host, qq_port) # Enter the server address and port number server.login(qq_username, qq_password) # Enter mailbox user name and authorization code server.sendmail(from_addr, to_addr, msg.as_string()) server.quit()
2. Make QR code pictures
from MyQR import myqr
myqr.run( words='http://weixin.qq.com/r/kzlje9TEE4lsrZAY92yB', # After scanning the QR code, the displayed content or jump link version=5, # Set fault tolerance level='H', # Control the error correction level, ranging from L, M, Q and H, increasing from left to right picture='tu.gif', # The directory where the picture is located can be a moving picture colorized=True, # Black and white (False) or color (True) contrast=1.0, # It is used to adjust the contrast of the picture. 1.0 represents the original picture. The default is 1.0. brightness=1.0, # It is used to adjust the brightness of the picture. The usage is the same as above. save_name='Python.gif', # Control the output file name. The format can be. jpg,. png,. bmp,. gif )
3. Absolute value
import math
# Method 1: condition judgment def abs_value1(): a = float(input('1.Please enter a number:')) if a >= 0: a = a else: a = -a print('The absolute value is:%f' % a) # Method 2: built in function abs() def abs_value2(): a = float(input('2.Please enter a number:')) a = abs(a) print('The absolute value is:%f' % a) # Method 3: built in module math def abs_value3(): a = float(input('3.Please enter a number:')) a = math.fabs(a) print('The absolute value is:%f' % a) # Run the function and check it. abs_value1() abs_value2() abs_value3()
4.CSV module
(1) Write file
import csv
with open("demo.csv","w",newline="",encoding="utf-8") as demo :
writer = csv.writer(demo)
writer.writerow(['movie', 'Douban score'])
(2) Read file
with open("demo.csv","r",newline="",encoding="utf-8") as demo:
reader = csv.reader(demo)
for i in reader:
5. openpyxl module to operate Excel file ExcelManual
(1) Reference openpyxl module to create new workbooks and worksheets
import openpyxl
#Reference openpyxl.
wb = openpyxl.Workbook()
#To create a new workbook object is to create a new empty Excel file.
sheet = wb.active
#Is to get the activity table of this workbook, usually the first worksheet.
sheet.title = 'new title'
#You can rename the worksheet with. Title. Now the name of the first worksheet will be changed from the original default "sheet1" to "new title".
(2)Write data, operate worksheet sheet.cell(row=1, column=1).value = "The first method" sheet['A1'] = 'The second method' sheet.append(['Captain America','Iron Man','Spider-Man'])#The third method is to add at the end of the file (3)Write multiple lines rows = [['Captain America','Iron Man','Spider-Man'],['yes','Marvel','universe', 'classic','character']] #First write the multi line content to be written into a list, then put it into a large list and assign it to rows. for i in rows: sheet.append(i) #Traverse the rows and add the traversed content to the table at the same time, so as to realize multi row writing. print(rows) #Print rows wb.save('Marvel.xlsx') #Save the new Excel file and name it "Marvel.xlsx". Note: "after successful writing, we must remember to save this Excel file, otherwise it will be written in vain!" (4)Write data to an existing Workbook wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('Marvel.xlsx')#Open the workbook with the parameter file path sheet = wb['new title']#Select form sheetname = wb.sheetnames print(sheetname) A1_cell = sheet['A1'] A1_value = A1_cell.value print(A1_value) --------Supplementary content--------- (5)Create table( sheet) # Method 1: insert to last (default) ws1 = wb.create_sheet("Mysheet") # Mode 2: insert to the beginning ws2 = wb.create_sheet("Mysheet", 0) (6)Select table( sheet) # sheet names can be indexed as key s ws3 = wb["New Title"] ws4 = wb.get_sheet_by_name("New Title") ws is ws3 is ws4 True (7) View table name( sheet) # Show all table names#You must add a title to get the table name print(wb.sheetnames) ['Sheet2', 'New Title', 'Sheet1'] # Traverse all tables for sheet in wb: print(sheet.title) (8)Get all methods of the form sheet = wb.worksheets#Get all forms return list sheet = wb.worksheets[2]#Select one sheet = wb["sheet1"]# (9)How to read cells A1_cell = sheet.cell(1,1)#Enter coordinates A1_cell = sheet['A1'] cell_range = ws['A1':'C2']#Slice acquisition (10)Get each row and column sheet.rows #It is a generator, which contains the data of each row, and each row is wrapped by a tuple. sheet.columns #Similar, but each tuple is the cell of each column. (11)Gets the maximum rows and columns print(sheel.max_row) print(sheel.max_column) (12)Get letters from numbers, get numbers from letters from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter, column_index_from_string # Returns letters based on the numbers in the column print(get_column_letter(2)) # B # Returns the number of columns based on letters print(column_index_from_string('D')) # 4 (13)Delete sheet # Mode 1 wb.remove(sheet) # Mode II del wb[sheet] (19)Cell fill color from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill fill = PatternFill(start_color ='FFFF00', end_color = 'FFFF00', fill_type = 'solid') #Set cell fill yellow # fill = PatternFill() #Set cell to no fill ws1.cell(row = 1, column = 1, value = 10).fill = fill RGB Color query cross reference table link: http://www.114la.com/other/rgb.htm Original link: https://blog.csdn.net/tankloverainbow/article/details/79801062
6.os module
import os
#os common methods
os.mkdir("python22") # create a new directory. Only one level directory can be created
os.makedirs('dirname1/dirname2 ') # generates multi-level recursive directories, which can create directories that do not exist at multiple levels
os.rmdir("python22") # delete an empty directory
os.remove(path) # deletes files. Only files can be deleted
Os.removediers (path) # delete empty folder
os.path.exists("python22") # judge whether the folder exists, whether the file exists, and whether the path exists. If it exists, return True; otherwise, return False
os.path.isdir("python22") # determines whether it is a directory, and returns True
os.path.isfile("py22.txt") # judge whether it is a file, and return True
path1 = os.getcwd() # get the working directory of the current file, excluding the file name
path2 = os.path.basename(file) # returns the file name
path3 = os.path.realpath(file) # return absolute path + file name
path4 = os.path.abspath(path) returns the absolute path
path5 = os.path.split(path3) # cuts the current path, cuts off the last level, and returns a tuple, which can be obtained by a[0],a[1]
path6 = os.path.dirname(path) returns the file path of the previous level, removing the first level
os.path.join(path6, "a.txt") # splice the path, and combine the directory and file name into one path
#os supplementary method
The os.unlink() method is used to delete the file and returns an error if the file is a directory.
os.path.abspath(path) returns the absolute path
os.path.basename(path) returns the file name
os.path.commonprefix(list) returns the longest path shared by all paths in the list (multiple paths)
os.path.dirname(path) returns the file path of the previous level, removing the first level
os.path.exists(path) returns True if the path path exists; False if the path does not exist.
os.path.lexists returns True if the path exists, and True if the path is corrupted
os.path.expanduser(path) converts "" and "user" contained in path into user directory
os.path.expandvars(path) replaces the variables contained in the path according to the value of the environment variable“
name "and"
Name "and" {name}“
os.path.getatime(path) returns the most recent access time (floating-point seconds)
os.path.getmtime(path) returns the most recent file modification time
Os.path.gettime (path) returns the creation time of the file path
os.path.getsize(path) returns the file size. If the file does not exist, it returns an error
os.path.isabs(path) determines whether it is an absolute path
os.path.isfile(path) determines whether the path is a file
os.path.isdir(path) determines whether the path is a directory
os.path.islink(path) determines whether the path is a link
os.path.ismount(path) determines whether the path is a mount point
os.path.join(path1[, path2 [,...]]) combines the directory and file name into one path
os.path.normcase(path) converts the case and slash of path
os.path.normpath(path) specifies the path string form
os.path.realpath(path) returns the real path of the path
os.path.relpath(path[, start]) calculates the relative path from start
os.path.samefile(path1, path2) determines whether the directory or file is the same
os.path.sameopenfile(fp1, fp2) determines whether fp1 and fp2 point to the same file
Os.path.sampestat (STAT1, stat2) determines whether stat tuple, STAT1 and stat2 point to the same file
os.path.split(path) divides the path into dirname and basename, and returns a tuple
os.path.splitdrive(path) is generally used in windows to return the tuple composed of drive name and path
Os.path.splittext (path) splits the path and returns the tuple of the path name and file extension
os.path.splitunc(path) divides the path into load points and files
os.path.walk(path, visit, arg) traverses the path and calls the visit function when entering each directory. The visit function must have three parameters (arg, dirname, names),
dirname represents the directory name of the current directory, names represents all file names in the current directory, and args is the third parameter of walk
os.path.supports_unicode_filenames sets whether Unicode pathnames are supported
7.requests library # extension: how to view the robots protocol of the website? It's very simple to add / robots.txt after the domain name of the website.
import requests
URL = "https://localprod.pandateacher.com/python-manuscript/crawler-html/sanguo.md"
res = requests.get(URL) #Open the web page and add it to the res variable, or instantiate the Response object print(res.status_code) #Print the response status code of the variable res to check whether the request is successful res = res.content #Returns the contents of the Reponse object as binary data wen = res.text #Returns the contents of the Response object as a string res.encoding='utf-8' #Redefine the encoding of the Reponse object to utf-8. #The requests library will make its own judgment on the encoding type of data. #If the judgment is not accurate, there will be a pile of random codes, so we can check the code of the target data, #Then use res.encoding to define the code as the type consistent with the target data. with open("Romance of the Three Kingdoms.txt","a")as san: san.write(wen) print(wen[:80]) #--------------Expand save a song-------------------------------------------------------------# import requests url = "https://static.pandateacher.com/Over%20The%20Rainbow.mp3" res = requests.get(url) print(res.status_code) musik = res.content with open("English songs.mp3","wb") as m: m.write(musik) print("The song has been saved") print(len(musik))
8.BeautifulSoup module parses data + extracts data
(1) Simple version code
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = 'https://localprod.pandateacher.com/python-manuscript/crawler-html/spder-men0.0.html' res = requests.get (url) print(res.status_code) #Print the response status code of the variable res to check whether the request is successful soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text,'html.parser') #Parse the web page into a BeautifulSoup object item = soup.find('div') #Use the find() method to extract the first < div > element and put it into the variable item. items = soup.find_all('div') #Use find_all() extracts all the data that meets the requirements and puts it in the variable items items = soup.find_all(class_='books') # Extract the data we want by matching tags and attributes print(type(items)) #Print the data type of items (2)Detailed version code #Note: Tag.text presents the text in the Tag object, and uses Tag['href '] to extract the URL. import requests # Call requests Library from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # Call the BeautifulSoup library url = 'https://localprod.pandateacher.com/python-manuscript/crawler-html/spider-men5.0.html' res =requests.get(url) # Return a response object and assign it to res print(res.status_code) #Print the response status code of the variable res to check whether the request is successful res.encoding='utf-8' #Redefine the encoding of the Reponse object to utf-8. html=res.text # Parse res to string soup = BeautifulSoup( html,'html.parser') # Parse the web page into a BeautifulSoup object item = soup.find('div') #Use the find() method to extract the first < div > element and put it into the variable item. items = soup.find_all(class_='books') # Extract the element we want by matching the attribute class='books' for item in items: # Traverse list items kind = item.find('h2') # In each element in the list, the matching tag < H2 > extracts data title = item.find(class_='title') # In each element in the list, match the attribute class_='title 'extract data brief = item.find(class_='info') # In each element in the list, match the attribute class_='info 'extract data print(kind.text,'\n',title.text,'\n',title['href'],'\n',brief.text) # Print text for the type, name, links, and introduction of the book #------------------For copy and paste---------------------------------------# #Textgets the plain text information in the tag, even in its sub tag. #However, only the value of the tag itself can be extracted when extracting the value of the attribute. import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup url = "https://localprod.pandateacher.com/python-manuscript/crawler-html/spider-men5.0.html" res = requests.get(url) print(res.status_code) html = res.text soup = BeautifulSoup( html,'html.parser') items = soup.find_all(class_='books') for item in items: kind = item.find('h2') title = item.find(class_='title') brief = item.find(class_='info') print(kind,'\n',title,'\n',brief) print(type(kind),type(title),type(brief)) #------------------For copy and paste---------------------------------------#
9. Usage of request headers
import requests url = 'https://c.y.qq.com/base/fcgi-bin/fcg_global_comment_h5.fcg' # This is the url for the song review headers = { 'origin':'https://y.qq.com', # In this case, the request source does not need to add this parameter, just for demonstration 'referer':'https://y.qq.com/n/yqq/song/004Z8Ihr0JIu5s.html', # The request source carries more information than "origin". In this case, this parameter is not required, but only for demonstration 'user-agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ 71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36', # Marks the device and browser from which the request is sent } params = { 'g_tk':'5381', 'loginUin':'0', 'hostUin':'0', 'format':'json', 'inCharset':'utf8', 'outCharset':'GB2312', 'notice':'0', 'platform':'yqq.json', 'needNewCode':'0', 'cid':'205360772', 'reqtype':'2', 'biztype':'1', 'topid':'102065756', 'cmd':'8', 'needcommentcrit':'0', 'pagenum':0, 'pagesize':'25', 'lasthotcommentid':'', 'domain':'qq.com', 'ct':'24', 'cv':'101010 ' } res_music = requests.get(url,headers=headers,params=params) # Initiate request
10.gevent module, concurrent and asynchronous
from gevent import monkey
#Import the monkey module from the gevent library.
#monkey.patch_all() can turn the program into cooperative operation, that is, it can help the program realize asynchrony.
import gevent,time,requests
#Import gevent, time, requests
from gevent.queue import Queue
#Import queue module from gevent Library
start = time.time() url_list = ['https://www.baidu.com/', 'https://www.sina.com.cn/', 'http://www.sohu.com/', 'https://www.qq.com/', 'https://www.163.com/', 'http://www.iqiyi.com/', 'https://www.tmall.com/', 'http://www.ifeng.com/'] work = Queue() #Create a queue object and assign it to work. for url in url_list: #Traversal url_list work.put_nowait(url) #Use put_ The nowait () function can put all the URLs in the queue. def crawler(): while not work.empty(): #When the queue is not empty, execute the following procedure. url = work.get_nowait() #Use get_ The nowait () function can take out all the URLs in the queue. r = requests.get(url) #Grab the URL with the requests.get() function. print(url,work.qsize(),r.status_code) #Print the web address, queue length, and status code of the crawl request. tasks_list = [ ] #Create an empty task list for x in range(2): #This is equivalent to creating 2 crawlers task = gevent.spawn(crawler) #Create a task that executes the crawler() function with the gevent.spawn() function. tasks_list.append(task) #Add a task to the task list. gevent.joinall(tasks_list) #Use the gevent.joinall method to perform all the tasks in the task list, that is, let the crawler start crawling the website. end = time.time() print(end-start)
11.configparser configuration file
#What is a configuration file. Conf. Ini. Config. Properties. XML
#How to write a configuration file - [section] # fragment name
#option=value can also be used as option: value
#How to read configuration file - configparser
(1) Instance
from configparser import ConfigParser
#Create object, (instantiate class)
cf = ConfigParser()
#Step 1: open the file read()
#Step 2 read the content section key: option
res = cf.get("section", "option") # gets the value of [string type]
#res = cf ["section"] ["option"] # the second method reads the value and returns [string type]
(2)Write configuration file if not self.cp.has_section(section): # Check whether the section exists. If so, skip if self.cp.add_section(section) # If it does not exist, create a section self.cp[section][option] = value # Write an option=value with open(self.file_name, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: self.cp.write(f) # Save profile (2)Other methods #res = cf.getint("section","option")#Returns the value of [int type] #res = cf.getfloat("section","option")#Return the value of [floating point type] getboolean #res = cf.getboolean("section","option")#Returns the value of boolean type #eval() converts the data in parentheses to the original data type #cf.read(filename): read the contents of the file #cf.sections(): get all sections and return them in list form #cf.options(section): get all options under the section #cf.items(option): get all key value pairs of the section #cf.get(section,option): get the value of option in the section and return the result of string type #cf.has_section(section) # Judge whether the section exists. If it exists, it returns True. If it does not exist, it returns False #cf.has_option("section", "option") # Judge whether the option exists. If it exists, it returns True. If it does not exist, it returns False #cf.add_section("section") # Create a section #cf.write(open("file_name","w",encoding="utf-8")) #preservation #cf.remove_section("section") #All contents under the entire section will be deleted
12.logging module #p Python's own module
# DEBUG The most detailed log information. The typical application scenario is problem diagnosis # INFO The level of information detail is second only to DEBUG. Usually, only the key node information is recorded to confirm that everything is working as expected # WARNING Information recorded when something unexpected happens (for example, low disk free space), but the application is still running normally # ERROR Information recorded when some functions cannot function properly due to a more serious problem # CRITICAL When a serious error occurs, # Field / attribute name Use format describe # asctime % (asctime)s The time of the log is constructed into a readable form. By default, it is' 2016-02-08 12:00:00123 ', accurate to milliseconds # name % (name)s The name of the logger used is' root 'by default, because the rootLogger is used by default # filename % (filename)s The file name of the module calling the log output function; The file name part of pathname, including the file suffix # funcName % (funcName)s Which function sends the log and calls the function name of the log output function # levelname % (levelname)s Final level of log (modified by filter) # message % (message)s Log information, text content of log record # lineno % (lineno)d The line number of the current log and the code line of the statement calling the log output function # levelno % (levelno)s The log level (10, 20, 30, 40, 50) of the digital form of the log record # pathname % (pathname)s Full path, the full path name of the module that calls the log output function, which may not be available # process % (process)s Current process, process ID. Probably not # processName % (processName)s Process name, Python 3.1 NEW # thread % (thread)s Current thread, thread ID. Probably not # threadName % (thread)s Thread name # module % (module)s The module name of the call log output function, the name part of the filename, does not contain the suffix, that is, the text that does not contain the file suffix Piece name # created % (created)f The current time is represented by UNIX standard floating-point number representing time; The time of the log event -- timestamp, is Call at that time time.time()The value returned by the function # relativeCreated % (relativeCreated)d The number of milliseconds since the Logger was created when outputting log information; Log events occur at a time relative to logging Relative milliseconds of module load time # msecs % (msecs)d The millisecond portion of the log event occurrence event. The parameter datefmt is used in logging.basicConfig(), which will be removed asctime The millisecond part generated in can be added with this (1)Module usage import logging # Daily collector Logger default log collector root Logger # Log output table handlers console file txt test. log # Log collector level DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL # 1: Define a daily collector and set the level getLogger my_logger = logging.getLogger("python22") my_logger.setLevel('DEBUG') # 2: Specify the output channel and also set the level StreamHandLer -- to output to the console and FiLeHandLer to output to the specified file formatter = logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s]-[%(name)s]-[%(levelname)s]-[log information]: %(message)s")#Define log format variables ch = logging.StreamHandler() # Console channel ch.setLevel('INFO') # Level of output to console#The default output level is warning ch.setFormatter(formatter) # Format log fh = logging.FileHandler("test.log" , encoding = "utf-8") # Document channel fh.setLevel("INFO") # Level of output to file#The default output level is warning fh.setFormatter(formatter) # Format log # 3: Docking my_logger.addHandler(ch) # Docking console channel my_logger.addHandler(fh) # Docking document channel my_logger.debug("Most detailed log information") my_logger.info("Record key node information") my_logger.warning("Information recorded when something unexpected happens") my_logger.error("Information recorded when some functions cannot function properly due to a more serious problem") my_logger.critical("Information recorded when a serious error occurs that prevents the application from continuing to run") my_logger.removeHandler(ch)#Clear console channel information my_logger.removeHandler(fh)#Clear file channel information (2)log Logging rules for logs http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-664509-id-3023200.html (3)Encapsulated into classes for later use
13.unittest unit test module
(1) Write test cases
class TestAdd(unittest.TestCase): # first inherit the TestCase class in the unittest module
def test_01_add(self):
self.assertEqual(add(1,2,3),6, "failed") # assertion
def test_02_add(self): self.assertEqual(add(1,2),3) def setUpClass(self):#This is the program to be executed before the use case is executed. It is usually used to load firmware print("Start executing use cases") def tearDownClass(self):#This is the program to be executed after the use case is executed. It is usually used to close the loaded firmware. print("end of execution") unittest.main()#It is used to run the program and put it at the program entrance (2)Load test cases and create test packages #Loading method 1 import unittest from __0918 task unittest unit testing __ import test_add def test_add_suite(): #Build a function loader = unittest.TestLoader()#Instantiate the TestLoader class, which is used to load test cases suite = unittest.TestSuite()#Instantiate TestSuite class, which is used to create test packages and receive loaded test cases tests = loader.loadTestsFromModule(test_add) #1. Load test cases through the module where the test class is located #loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(test_add) #2. Load test cases through test classes. Choose one of the two methods suite.addTest(tests)#Load the loaded test cases into the test package return suite#Return test package #Loading method 2 import os import unittest # Automatically discover test cases and directly load all test cases in the folder def test_add_suite(): loader = unittest.TestLoader()# Initialize loader # Auto discover test cases start_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))#Folder path. The unit test case file must start with test to be found, or the library file can be changed. Non use case files should not start with test, otherwise they are easy to be executed repeatedly suite = loader.discover(start_dir)#Put path return suite (3)Execute the test case and put the execution results of the test case on the console import unittest import time import HTMLTestRunnerNew from __0918 task unittest unit testing __.test_add_suite import test_add_suite #Execution method 1: output test cases directly to the console if __name__ == '__main__': runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2)#Test runner, parameter verbosity=0,1,2 Respectively represent the output information. Level 2 is the most detailed parameter stream=f Output information to a file. The default is output to the console runner.run(test_add_suite())#Execute test cases #Execution method 2: output test cases to files if __name__ == '__main__': # with open("demo1.txt","w",encoding="utf-8") as f: # runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2,stream=f) # runner.run(test_add_suite()) #Execution method 3: generate HTML Test report#You need to download the HTMLTestRunnerNew module if __name__ == '__main__': name_html = "Test report" + str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime()))+".html" #Folder names are generated dynamically based on time with open(name_html, "wb") as f: runner = HTMLTestRunnerNew.HTMLTestRunner(stream=f, title='Test report', description='This is a test report for performing addition test cases!', verbosity=2, tester='chen') runner.run(test_add_suite()) (4)Other uses 1.Skip execution case: use skipXxx Decorator to skip test cases. unittest A total of 3 decorators are provided: ļ¼ unittest.skip(reason), @unittest.skipIf(condition, reason) , ļ¼ unittest.skipUnless(condition, reason). among skip Represents unconditional skip, skipIf Representative when condition by True Skip when; skipUnless Representative when condition by False Skip when. use TestCase of skipTest() Method to skip the test case. #Model 1: @unittest.skip('Temporary skip test_02_add') def test_02_add(self): self.assertEqual(add(1,2),3) #Model 2: def test_02_add(self): self.skipTest('Temporary skip test_02_add') self.assertEqual(add(1,2),3) 2.Preconditions and postconditions def setUpClass(cls): pass print("Execute before all use cases, only once") def tearDownClass(cls): pass print("Execute after all use cases are executed, only once") def setUp(self): pass print("Execute before each use case execution") def tearDown(self): pass print("Execute after each use case execution") (5)Expand, automatically generate folders, and generate dynamic file names # The test report is placed in a report folder # 2. Dynamically generate a file name in time import os from datetime import datetime report_dir = os.path.join(start_dir, 'report') if not os.path.exists(report_dir):#Judge whether the folder exists, and create it if it does not exist os.mkdir(report_dir) time_str = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')#Generate dynamic file name (time dynamic) # report/2019-09-18-20.html file_name = os.path.join(report_dir, time_str + '.html') #Put file_ Just pass in the name variable (5)Assert assert methods Inspection conditions assertEqual(a, b) a == b assertNotEqual(a, b) a != b assertTrue(x) bool(x) is True assertFalse(x) bool(x) is False assertIs(a, b) a is b assertIsNot(a, b) a is not b assertIsNone(x) x is None assertIsNotNone(x) x is not None assertIn(a, b) a in b assertNotIn(a, b) a not in b assertlsInstance(a, b) isinstance(a, b) assertNotIsInstance(a, b) not isinstance(a, b) (6)Detailed reference document link Assertion link: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_29699799/article/details/79947882 https://blog.csdn.net/qq1124794084/article/details/51668672 Module usage: http://c.biancheng.net/view/2679.html
14.ddt module and decorator can only be used with unittest
import unittest
from ddt import ddt, data, unpack
from 0918 unittest.add import*
date_dick = [{"a": 1, "b": 1, "c": 2}, {"a": 2, "b": 2, "c": 4}, {"a": 3, "b": 3, "c": 6}, {"a": 4, "b": 4, "c": 8}, {"a": 5, "b": 5, "c": 10}] @ddt # Decorator, for decoration class TestAdd(unittest.TestCase): @data(*date_dick) # For decoration methods, add * to unpack and remove a layer of [] #@unpack # Iteration, when removing a layer [], the decorator is not used when passing nested lists in this function def test_01_add(self, dick): print(str(dick["c"])) self.assertEqual(add(dick["a"], dick["b"]), dick["c"]) def setUp(self): print("Start executing use cases") def tearDown(self): print("end of execution") if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
15.mock data generation and falsification of data
(1) Generate static data
from mock import Mock
res = add(1,2) # here res=8
(2) Generate dynamic data
def demo(a,b)
return a+b
add = Mock(side_effect=demo) res = add(3,4) # res=a+b
16.pytest test test framework, install pip install pytest
(1) On Case Writing:
Unittest: the test class inherits unittest.TestCase
pytest: method test in function / class (Test)_ start
(2) On case collection:
unittest: testsuite installs the use case and runs it
pytest: automatically identify use cases
Rules for identifying use cases (rules for writing pytest use cases):
1) Root directory: the root directory of pytest is the directory where you run pytest
2) Files: naming: test_ * Py or * test.py
3) Function: Class: case name: test_ test under the class starting with. test (without _init)_ The first method
(3) Use case execution sequence
1) Sort by file (ascii): for the first identified file, the use cases in it will be executed first
2) File internal - in order of code