Python merging multiple Excel data

Keywords: Python Excel pip Java

Installation module

1. Find the corresponding module

2. Install with pip install

pip install xlrd
pip install XlsxWriter

pip list view

XlsxWriter example

 1 import xlsxwriter
 3 # Create a workbook and add a worksheet
 4 workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook("demo.xlsx")
 5 worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
 7 # Set column width
 8 worksheet.set_column("A:A", 20)
10 # Set format
11 bold = workbook.add_format({"bold": True})
13 # Set cell value
14 worksheet.write("A1", "Hello")
16 # Formatted cells
17 worksheet.write("A2", "World")
19 # Write some numbers and identify them with rows and columns
20 worksheet.write(2, 0, 123)
21 worksheet.write(3, 0, 123.456, bold)
23 # Insert a picture
24 worksheet.insert_image("B5", "C:/Users/Cheng/Desktop/1.png")
26 # Close file stream
27 workbook.close()

The operation results are as follows:

Merge Excel data


Excel is composed of rows and columns, so here we read all the data in all the sheet s in all the files to form a two-dimensional array, and then write the new excel


 1 import xlrd
 2 import xlsxwriter
 4 source_xls = ["D:/python/1.xlsx", "D:/python/2.xlsx"]
 5 target_xls = "D:/python/3.xlsx"
 7 # Read data
 8 data = []
 9 for i in source_xls:
10     wb = xlrd.open_workbook(i)
11     for sheet in wb.sheets():
12         for rownum in range(sheet.nrows):
13             data.append(sheet.row_values(rownum))
14 print(data)
15 # Write data
16 workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(target_xls)
17 worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
18 font = workbook.add_format({"font_size":14})
19 for i in range(len(data)):
20     for j in range(len(data[i])):
21         worksheet.write(i, j, data[i][j], font)
22 # Close file stream
23 workbook.close()

Operation result



At the beginning of learning Python, maybe it's because I'm used to Java code. At the beginning of learning, I feel that the syntax is strange. It's similar to Java, and it's similar to JavaScript and Perl...

It deserves to be an object-oriented, interpretive high-level programming language!!!

Posted by strudo on Thu, 13 Feb 2020 10:23:09 -0800