Determining whether obj in isinstance(obj,cls) is an object of CLS class
class Person: def __init__(self,name): = name p = Person('Jane') print(isinstance(p,Person)) #True
Determine if subclass in issubclass(sub,super) is a derived class of superclass
class Person: def __init__(self,name): = name class Father(Person): pass print(issubclass(Father,Person)) #True print(issubclass(Person,Father)) #False
Reflection is the manipulation of variables with the name of a string type, everything in python is an object (reflection can be used)
The function is used to determine whether an object contains a corresponding property, usually in conjunction with getattr. hasattr is used first to determine if the object contains this property. If it does, it takes a value through getattr. If it does not, it prompts that there is no such property.
class Person: age = 20 def __init__(self,name,height,weight): = name self.height = height self.weight = weight def fuc(self): print('weight...height...') #1 if hasattr(Person,'age'): print(getattr(Person,'age')) #20 else: print('No such class attribute!') #2 p = Person('Adson',1.6,75) if hasattr(p,'bmi'): print(getattr(p,'bmi')) else: print('No such property!') #No such property! #3 if hasattr(p,'fuc'): getattr(p,'fuc')() #weight...height... else: print('No such method!')
Function to return an object property value
(1) Properties of the reflected object
class A: def __init__(self,name): = name a = A('Adson') ret = getattr(a,'name') print(ret) #Adson
(2) Method of reflecting objects
class A: def fuc(self): print('This is fuc!') a = A() ret = getattr(a,'fuc') print(ret) #<bound method A.fuc of <__main__.A object at 0x00000000024E1C88>> Get the address of a binding method ret() #This is fuc! stay ret Call method with parentheses after
(3) Properties of the reflection class
class A: age = 18 ret = getattr(A,'age') print(ret) #18
(4) Method of reflection class (classmethod, staticmethod)
Class name. Method name
class A: @classmethod def fuc(cls): print('This is class fuc!') ret = getattr(A,'fuc') print(ret) #<bound method A.fuc of <class '__main__.A'>> Get a binding method ret() #This is class fuc! getattr(A,'fuc')() #This is class fuc! Abbreviation
(5) Variables of the reflection module
Start by building a module with the module name and adding a variable
dic = {'apple' : 18,'banana' : 20}
Then reflect the module's variables through my module
import pyfile print(pyfile.dic) #{'apple': 18, 'banana': 20} ret = getattr(pyfile,'dic') print(ret) #{'apple': 18, 'banana': 20}
(6) Method of reflection module
Start by building a module named and adding a method
def fuc(): print('abc123aaa!!!')
Then reflect the module method through my module
import pyfile ret = getattr(pyfile,'fuc') print(ret) #<function fuc at 0x0000000002498D08> ret() #abc123aaa!!! getattr(pyfile,'fuc')() #abc123aaa!!!
(7) Classes of reflection modules
import pyfile b = getattr(pyfile,'B')('Josn') #getattr Equivalent to having this module B Class and instantiated a b object print(b.__dict__) #{'name': 'Josn'} print(b.price) #200 b.fuc() #This classB fuc..Josn
(8) Variables reflecting their own modules
Find the current module through sys.modules ['u main_']
import time import sys t = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) print(t) #Mon Sep 9 22:36:40 2019 print(sys.modules['__main__']) #<module '__main__' from 'C:/Users/Administrator/PycharmProjects/PYL/temp_file/'> print(sys.modules['__main__'].t) #Mon Sep 9 22:38:01 2019 ret = getattr(sys.modules['__main__'],'t') print(ret) #Mon Sep 9 22:39:05 2019
(9) Ways to reflect your own modules
import sys def fuc(): print('abc123...') ret = getattr(sys.modules['__main__'],'fuc') print(ret) #<function fuc at 0x0000000002798730> ret() #abc123... getattr(sys.modules['__main__'],'fuc')() #abc123...
Used to set the value of an attribute that does not necessarily exist
class Person: age = 20 def __init__(self,name,height,weight): = name self.height = height self.weight = weight #Modify an object p = Person('Adson',1.6,75) setattr(p,'name','Jane') setattr(p,'height',1.7) setattr(p,'gender','male') print(p.__dict__) #{'name': 'Jane', 'height': 1.7, 'weight': 75, 'gender': 'male'} #Modify a class print(Person.__dict__) #{'__module__': '__main__', 'age': 20, '__init__': <function Person.__init__ at 0x0000000002548950>,
'__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Person' objects>, '__weakref__':
<attribute '__weakref__' of 'Person' objects>, '__doc__': None} setattr(Person,'age',21) setattr(Person,'name','Jane') setattr(Person,'height',1.7) setattr(Person,'gender','male') print(Person.__dict__) #{'__module__': '__main__', 'age': 21, '__init__': <function Person.__init__ at 0x0000000002548950>,
'__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Person' objects>, '__weakref__':
<attribute '__weakref__' of 'Person' objects>, '__doc__': None,
'name': 'Jane', 'height': 1.7, 'gender': 'male'}
The difference here is that objects and classes have different namespaces in which they store values
Used to delete attributes
class Person: age = 20 def __init__(self,name,height,weight): = name self.height = height self.weight = weight p = Person('Adson',1.6,75) print(p.__dict__) #{'name': 'Adson', 'height': 1.6, 'weight': 75} delattr(p,'height') print(p.__dict__) #{'name': 'Adson', 'weight': 75}
print(Person.__dict__['age']) #20 delattr(Person,'age') print(Person.__dict__['age']) #KeyError: 'age'
Built-in class methods