The number of lines of code is 230. Because the training set selected for each execution of code is different, the accuracy of each execution is also different. The best case is that the accuracy reaches 83%.
The idea of eigenvalue discretization:
Since the final classification is divided into three categories, i guess the value of each feature can also be divided into three intervals, that is, to find two segmentation values. To find the partition value, we use the double-layer for loop to find the subscripts i and j which make the information entropy minimum.
Code overall idea:
1. Process the data first, and shuffle function randomly selects 80% of the samples as the training set.
2. Eigenvalue discretization
3. Use information entropy to construct tree recursively
4. Use the constructed tree to judge the remaining 20% of the test set, and find the accuracy of the algorithm for classification
# coding: utf-8 # In[1]: from sklearn import datasets import math import numpy as np # In[69]: def getInformationEntropy(arr,leng): #print("length = ",leng) return -(arr[0]/leng*math.log(arr[0]/leng if arr[0]>0 else 1)+ arr[1]/leng*math.log(arr[1]/leng if arr[1]>0 else 1)+ arr[2]/leng*math.log(arr[2]/leng if arr[2]>0 else 1)) #informationEntropy = getInformationEntropy(num,length) #print(informationEntropy) # In[105]: #The value of discrete characteristic one def discretization(index): feature1 = np.array([[:,index],]).T feature1 = feature1[feature1[:,0].argsort()] counter1 = np.array([0,0,0]) counter2 = np.array([0,0,0]) resEntropy = 100000 for i in range(len(feature1[:,0])): counter1[int(feature1[i,1])] = counter1[int(feature1[i,1])] + 1 counter2 = np.copy(counter1) for j in range(i+1,len(feature1[:,0])): counter2[int(feature1[j,1])] = counter2[int(feature1[j,1])] + 1 #print(i,j,counter1,counter2) #Greedy algorithm for optimal cutting point if i != j and j != len(feature1[:,0])-1: #print(counter1,i+1,counter2-counter1,j-i,np.array(num)-counter2,length-j-1) sum = (i+1)*getInformationEntropy(counter1,i+1) + (j-i)*getInformationEntropy(counter2-counter1,j-i) + (length-j-1)*getInformationEntropy(np.array(num)-counter2,length-j-1) if sum < resEntropy: resEntropy = sum res = np.array([i,j]) res_value = [feature1[res[0],0],feature1[res[1],0]] print(res,resEntropy,res_value) return res_value # In[122]: #Find the appropriate segmentation value def getRazors(): a = [] for i in range(len(iris.feature_names)): print(i) a.append(discretization(i)) return np.array(a) # In[326]: #Randomly select 80% of training sets and 20% of test sets def divideData(): completeData = np.c_[,] np.random.shuffle(completeData) trainData = completeData[range(int(length*0.8)),:] testData = completeData[range(int(length*0.8),length),:] return [trainData,testData] # In[213]: def getEntropy(counter): res = 0 denominator = np.sum(counter) if denominator == 0: return 0 for value in counter: if value == 0: continue res += value/denominator * math.log(value/denominator if value>0 and denominator>0 else 1) return -res # In[262]: def findMaxIndex(dataSet): maxIndex = 0 maxValue = -1 for index,value in enumerate(dataSet): if value>maxValue: maxIndex = index maxValue = value return maxIndex # In[308]: def recursion(featureSet,dataSet,counterSet): #print("function start, remaining features:", featureSet, "remaining result length:", len(dataSet)) if(counterSet[0]==0 and counterSet[1]==0 and counterSet[2]!=0): return iris.target_names[2] if(counterSet[0]!=0 and counterSet[1]==0 and counterSet[2]==0): return iris.target_names[0] if(counterSet[0]==0 and counterSet[1]!=0 and counterSet[2]==0): return iris.target_names[1] if len(featureSet) == 0: return iris.target_names[findMaxIndex(counterSet)] if len(dataSet) == 0: return [] res = 1000 final = 0 #print("number of remaining features", len(featureSet)) for feature in featureSet: i = razors[feature][0] j = razors[feature][1] #print("i = ",i," j = ",j) set1 = [] set2 = [] set3 = [] counter1 = [0,0,0] counter2 = [0,0,0] counter3 = [0,0,0] for data in dataSet: index = int(data[-1]) #print("data ",data," index ",index) if data[feature]< i : set1.append(data) counter1[index] = counter1[index]+1 elif data[feature] >= i and data[feature] <=j: set2.append(data) counter2[index] = counter2[index]+1 else: set3.append(data) counter3[index] = counter3[index]+1 a =( len(set1)*getEntropy(counter1) + len(set2)*getEntropy(counter2) + len(set3)*getEntropy(counter3) )/ len(dataSet) #print("feature No.:, feature," entropy of information obtained by selecting this feature: ", a) if a<res : res = a final = feature #Returns the subscript of the selected feature #sequence.append(final) #print("the final feature number selected on this node is:", final) featureSet.remove(final) child = [0,0,0,0] child[0] = final child[1] = recursion(featureSet,set1,counter1) child[2] = recursion(featureSet,set2,counter2) child[3] = recursion(featureSet,set3,counter3) return child # In[322]: def judge(data,tree): root = "unknow" while(len(tree)>0): if isinstance(tree,str) and tree in iris.target_names: return tree root = tree[0] if(isinstance(root,str)): return root if isinstance(root,int): if data[root]<razors[root][0] and tree[1] != [] : tree = tree[1] elif tree[2] != [] and (tree[1]==[] or (data[root]>=razors[root][0] and data[root]<=razors[root][1])): tree = tree[2] else : tree = tree[3] return root # In[327]: if __name__ == '__main__': iris = datasets.load_iris() num = [0,0,0] for row in num[int(row[-1])] = num[int(row[-1])] + 1 length = len( [trainData,testData] = divideData() razors = getRazors() tree = recursion(list(range(len(iris.feature_names))), trainData,[np.sum(trainData[:,-1]==0), np.sum(trainData[:,-1]==1),np.sum(trainData[:,-1]==2)]) print("The tree constructed from the selected training set: ",tree) index = 0 right = 0 for data in testData: result = judge(testData[index],tree) truth = iris.target_names[int(testData[index][-1])] print("result is ",result ," truth is ",truth) index = index + 1 if result == truth: right = right + 1 print("Accuracy: ",right/index)