Python helps you design your personal signature

Keywords: Python pip encoding

As long as you leave school, the chances of writing are very few, but the chances of signing are very many. If you can't write well, but you can sign a good name, it's also a good choice.

Basic environment configuration

Version: Python 3.6

Modules: tkinter, PIL, requests

tkinter is a built-in module that does not need to be installed

PIL: pip install pillow

requests:pip install requests

Realization effect picture

GUI user interface

//Note: I have a learning base with many learning materials. Interested + Q group: 895817687
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
#create a window
root = Tk()
root.title('Python Learning group: 516107834')
#Window size, width and height
#Window initial position
#Label control
label = Label(root,text = 'autograph',font = ('Chinese script',20),fg = 'blue')
label.grid(row =0,column=0)

#Design input box
entry = Entry(root,font=('Microsoft YaHei',20))
entry.grid(row =0,column=1)
#Click button
button = Button(root,text = 'Design signature',font=('Microsoft YaHei',22)
                ,command =download)
button.grid(row =1,column=0)
#Message loop display window

Crawling design signature website data

import requests
import re

#Send request by simulated browser
def download():

    startUrl =''
    #Get the name entered by the user
    name = entry.get()
    name = name.strip()
    if name =='':
        messagebox.showinfo('Tips:','enter one user name')
        date = {
        result =,data=date)
        result.encoding = 'utf-8'
        #Get the source code of the website
        html =result.text
        reg = '<div class="tu">.<img src="(.*?)"/></div>'
        #Regular expressions (. *?) all need matching
        imagePath = re.findall(reg,html)
        #Get the full path of the picture
        imgUrl = startUrl + imagePath[0]
         #Get picture content
        response = requests.get(imgUrl).content
        f = open('{}.gif'.format(name),'wb')

        #Picture on window
        bm = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file ='{}.gif'.format(name))

        label2= Label(root,image = bm) = bm
        label2.grid(row = 2,columnspan= 2)

Complete code

from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
from PIL import  Image,ImageTk
import requests
import re

#Send request by simulated browser
def download():

    startUrl =''
    #Get the name entered by the user
    name = entry.get()
    name = name.strip()
    if name =='':
        messagebox.showinfo('Tips:','enter one user name')
        date = {
        result =,data=date)
        result.encoding = 'utf-8'
        #Get the source code of the website
        html =result.text
        reg = '<div class="tu">.<img src="(.*?)"/></div>'
        #Regular expressions (. *?) all need matching
        imagePath = re.findall(reg,html)
        #Get the full path of the picture
        imgUrl = startUrl + imagePath[0]
         #Get picture content
        response = requests.get(imgUrl).content
        f = open('{}.gif'.format(name),'wb')

        #Picture on window
        bm = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file ='{}.gif'.format(name))

        label2= Label(root,image = bm) = bm
        label2.grid(row = 2,columnspan= 2)
#create a window
root = Tk()
root.title('Python Learning group: 516107834')
#Window size, width and height
#Window initial position
#Label control
label = Label(root,text = 'autograph',font = ('Chinese script',20),fg = 'blue')
label.grid(row =0,column=0)

#Design input box
entry = Entry(root,font=('Microsoft YaHei',20))
entry.grid(row =0,column=1)
#Click button
button = Button(root,text = 'Design signature',font=('Microsoft YaHei',22)
                ,command =download)
button.grid(row =1,column=0)
#Message loop display window

Posted by mady on Thu, 31 Oct 2019 04:59:52 -0700